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bronny's pov:
"Are you fucking kidding me, just shut the fuck up I don't even want to look at you," Those words kept replaying through my mind as I sat on my bed regretting everything. I regretted everything I told her and I regret not telling her about Alyssa. I rung her number for the millionth time today and it kept going into voicemail. I needed to explain myself because I didn't explain myself the first time. My phone then began buzzing and I picked it up. "Yo mikey what's good?" I said.
"Nothing much, bro I heard about you and Dev, you gotta go fix that shit quick because Tay called me telling me your girl was heartbroken," Mikey replied.
"I know man I fucked up bad, and she's not returning any of my calls. I think i'm gonna go to her house," i said.
"Bro it's raining pretty bad be careful," Mikey warned me.
"Yeah, thanks bro," I said as I hung up. I then slipped on my shoes and grabbed my keys as I got in my car and made my way to Dev's house. I finally reached her house and ran to her door and rung her doorbell. Her mom then answered it and began saying "i'm sorry Bronny but she really doesn't want to see you."
"Mrs. Winkler please I need to talk to your daughter I have to she means so much to me I can't lose her," I replied desperately.
"I'll go talk to her," Dev's mom said as she went back inside and I stood at the doorway. A couple minutes later Devyn opened the door. Her face was red and blotchy and she looked like she had been crying for hours and that's all because of my dumbass self. "Dev, i'm so sorry I didn't want to hurt you. I should have told you I was going to her I was just-"
"Just what Bronny?" Devyn said.
"Listen I was scared you would say no or something and I didn't want to make you mad so I thought I could just see her without telling you. I would never do anything with her there's only one girl in my life that means the world and it's you,"
"Yeah you say all that but when I came to talk to you, you defended her, not me. And she's so fake it's sick she just wants you back, and she knew what she was doing asking you to come to her," Dev said.
"Dev her parents are having issues she needed someone to be with her," I reasoned with her.
"See your still not getting it, yeah she may have problems right now but why would she call you? She has so many other friends Bronny. And you two have been broken up for a while why call now?"
"Dev I don't know, i'm sorry okay I won't talk to her anymore i'll even block her contact right now," I said pulling out my phone.
"Bronny she's part of the program now, i'm going to be stuck seeing her so much now and she's going to keep on flirting with you making me feel uncomfortable. It would be better if we just end things now and I'll just leave the program," Devyn said as tears streamed down her face as she looked away trying to hide herself.
"Dev no, no, no we're not breaking up over this no i'm not losing you, not now not ever it's only the beginning of our relationship and we have so much more to go through together. I'll ignore her during practice she's dead to me Dev. You mean so much more to me I don't care anymore I can't lose you," I said as I pulled her into my arms and cupped her cheeks and began wiping away her tears. Devyn just hugged me tighter as she cried harder in my arms. "Shh it's okay baby, it's okay," I reassured her. "Please don't leave me, i'm sorry i'm being so stupid and insecure," Devyn said in a low voice.
"Don't you dare even think like that. I'm not leaving you, and you have every right to be mad I was being stupid. Now can we please go somewhere it's freezing and our clothes are all wet," I said as my clothes were now drenched from the cold rain. "Oh yeah come inside," Devyn said as she opened her door leading us inside. We then went into her bathroom and she got me a towel to dry off. "Here's some clothes that my brother left before going to college I think they'll fit," Devyn said. She then walked out and I changed into a pair of grey sweats and a hoodie. I walked out and went into her room and saw she was finished changing. "I should probably get back home," I said.
"Do you have to, you can sleep over if you want," Devyn asked.
"I'm not sure Dev, I think you need time to yourself and to think since I kind of barged in here," I said.
"Okay fine, but if you want to stay just tell me," Devyn replied as she came over to hug me. I just lifted her up as she wrapped her legs around my waist and I held her for what felt like forever. "Okay baby I have to go now, if you need to talk don't hesitate and text me or call me i'll always answer," I said as I kissed her cheek.
"Okay drive safe Bronny," Devyn replied as she waved me off and I ran into my car. I then drove back home feeling way better than before knowing I still had my girl.

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