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devyn's pov:
It was the next morning and I was getting ready for Bronnys game when Tay finally called me back. "Are you going to Mickeys game?" I asked.
"I'm not sure, why?" Tay asked.
"Please come, i'm going I gotta support my boyfriend," I said. I suddenly heard choking on the other line. "Shit Tay you good?" I asked.
"Boyfriend? Bitch just last night you said you were best friends," Tay said aggravated.
"Yeah he kinda asked me out last night after I asked about his ex," I responded.
"Awe you two are so adorable, fine i'll come to the game," Tay said.
"Okay thanks Tay Tay, can you please pick me up too?" I asked.
"Sure, see you in 30 then," Tay said as we both hung up. Now I had to go find an outfit to wear. I looked around in my closet before deciding on wearing a white hoodie and some ripped jeans with my light blue retro jordan's. I just put my hair in braids and wore my silver chain.

tay: i'm here

devyn: kk i'm coming

I then quickly left my house and went to Tay's car. "Wassup T," I said.
"Hey dev, i'm so excited for this game," Tay said.
"Why? Are you excited to see Mikey play," I asked.
"No, I mean yeah but more about you watching your new boyfriends game," Tay said excitedly.
"Jeez, your more excited than I am," I laughed as she drove off.

We finally reached the place and were making our way to the stands when we spotted mikey. "What's good Dev," Mikey said as he hugged Tay then me.
"Not much Mikey, excited for your game?" I asked.
"Yeah last game before semis," Mikey said.
"Let's hope you win then," I smiled. I then began looking around for Bronny when my eyes caught him. He then made his way to me and hugged me tightly.
"Hey dev, glad you made it," Bronny said before the buzzer cut him off showing the game was about to start. "After I win this, i'm taking you out on a date," Bronny said confidently.
"If you win," I replied.
"I always win," Bronny said and jogged over to the other side of the court. I just shook my head as Tay and I found some seats in the front.

Bronny did end up winning the game and he was currently in the change rooms getting ready so we can leave. "Hey, let's go," Bronny said. I just got up and followed him outside to his car. Once we got in Bronny began saying "Don't ask where we're going it's a surprise."
"Okay, that's cool. By the way, you played really good Bronny. The only thing is that your fan girls are a little crazy," I said.
"Why what'd they say?" Bronny asked.
"They were screaming for you to marry them and knock them up," I said laughing. Bronny then bursted our laughing and said "dev the only girl I plan on knocking up is you."
"Shut up your not knocking me up what if I want a different baby daddy," I said.
"Why would you want ugly kids, i'm the only guy that'll give you kids with good looks and personality," Bronny said cockily. I just rolled my eyes as the car came to a stop. I then opened the door and looked to find we were at the beach. "Omg I love the beach," I said.
"Really, guess I gotta bring you here more often," Bronny said as he held my hand and led me to a spot that had a mat and some food placed on it. "This is so adorable, who set this up," I gushed.
"I actually had one of my friends come and do this before we got here," Bronny said. He then led me to sit down and I saw we were eating some pizza. We then began eating and when we were full Bronny suggested we went swimming. "Are you crazy I don't have a bikini," I said.
"You can go naked, we are the only ones here, or you can go in your bra and underwear," Bronny suggested.
"Ugh I hate you," I said as I began stripping off my clothes. I was then left with my black bralette and matching underwear.
"Shit, you look so sexy," Bronny said.
"Shut up your the one with abs," I said as I began tracing the outline of his abs. Bronny just chuckled as he picked me up suddenly and threw me over his shoulder and threw me in the water. I then grabbed him by his hand and pulled him in. We began splashing each other and played until the sun began to set. We then got out of the water and dried off and we laid down watching the sunset. My head was in Bronnys lap as he played with my hair and we both silently admired the view. Once it finally got dark we packed up and got back into his car since it was getting cold. I then sat comfortably in his car and felt my eyes shut off.

I woke up in my bed and wondered how I got here. Last I remember I was in Bronnys car so I checked the time and it read 2:45 am. I was so confused so I went downstairs to look for my bag to find my phone and I saw my mom. "Hey mom why are you still up?" I said.
"Oh i'm just baking for a party i'm going to tomorrow," She said.
"Oh, did Bronny stop by," I asked.
"Yes and he was so sweet and respectful. He knocked on the door and you were in his arms and he told me he didn't want to wake you. And then he was talking to me and god why couldn't I have him as a son," My mom said.
"Hey i'm an amazing kid to have, by the way mom i'm kind of dating him now," I said nervously.
"Finally, i'll talk to your dad about this so he doesn't try telling you you can't date or anything," My mom said.
"Thanks mom, goodnight," I said as I hugged her and made my way to bed after grabbing my bag. I then texted bronny,

devyn: hey B, thanks for dropping me off and carrying me

bronny: no problem dev, your mom was fun to talk to

devyn: yeah all she does is talk abt you i'm convinced she likes you more than me

bronny: see everyone loves me

devyn: cocky as always, anyways good night

bronny: goodnight mamas

And just that last text made me get butterflies in my stomach as I dozed off to sleep.

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