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devyn's pov:
The sound of my alarm was blaring through my ears as I groaned. I opened my eyes and checked the time which read 10:30. Shit I was late for lunch with Tay. I quickly grabbed my bag and hurried out the door. "Hey," I said out of breath as I got in the car.
"Hey Dev," Tay said excitedly. I just laughed as she drove off to the breakfast place. We got in and sat down and quickly ordered our food. "What did you and Bronny do after the game," Tay asked eagerly.
"Oh he took me out on a beach date, it was so cute," I gushed out.
"Omg that's literally adorable, awe you two love birds," Tay said. I just laughed as the waiter brang out food.

We were now on our way back and Tay was dropping me off since she had a date with Mikey. As I got home my began buzzing showing I got a notification.

bronny: hey dev, i'm coming in 10 get ready

devyn: i just got back but sure

I then sat down on the couch waiting for Bronny to pick me up. He then texted me he was here so I got out and went into his car. "Hey B," I said as I hugged Bronny.
"Hey dev," Bronny said as he kissed me tenderly. I just smiled as we broke off and Bronny began driving. "So where are we going?" I asked.
"You'll see," Bronny shrugged. I just slumped in my seat as Bronny drove. We finally made it to the place and it was a drive in movie theatre. "Holy shit i've wanted to go to one of these for the longest time," I said excitedly.
"I know, the movie were watching is Clueless," Bronny said.
"I love that movie, omg i'm so excited holy," I replied. Bronny then opened his trunk and he had a bunch of blankets and pillows as well as a bunch of snacks. We then laid down comfortably and cuddled as the movie began playing. The credits were playing now and I suggested we start cleaning up. But Bronny kept me still and began kissing me from my lips down to my neck. "Bronny were in public," I let out.
"Fuck," Bronny said as he groaned and pulled away. I just blushed as I got out of the trunk and made my way to sit in the passengers seat. Bronny came back 5 minutes later and sat down normally. We then drove to my house since Bronny was supposed to sleepover. When we got to my house we made our way to my room. I quickly changed into some satin shorts and a matching tank top before heading into my bed with Bronny. He just wore some basketball shorts that laid low around his waist showing his v line. "Let's go put on face masks," I suggested.
"Man all the boys would say i'm totally dumping of the saw me," Bronny said as I began putting the face mask on him.
"It's okay at least you got a fine ass girl," I said cockily.
"I see my cockiness is running off on you," Bronny smirked. I just giggled as I finished putting on his face mask. I then put on my own and then washed my hands as we got back to my room. "Let's go eat some food," I said as I began walking to my kitchen. We were home alone since my parents were out of town. "You wanna order takeout since I don't want leftovers," I asked.
"Yeah sure, is pizza good?"Bronny asked. I just nodded my head as I sat on the couch with Bronny waiting for the pizza. We both were finished eating my pizza and were arguing wether pineapples tasted good on Pizza. He thought they didn't and I think they taste delicious. Then Bronny randomly picked me up and threw me over his shoulder and I began yelling "put me down you dumbass."
"Nope," Bronny laughed. I began punching his back as he threw me on top of the bed. I then jumped back on Bronny and we began play fighting for what felt like forever. "Okay okay i'm done ," I said out of breath. Bronny just smiled as he kissed my nose and pulled me into the covers. "Goodnight Dev," Bronny said.
"Goodnight," I replied snuggling closer into him.

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