Part 26

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Seeing Tobin's body language towards the man she is looking towards doesn't sit well with the others and they soon make their way over to their friend to check on her. 

When they get there the man is no longer around having disappeared into the crowd of people leaving the game. 

Alex wraps her arms around Tobin, "Baby, are you okay? You look like you've just seen a ghost. Who was that man?" 

"My Dad." Tobin manages to get out while being overcome with the emotions of it all and dropping down to the ground her legs unable to support her at the moment.

They all look at each other and question what she said. 

"Tobs, are you sure that was your Dad? You haven't seen him in how long and didn't you say he was on the run?"

"It was him, he called me Toby." 

Ashlyn stands up, "How about we head inside and get cleaned up and then we can all meet back up at my place for pizza in a bit." 

"Ash, Chris and I are supposed to meet up with my Mom for a celebration supper." 

"It's okay, KO, you guys go and enjoy yourselves, we got Tobin."

Kelley looks and nods at Ali and Alex. "Someone call or message me later and let me know how she is, okay?" 

They nod and continue to watch Tobin who is sitting on the ground playing with the grass. 

Kelley leads Christen away from the group and Christen stops when they get a distance away, "We don't have plans with your Mom, so what's really going on?" 

"There are only so many places to stay around here and if that really is Tobin's Dad, I need to know why he's here now after being MIA for so long." 

"Don't you think that you should have let Ash and Ali in on your idea?" 

Kelley shakes her head, "Ash is too close to Tobin and if he were to say the wrong thing and she responded to it, that could end up being really bad for her." 

Christen kisses Kelley on the cheek, "I love how protective you are of your friends and I love you, Kelley Maureen O'Hara." 

Kelley smiles, "I love you, too, but please never say my middle name again; it's so embarrassing!"

Christen cocks her eyebrow, "And mine isn't?" 

Kelley laughs, "How about we both refrain from using our horrible middle names." 

"Deal, now go get cleaned up because I'm not letting you in my car smelling like that." 

"Hey!" Kelley sniffs herself and cringes, "Yeah, point taken, I'll be back soon." 

While Kelley takes her time getting cleaned up and making herself presentable, Christen decides to make use of the ample amount of funds sitting in her bank account at that very moment and contacts someone she knows will be able to dig up anything and everything on Tobin's father. 

She sits in her car on the phone talking as Kelley joins her inside the air-conditioned goodness. 

Christen covers the phone for a second and turns to face her girlfriend, "Kel, what's Tobin's Dad's name?" 

"Jeff Heath, why?" 

"And her Mom's name is Cindy, correct?" 

Kelley nods and looks at Christen and listens as she relays the information to whoever she is speaking with on the phone. 

"Got it? Okay, call me when you have something and remember discretion is of the utmost importance." 


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