asahi x noya *

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getting stood up sucks.

always has and always will.

anxiety started to bubble in asahi's stomach as he sat down on the nearest bench. he leaned forwards turning on his phone screen, the light illuminating the slight look of disappointment that graced his features.


nishinoya should've been here half an hour ago.

this sucks.

asahi sighed and tucked a loose strand of hair behind his ear. of course the male wouldn't show up, asahi practically scared him into going on this date after all. after literally running into the small male at a grocery store the two started talking and by the males constant shaking, asahi figured he scared the poor guy. trying to make up for it, he asked the male on a date which he agreed to rather quickly and now here he is. asahi contemplated sending a third text to make sure his date was alright and if they're plans were still confirmed.

a light wind blew past the brunettes face causing him to stuff his hands and phone into his pockets. sniffling, he decided to wait five more minutes before he would give up waiting and go see the movie himself.

busying himself asahi pulled his phone back out and scrolled through his unanswered text messages. it's not that he was avoiding these people, he just didn't know what to say most of the time. he glanced at the clock and reluctantly walked towards the ticket booth, ticket in hand.


the brunette jumped from the sudden call of his name as he looked over his shoulder.

and then down.

the small male that stood in front of him was panting heavily, face red and completely underdressed for the middle of winter.

seriously, did he not know he could catch him a cold that way?

"n-noya! you made it!"

nishinoya nodded. "yeah sorry i'm so late some stuff came up." he huffed still slightly breathless. a gust of wind blew past the pair causing the smaller one to wrap his arms around himself.

"are you cold?" asahi asked, concern lacing his words.

"huh? oh yeah i guess." noya chuckled rubbing up and down his arms (not that that would make a difference since his hands were a bit colder).

asahi shrugged off his coat, eagerly wrapping it around the smaller males frame and zipping it up for him. noya looked up at him surprised. "thanks asahi! you're a lifesaver!" he grinned.

blushing the brunette stepped back, handing the tickets to the ticket salesman. "ah it's not that big of a deal really you just looked like you needed it more than i did." asahi said, rubbing the back of his head (a nervous habit he picked up recently thanks a lot daichi).

the two made their way into the theater splitting up to each accomplish their own task. as asahi grabbed the snacks, noya was on a mission to find the seating. stepping into the theater nishinoya scanned through seats for the perfect spot. much to his pleasure the theater was practically empty so he made his way up the stairs, finding an aisle and sitting down in a seat off the the side.

middle corner. perfect.

as nishinoya sat down, he buried himself in his date's coat relishing the pleasant scent. as a particularly boring trailer played a group of noisy teenagers walked into the theater. noya sighed to himself, knowing what the next two hours would look like. as if on cue, the teens spotted noya and sat down behind him. feeling a cold wind against his ear noya jumped and looked back at the group.

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