Part 7

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Morning of the party

Ali wakes up and stretches out before turning over to check her phone for any messages and the obligatory scan of social media.

New Message

Brent: I expect you to be good at the party, I'll be back Sunday evening.

Ali reads the message and tosses her phone beside her, so much for me being in a good mood, she thinks before heading out to complete her morning routine and gets something to eat.

Sitting down at the table, she joins her Mom, Debbie, who is currently enjoying her morning coffee.

"Mom, can I ask you something?"

"Of course, Ali what's on your mind?"


"The two of you are perfect for each other."

"We aren't though, Mom, he treats me as though I'm his property, and he ... expects me to you know ... um, please him every day."

"Brent is a man with needs and it's your job as his future wife to service those needs before he ends up going elsewhere. It has worked for your father and me, and it will work for you and Brent."

Ali feels herself gag at the thought of her parents doing anything sexually related, and gets up from the table, dropping her dish in the sink before returning to her room and bed. She lets the teardrops roll down her cheeks as she lays there thinking about things.

Meanwhile at Christen's house after completing her yoga and meditation, she is delivered her breakfast by Vero.

"Good morning, Christen."

"Morning, Vero. What on tap for today?"

"Nothing, you asked for your schedule to remain clear for both today and tomorrow."

"Right, Vero, why don't you take the rest of today and tomorrow off and I'll see you on Monday."

"Are you sure?"

Christen nods, "Just keep your phone handy in case I can't find something, ok?"

Vero laughs and nods, knowing how difficult it sometimes is for Christen to remember where stuff, particularly clothes are located.

Christen waves her hand and smiles, "Bye."

Vero nods and walks out the door.

Once she has finished eating Christen heads back to her bed to chill and respond to messages.

Alex returns from her run to a house filled with smoke and the smoke detector beeping loudly in the kitchen and shakes her head, laughing at her sister's inability to cook for themselves without burning things.

She heads towards the kitchen and double-checks that the cause of the racket has been dealt with, she finds a frying pan in the sink with what could have possibly have been eggs at some point.

Looking at a flustered Jenni, she can't help but laugh, "You could have just waited until I got back and I would have cooked rather than trying to burn this house down."

"I was hungry and I figured I could handle making eggs, but then I got distracted playing Candy Crush and kinda forgot about them."

"What level you on?"

"1500, you?"

"1000. Anyways, get this mess cleaned up and after I've showered and changed, I'll make us breakfast."

"Thanks, Sis."

"Uh-huh, it's a good thing that at least one of us knows how to cook, otherwise I think we'd all survive on takeout."

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