Chapter 10

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I tried to run up the stairs but it was too late, "Jiho!" My landowner yelled as he caught up, "For the fucking last time your rent is due! You owe me three months worth, Jiho!"

"Ah.." I played dumb, "Right. Let me go get it, I'll be right back."

The old man crossed his arms and waited. I ran up to my door and slammed it shut, locking it behind me. Five minutes later, he began pounding on the door, demanding his money. I laughed and told him to go away.

I didn't have his money. And every time I did get it, I ended up spending it on clothes or putting it towards my career. I wasn't the best at saving.

My phone vibrated in my pocket and I quickly grabbed it, answering Minjis incoming call.

"Jiho.." She sniffled from the other end of the line.

"What's wrong? What happened? You're crying? Do you need me to come over?" I asked question after question.

I hadn't seen her in what seemed like months, though in reality had been a mere week.

It was getting harder being away from her, since our relationship was getting serious and my feelings for her seemed to double in size with each passing minute.

"C-Can you come pick me up? Im not home." She gave me her location and I quickly sped back down the stairs, ignoring my annoying landowner.


Ten minutes later, I was pulling up into the parking lot of a torn down gas station a couple blocks from Minjis house.

She stood there, in an oversized sweater, jeans and a messy bun. Only when she hopped into the passenger seat did I realize her eyes were red and swollen from crying.

"Whats wrong?" I asked softly, fearing the worst.

We sat in silence for a minute before she spoke, "Im hav-ving trouble with my mom" She hiccuped, "She doesn't want me seeing you anymore."

I clenched my jaw and fists, "Why?"

Minji shrugged, "Its not important. You know Im not going to listen to her either way, Jiho."

I nodded in agreement and put my hand on her knee in an attempt to soothe her, "C'mon then, I know where we can go."


"Its October.. You're not seriously taking me to the beach in the middle of fall, are you?" Minji looked at me skeptically when I backed up into a sandy parking space.

The entire shore was empty, the only sign of civilization was a fishing pier about a quarter of a mile away.

"I didn't say we had to swim, we can just sit on the sand."

I took her hand in mind and walked by her side to the shore. My feet were only inches from cold waves and the need to protect my new shoes overcame me.

Next to me, Minji scoffed as I backed up a foot. "Guys." She muttered.

"What?" I asked, "These are new shoes, I cannot afford to ruin them! They cost a big portion of my rent money!"

She took me by the hand and led me to a place in the dry sand, taking a seat at my feet. I joined her and cringed at the thought of getting sand all over my these jeans.

"So what, you're not paying rent this month?" Minji chuckled.

I snorted and looked towards the sea, "I haven't paid rent in ages and when I do its always a couple months late. My landowner's threatening to kick me out soon and I don't think he's bluffing this time. I better start looking for a new place to stay at."

"I would offer you mine, but my mom would never allow it. Unless we kept you outside." She joked.

"Maybe we should get our own place." I looked at her, "Just the two of us. Somewhere far away."

Minji smiled at the thought, "A house that overlooks the sea. Somewhere calm where I can read peacefully."

"We can have pizza every night for dinner."

"We'll stay up as long as we want watching movies."

I leaned in close to her ear and whispered in a low voice, "Have sex whenever we want.. In any room we want." Minji looked away shyly.

"You're serious?" She asked me in disbelief, her eyebrows raised.

I nodded, "Fuck yeah. Why not? We're both adults, theres no one that can stop us from buying a house. Its what we're suppose to do anyways."

Minjis lips bunched to the side as she thought about it some more, "You don't think this is a crazy idea?"

"Nope." I popped the p.

I watched her eyes slowly light up, her smile widening to a grin. "It seems fun." She looked down at her hands,


"No. No buts. Yes or no?" I demanded.

"What if-"

"Yes. Or. No?"

Minji took her time to consider, slowly but thoroughly torturing me.

After a while she looked up, grinning from ear to ear, and gave an quick and eager nod, "Yes."

I felt myself join her in grinning. Truthfully, the suggestion had been spontaneous and unplanned. I had been kidding at first.

But when she asked me if I was serious, I realized I was. And now here we were actually planning on moving in together. Somewhere far away, in a house that would overlook the sea and where Minji would be able to read.

We would eat pizza everyday, spend late nights watching movies. And have sex wherever the fuck we wanted.

It would be our house.

Our home.

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