Nine | Prom

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The dress fit her snugly. The blue fabric clinging to her body. The long arms making her feel like she was wearing a ball gown. She remembered finding the dress. It was like her sisters. The royal blue, the lace, the off-shoulder sleeves. She adored it.

"You look Stunning," Cassandra said to her, causing her cheeks to flush pink. Cassandra's hand dusted eyeshadow onto the lids of her eyes, as gentle as she could.

"Thank you, Cass, you look beautiful yourself,"

"Awe, stop it, you'll make me blush," The two girls laughed. Alexandrea finally looked up. Her heart fluttering in her chest. While it wasn't the perfect circumstance, it felt perfect. Not only that, but she had a date. It was one thing she though she would have never gotten. Yet, she anticipated opening that door to reveal him. "Now, are you going to ask him out anytime soon?"

"I-I don't know. I still haven't told him and I don't want to make it official and then have him rn away from me,"

"I've seen the way he looks at you. The only time he will run, will be to you. Tell him when you're ready. Just, don't push him away as you did with Campbell," She lowered her head, giving Cassandra a small not. She was right. She had already pushed one person away and didn't want to do it again.

There was a knock at the door, and she felt her heart drop into her stomach. "Go get your man," Cassandra whispered. With a laugh, She got up and opened the front door.

"Hey, wow... You look beautiful. I-I hope you don't mine the green tie. I bought this one and couldn't find a blue one an--"

"It's perfect. Raven clawand Slytherin,"

"So you wouldn't mind if I Slytherin,"

"Never say that again," She laughed pushing him away, waving to Cassandra and closing the door behind her. Cassandra stood with a happy smile spread across her face. She had never seen her so happy and gleeful. The girl with demons around every corner had finally found some light.

"What? You don't like my joke?" He said seriously, but broke character after to laugh along with her. They linked arms and walked out, towards Sylver's car. She sat un his car, ignoring the butterflies travelling from her stomach to heart while he walked over to the other side. She took a deep breath, and just allowed herself to smile. Allowed herself to relish in the moments of peace she was experiencing. Allowing herself to be happy.


They walked in to see the party. Music blasted through the room, people dancing, chatting and singing. Her eyes scanned the room, looking for Grizz. "You really do look stunning,"

"Thank you. You're looking quite stunning yourself, Mr Cremont," they stood grinning at each other for a moment before Grizz tumbled towards them. 

"Hey guys," He huffed. Sylver and Alex both trying to not laugh at him. He looked at them confused, his brows pulled together. She pointed to the glasses. Grizz, dramatically, placed his heart on his hand and let his mouth fall open. "You don't like my glasses?" He pouted.

"They're... Definitely a fashion statement," Alex responded. Her smile grew as he pulled her into a hug, the familiar smell of pine wood calming her down. 

"I'm glad you like it. You better look after her Sylver, or I will gut you, chop all your body parts off, t-"

"Okay , okay. He get's it Grizz," They all laughed as the two best friends pulled a part. Grizz smiled. He hadn't seen her so happy in a long time. In fact, he owed everything to Sylver for making her smile in such a way again. It was pure emotion planted onto her face. It wasn't fear, horror, or nervousness. Happiness, love even, and he loved seeing her glowing the way she was.

"Don't worry, I will look after Ravenclaw over here,"

"You dragged him into you're Harry Potter cult," Grizz planted his arms on his waist, tilting his head to the side. She hit him on the arm, and jokingly acted offended. However, she broke character so quick a mime would be offended.

"He already liked it. Didn't you Slytherin,"

"I did indeed," They grinned at each other. Grizz stood their awkwardly. He wanted to watch her be happy for a million years, but the whole situation was awkward to him. Peculiar. The fact that tis boy had been the answer to his prayers all this time. His best friend happy once again.

"Okay... I'm gonna go. See you later Cat," She waved goodbye as Grizz walked off, leaving her and Sylver alone - in a room full of people. 

"Why does he call you Cat?"

"Either because I'm obsessed with Cat Woman, who isn't. Or because once I accidentally, maybe purposely, slapped a kid and scratched his face..." She looked down. She wasn't ashamed, but felt sheepish admitting it to him. The boy had bullied her for a while. After the millionth time, she decided to slap him and scratched his face in the process. He still had a scar on the right cheek. After that, she stopped wearing false nails. Her's were still long though. 

"That's awesome! How come I only just found that out?" She just laughed, looking back up at him. He looked betrayed and impressed all at once. She loved the glimmer in his yes and the way the lights made the hazel in the centre of his green eyes stand out.  She felt an overwhelming feeling. Yet, she couldn't place a finger in that feeling. Happiness? Hope? Love? Trust? She didn't know. She just understood that she liked the feeling.

"Do you want to dance?"

"Hell yeah!" She grabbed his hand, dragging him onto the dance floor. She allowed herself to get lost in the music, dancing to the beat. The three eyes watching her, gleaming because a the girl they though was gone, was shining brighter than ever. Alexandrea Bex was back.


HEY! I know I've been on a Hiatus. I was worrying about my GCSEs and was revising to an unhealthy amount. 1. would not recommend. 2. With them over I can finally spend more time writing. I'm currently also writing my own Gang book thing (I didn't know if you guys would like to see that) And I'm going to resume writing this book.

 I've got plans for other fanfictions (a lot of them crossovers with other fandoms such as a teen wolf x The Vampire diaries (with hints to a twilight prequel thingy)) So I will hopefully be seeing you all soon.

Lots of love

Paiwai xx

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