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devyn's pov:
I woke up with the worst cramps ever and feeling super tired. I tried getting up but Bronny's heavy arm was weighing me down. "Bronny get up," I whispered as he groaned in response. He then lifted his arm and I made my way to the bathroom. And just to make things worse, I got my period. How was I going to ask Bronny for a tampon. "Um Bronny?" I yelled from the bathroom.
"Yeah," he replied with a hoarse voice.
"Can you get me my bag?" I ask.
"Why would you need your bag?" He yells back. This dumbass is so stupid. "I need a tampon," I reply.
"Ohhh sorry hold on," I hear Bronny shuffle around looking for my bag. He then knocks on the door and hands me my bag. I just chuckle in response seeing his cheeks super heated and red. I then finished my business and asked for a change of clothes since i leaked a little, thank god not on the bed though because thy would've been even more embarrassing. "Let's go get breakfast," Bronny suggested.
"Sure, i'm paying this time though," I replied. Bronny then shrugged his shoulders and led me to his car. We then drove to a cute trendy breakfast place and ordered our food. I got french toast while Bronny got a burger. "Crap, crap, crap," Bronny whispers under his breath.
"What's wrong," I ask.
"I forgot I had to pick up Zuri from her a sleepover. Do you mind if we get to go?" Bronny says.
"Yeah of course, don't worry about it," I reply as Bronny kisses me and begins to tell the waitress to pack our food. We then went to go pick up Zuri from her friends house.  "Hello," I say as Zuri gets into the car.
"Hi, are you Devyn? Bronny is always talking about you," Zuri says as bronny glared at her.
"Yes, you can call m Devy. It's very nice to meet you Zuri," I chuckle as I responded.
"Bronny can we go to the water park please you promised me," Zuri asks.
"Um, Zuri maybe next time me and Devyn are going on a date," Bronny says.
"Oh B it's alright I don't mind if you go," I respond.
"How about all three of us go together," Zuri suggests.
"Sure i'm down," Bronny says as he looks at me for approval and I nod my head.
"Let me just go home to get ready and then we'll all go alright," I say. Bronny then drops me off at home as I get ready. I decided to wear a burgundy bikini with some slide and a cute floral dress as a cover up. I slipped on a pair of slides and got my bag ready. I then went outside and got back into Bronny's car. Shortly after we reached the water park, and we were all so excited. We all changed and got ready and went on our first slide. It was pretty tall but Zuri was not afraid whatsoever. First went Bronny then Zuri, and lastly me.  " That was so fun," Zuri jumped up and down excitedly. We all grinned and went on more until we were all tired and decided to stay in the wave pool with our floaties. "Bronny, i'm hungry," Zuri says.
"Okay you guys wanna go and get food?" Bronny asks and we all agree. Bronny went to the change room and I took Zuri with me and helped her change and get ready to leave. "What do you want to eat?" Bronny asks as all got seated in the car.
"Pizza," Zuri yells out.
"Sure i'm down," I say as we go to get a pizza. As we go to sit down I notice someone that looked really familiar. As they turned around my heart dropped as I noticed who it was. It was zack, aka my ex. "Hey devvy , long time no see," Zack says and I feel Bronny pull me closer to him.
"Hey zack, this is my boyfriend Bronny and his little sister Zuri," I reply.
"Oh so you got a new rebound," Zack says.
"Do you know who the fuck your calling a rebound," Bronny says aggravated.
"Yeah so what your the son of Lebron James. Do you know who my dad is?" Zack says.
"Who?" Zuri asks.
"My dad is Kevin Hart," Zack says.
"No wonder you lack height," Zuri says under her breath making us all laugh.
"Shut the fuck up kid," Zack says which made Bronny super mad.
"Don't talk to my sister like that and stay away from Dev she's not intrested," Bronny says as he grabs Zack by the collar.
"B, it's not worth it," I say as we head out.
"Since when did you two date?" Bronny asks.
"Like a couple months ago." I reply.
"Why'd you break up," Bronny asked.
"He cheated," I reply. I've gotten over it as time progressed and to be honest it hurt when I found out because I thought I loved him but it was just lust. "Well i'm tired can we go back home Bronny," Zuri says.
"Sure, dev you want me to take you back home," Bronny replied dryly.
"Yeah," I reply. The tension in the car was pretty thick and I don't know why Bronny is acting so mad. He then made it towards my house and pulled over.
"See you tomorrow," Bronny said and drove off with Zuri yelling bye in the background. I just went and took a shower then called Tay to tell her what happened. "Why is acting like a jerk?" Tay asked.
"Beats me, I told him everything he needed to know about Zack," I said.
"Whatever just let him cool off and talk about it tomorrow," Tay replies.
"Yeah good night Tay," I said before shutting off my phone and going to sleep.

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