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devyn's pov:
It was now the next morning and I was getting ready since I had mentoring with Jordan today and Tay was waiting outside for me. I wore navy blue basketball shorts and a white fitted workout shirt with my white retro jordan's. I quickly grabbed my bag and phone and made my way to Tay's car. "Hey, what's up sis?" I said getting into Tay's car.
"Hey, haven't seen you in a hot minute. How's you and lover boy?" Tay said suggestively.
"We're good, I may or may not slept over at his house. And we may or may not kissed," I said.
"YOU WHAT? Girl I never knew you would sleep over and make out with him in the span of two days, but i'm happy for you babes," Tay replied.
"Awe thanks T, how're you and Mikey," I ask.
"He's good, but dev let me tell you this mans body is to die for like his abs holy and let's not forget about his d-" Tay began saying.
"Hey woah woah I don't wanna imagine Mickey Jr. You keep that all too yourself," I said.
"Fine, but I wanna know Bronnys size," Tay says.
"Ha you wish were having sex," I reply.
"Shut up hoe stop lying to yourself the sexual tension between you two is crazy," Tay said. I just shake my head as I get out and walk into the gym. Right when I walk in I notice the cutie i've been eager to see. "Devyn, I missed you so much," Jordan yelled as he ran into my arms.
"Awe I missed you more Jordan, now let's go practice and have fun," I replied smiling. We then walked over to the basketball net where I saw Bronny.
"Hey dev," Bronny said as he came to hug me. His scent filled my nostrils as he hooked his arms loosely around my waist. "Hey bronny," I replied as I pulled away. We then got straight into practice with a mini scrimmage and then some shooting practices and layup practices. Before I knew it, the time was up and we were taking Jordan to see if his mom was here. "Mommy," Jordan squealed as he ran into his mothers arms.
"Hey jordy, hey guys thanks so much for today. Guess we'll see you guys next time bye," Maya said.
"Bye Jordan," Bronny and I said in unison as Jordan pulled us into a group hug and said goodbye. "Wanna catch a ride with me," Bronny asked.
"I have practice in 30 minutes but sure if you want to drop me off," I replied. Bronny just nodded as he led me to his car and we drove off. The car ride was quick but we hadn't talked since I had been thinking the whole time. "Thanks for the car ride bronny," I said thankfully.
"Your welcome, i'll pick you up after your practice and we'll go out to eat," Bronny replied.
"Okay," I said but before I could leave Bronny pulled me by my arm and gave me a quick kiss on the cheek. I just rolled my eyes with my cheeks flaming red as I jogged into the gym.

Practice was hell since coach was making us do suicides every shot we missed which had me wheezing by the end. Bronny ended up picking me up and we were on our way to go eat some subway. We got into the store and ordered our sandwiches then sat down on the patio linked outside. I just sat down silently while thinking about what my mom said last night when bronny pulled me out of my thoughts. "What's wrong, looks like something's been on your mind all day," Bronny said.
"Oh it's dumb," I replied.
"It's fine what is it," Bronny said.
"I really hate to kill the mood but what happened between you and your ex?" I asked. Bronny shifted uncomfortably in his chair before saying "fuck, that's not what I was expecting. Um basically we dated on and off for like 6 months and then in the end I found out she was talking to other dudes. We didn't go too far in the relationship but yeah I haven't been interested in anyone after that." That was supposed to bring me relief but he just said he's not interested in anyone which means he doesn't like me. "Oh, cool," I replied.
"Shit did I say something wrong," Bronny said realizing my dry response.
"No it's fine," I said lowering my head so my hair covers my face.
"Hey dev, I didn't mean it that way, I like you, a lot actually," Bronny said grabbing my hand.
"Oh okay I thought you didn't for a second and then I would seem super dumb because I thought yo-" I said before Bronny cut me off.
"Dev, it's fine. Listen, I like you a lot and I want this to go somewhere. So how about this, your mine and i'm yours for however long until we both decide to start putting a label on us. We could go back to being friends or you could be my girlfriend, but for now your mine and no one else's got that."
"Yeah i'd really like that," I said before getting up and going to hug him. Bronny then kisses me for what felt like forever before letting me and go and finishing up our sandwiches. We then got up and made our way to Bronnys car. We then just drove around for hours listening to music and talking about everything and anything. "Good bye Dev, your still coming tomorrow right?" Bronny asked.
"Of course, I gotta support my baby," I said before kissing him hard. Bronny responded to my kiss immediately and pulled me over the divider and onto his lap. He then held onto my ass as our make out session became more heated and after a while we finally pulled apart to breath. "I really have to go, i'll see you though," I said smiling.
"Bye dev, see you tomorrow try not to dream too much about me tonight," Bronny responded cockily.
"Yeah yeah I know you'll be dreaming about my ass you nasty boy," I said smirking.
"Not my problem you got a nice one," Bronny said as he slapped my ass as I made my way out and went inside my home. I then dropped my bag and went to take a shower and got ready to sleep and one thing he said could not leave my mind. Your mine.

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