Part 18

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Ali returns from the store after picking up a few items for her Mom and as she pulls to a stop she scrunches her face at the fact Brent's car is already in the driveway. 

She hits the steering wheel, "Why the fuck is he already here? Supper isn't for another few hours and now I'm going to be stuck with him." She looks at the bag on the passenger seat and debates leaving and coming back in a little while, but the realization that there is ice cream in there hits her and she collects the bag before climbing out of her car. 

Walking in the house she hears yelling and cheering and realizes that her father and Brent are watching a football game together on the big screen. She unbags the bag and sets the stuff on the counter and watches the screen as the cheerleaders perform for the large crowd. 

"You ever miss being a cheerleader? You were so good at it and looked so cute in the little outfit." Debbie Krieger asks her daughter as she makes her way into the kitchen. 

"Sometimes, I miss the girls but it was more important to me to focus on my schoolwork than performing the perfect splits in front of the home crowd." 

"Brent was quite disappointed that you quit without telling him, you know." 

"I really don't care what Brent thinks or feels anymore. Now, if you'll excuse me I'll be in my room." 

Ali leaves her Mom and heads to her room, plopping down on her bed before messaging Christen.

New Message

Ali: You up yet?

Christen: Been up for a couple of hours, what's up? 

Ali: Just need someone to vent to. 

Christen: Let me guess, Brent?

Ali: Yeah, he's here watching a game with my Dad. My Mom questioned my decision to quit the cheer squad again and I couldn't very well come out and tell her that Brent liked the outfits because they provided easy access, so I told her it was to focus on my academics; which technically isn't really a lie.

Christen: Enough about your shitty relationship and love life, I have big news of my own. I asked Kelley to be my girlfriend!

Ali screams out, "Oh my God!" before dialling her friend's number.

She hears Christen laugh, "Figured that would get your attention." 

"And then some, so tell me what happened." 

"I took your advice and told Kelley about Julie." 

"And what did she say?" 

"It wasn't really what she said; it was what she did. She held me tight and allowed me to cry on her shoulder while reassuring me that everything would be alright." 

"Aww, that's really sweet. So, what did she say when you asked her?" 

"She asked if she could kiss me, so we did and well she is a really good kisser." 

Ali laughs, "Uh-huh, so how long before you take her to bed, Pressy?" 

"It'll happen when it's meant to happen, I'm not rushing with her, Kriegs, she's different." 

"That's good to hear, I'm glad she makes you happy Pressy. Have you  talked to Lex, yet today?"

"No, why?" 

"She messaged me yesterday asking for the directions to the pizza place where Tobin works and I'm curious to know if she went and what happened." 

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