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devyn's pov:
I was getting ready to go to the mall this morning. I decided to wear a pair of black nike pro leggings and a white cropped hoodie and a jeans jacket on top. I slipped on my air max's and got my bag to go to Tays car. "Hey, what's up b," I said.
"I'm good. I'm so excited to go to the mall, and you better spill about you and bronny," Tay replied. I just shrugged as we began driving off to the mall. When we finally got to the mall we first went to the Nike store so I can get a sports bra. When I finally got mine we left to go walk to different stores. "How are you and Mickey?" I asked.
"Well we kind of had sex for the first time," Tay replied blushing.
"Oh my fucking god Tay! That's so cute awe how was it? did it hurt?" I questioned.
"Surprisingly no, but it was mind blowing. Enough about me what happened with you and Bronny, you blush everytime I mention him," Tay said.
"Oh shut up, he told me he wanted to stay just as friends," I replied.
"We all know he's capping, he probably just didn't want to make it awkward," Tay said.
"Who knows this guy is confusing, anyways I don't even like him that way," I said.
"Your the biggest liar ever, whatever you'll end up getting together once you both start growing balls and confess," Tay said. I just smacked her arm. We then continued shopping until our legs could not.

By the end of our shopping trip, our legs had been so sore from walking. We had bought so much clothes my money was all wasted. Tay and I then decided to end the night doing face masks at her house. So we dropped all our bags and began putting them on. "Oh by the way, I kinda invited Mickey over who invited Bronny over since he missed me. I'm sorry if I ruined girls night babes," Tay said.
"No don't stress it, I like hanging out with the boys," I replied.
"Okay good," Tay said. Suddenly, the doorbell rang and Tay quickly went to go open the door.
"Hey girls," Bronny said as he came to hug Tay then me. His scent filled my nose and he was so comfortable I didn't want to pull away.
"Nice face masks, you mind us putting them on," Mickey asked teasingly.
"You know what sure," Tay said. She then went and got her face mask container and began spreading it on Mickeys face.
"You mind putting it on me too," Bronny asked.
"Um yeah sure i guess," I replied as I felt my cheeks blush. I then got the brush and got extremely close to Bronny. God his smell was so good and he looked so hot up close. When I was finally done putting it on, I could feel my heart beating rapidly. "Let's go watch some
movie to kill time," Tay said. She then went and sat with Mickey on one sofa and Bronny and I sat on the other. Tay decided to put on a horror movie which I hate since I got scared easily. "Come closer so you don't get as scared alone," Bronny said as he grabbed me and sat me on his lap. We then began watching the movie and everytime a scary scene popped up I would cradle into bronny which he really liked. It felt nice having his arms around me. Then half way through the movie we stopped and went to wash off our face masks. "Were gonna go get some snacks you two can just stay down here," Mickey said leaving with Tia. Bronny and I just sat there until he began "everytime I see you I can't get the pic of you in your bikini out."
"Shut the fuck up I will murder you the next tine you think about me like that, we're just friends remeber," I said.
"Mhm but we can be so much more," Bronny flirted back. I just blushed as I punched him. He then grabbed me and began tickling me until I couldn't take it anymore "bronny... stop ah stop I can't." He then stopped tickling me and instead just stared at me seriously. Just then Mickey and Tia walked in and we went back to how we were sitting beforehand And the movie bang playing again while I sat in bronnys lap. Somewhere during the movie I felt my eyes begin to close and sleep took over.

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