Part 28

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Tobin sits beside Ashlyn on the very noisy school bus as their team makes the trip to the State Championships.

"How are you doing, Tobs?"

"Okay, now that I've had a bit more time to process everything. My Mom knew he was around and kept it from me. He's the reason why there was food in the cupboards and why she was clean and going to AA meetings. He stopped giving her money when he found out that she'd been drinking again and that's when she completely trashed the house. Ash, I need you to be straight with me - did you know that she was working at the club and not the grocery store as she led me to believe."

Ashlyn nods, "Yes, I saw her there a couple of times."

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"Because you had enough going on in your life and I didn't want to add to it by saying Hey Tobs, saw your Mom shaking her assets at the club last night. It was better for you to continue to believe that she was the manager at the grocery store. I'm sorry I kept it from you, but I only did it to keep you to protect you."

"I know, since the first day we met and started talking boards, you've done everything you could to look after me and that's something that I won't ever forget. You are my family Ash and I love you, bud."

"Love you too, Tobs. Now, we are three wins away from a State Championship and a legit chance of earning ourselves scholarships to get the hell outta here next year, so how about you focus on kicking some ass on the pitch."

Tobin nods, "Same goes for you Harris, focus on kicking some ass rather than your girlfriend's assets."

Ashlyn laughs, "I'll do my best."

Kelley sticks her head over the seat, "What are we talking about?"

"How Tobs is going to seduce her girlfriend after we win the Championship."

"Oh, move over!" Kelley tries to slide into the seat next to them and Ashlyn pushes her back out in the aisle. Kelley asks their teammate to switch seats with her and sits across the aisle from them. "So, what's the plan?"

"No plan. Ash has got it in her head that Lex and I need to have sex to be happy, but we're perfectly happy not doing it."

"Tobs, I've seen the way you squirm and drool when Alex is around, you need to seal the deal my friend or else your hottie is going to find someone else."

"Alex loves me, she wouldn't do that to me."

Kelley and Ashlyn look at Tobin, "Tobs how about you just focus on working your magic on the field; when Alex sees what you are capable of she won't be able to resist getting horizontal with you."

The bus pulls to a stop outside of a school and the Coach stands up, "Alright, ladies it should go without saying, but I'm required to say it anyway; remember that while we are here you are acting as a representative of our school. Please be on your best behaviour, and try and keep the cursing to a minimum on and off the field. After the game, we'll be loading back on the bus and heading to the hotel to get cleaned up, settled in and have supper together. Now, for those of you who might be wondering about our first opponents, Lowell High School, they have only surrendered 10 goals all season, so we are going to need to get on the board early and often to beat them. Head in and get changed, I'll meet everyone out on the field in 15 for warmups."

They collect their bags from the back of the bus and head inside to get changed and ready for the game. Heading outside they take in the field and surroundings and see a few people in the stands already for the early game.

"Tobs, check it out that dude has a UNC shirt on; isn't that where you want to go?"


"Then it's time to get your name on his list." They fist bump before taking their places for warmups.

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