asahi x noya

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"ASAHIIIIII!!" nishinoya ran into their shared living room sliding on the hardwood.

flinching the brunette, turned to see his boyfriend slip because of how fast he was going and fall into the back of the couch.

"oh my god noya are you okay?" he asked as the libero jumped up.

"let me do your hair!" he demanded, ignoring the previous question.


noya walked over to the taller male holding a brush. "i want to braid your hair."

noticing the determined the look on his boyfriends face he nodded sighing. that look meant nothing on earth would change his mind. "yeah okay."

nishinoya grinned and sat on the couch, patting his leg. asahi smiled softly and sat on the floor between his legs. feeling the hair tie being gently pulled from his head asahi was left with his own thoughts.

asahi's pov

i've always liked working afternoons. aside from the usual couple in the corner and whoever was working with me that day, the shop was empty. it was peaceful.

the calmness of the shop made it a perfect time for me to do my homework. as i was finishing up a rather difficult problem, the bell on the front door jingled signaling that someone had just walked in.

"hello, how may i help you?" i say aloud setting my homework aside.

"hey i know you from somewhere. don't you go to my school?" i hear a rather loud voice say. i flinch at the sudden noise. "probably."

"you're asahi right?"

i snap my head up at the sudden use of my name. "i'm nishinoya! you can call me noya for short."

come to think of it i had seen this guy around. he was usually screaming with his friend with the shaved head, or chasing some girl around. "okay nishinoya, what can i get you?" i asked grabbing a nearby cup, writing his name on it.

noticing the silence, i looked up at him as i noticed him staring at me. i felt a blush creep up my cheeks. "w-what?"

"hm. nothing. i'll take whatever's your favorite." he said, going back to his normal yell.

"you're not even going to ask what my favorite is? you'll just take it? what if you don't like it?" i asked worried he would regret getting what i liked.

all i was met with was the sound of his laugh as he leaned against the counter. "don't worry, i trust you won't give me anything bad."

asahi felt a tug on his hair snapping him out of his thoughts. "ow nishi."

"sorry asahi your hair is pretty tangled." noya apologized, planting a kiss on the taller boys cheek. "what are you thinking about?"

the brunette smiled as he looked up at noya's curious expression. "how we met."

nishinoya smiled. "ah i remember that day. you were all flustered and spilled coffee all over yourself."

asahi laughed softly. "i was not flustered."

"you totally were! you obviously don't remember it correctly."

noya's pov

"don't worry, i trust you won't give me anything bad." i said leaning on the counter.

asahi nodded quickly and turned to making the drink. i took the opportunity to look him up and down. he had a nice figure sure, but what caught my attention was his hair.

it looked so soft and shiny. i wanted to run my fingers through it. "you have nice hair asahi."

i noticed him jump quickly followed by a gasp as he dropped something. grabbing a washcloth, he started cleaning up some spilled coffee. i chuckled quietly. "sorry."

"i-it's fine." he mumbled not turning to face me.

i wanted to hear him talk more. he had such a nice voice. "so tell me asahi," i started.

he turned his head slightly glancing at me. "hm?"

i felt my heart flutter. "uh..." i quickly regained my composure. "do you like volleyball?" i asked the first thing that came to mind.

i swear i saw his brown eyes light up. he nodded quickly, telling me how much he loves the sport. i smiled loving the way he spoke so passionately. i swear i could hear him talk all day and never get tired of it.

he chuckled and picked up the now finished cup of coffee. "i'm sorry i'm talking your ear off."

i shook my head. "no i love the way your voice sounds."

not expecting a compliment, the brunette blushed and slipped on something he had dropped earlier. catching himself he had spilt the coffee all over his shirt. his face was beet red as he looked up at me. "i-i'm sorry for spilling your coffee!"

i frowned slightly. "you're worried about me still? are you okay that coffee was still hot!" i asked grabbing some napkins, wiping the coffee off his chest.

"i'm fine, it doesn't hurt. and you waited so long for it and i just messed it up." he sighed. as he looked up he noticed how close the two were standing, a blush creeping up his cheeks.

i looked up, noticing his expression and smiled softly. "how much do i owe you for the coffee?"

he shook his head quickly. "don't worry about it! you didn't even get to drink it."

i frowned. "well at least let me repay you for the mess i caused." i demanded.

asahi looked up in thought. "come by and see me tomorrow?"

i chuckled as i noticed he almost looked as though he surprised himself by saying that. "alright i'll be here."

"okay asahi i'm all done." noya said leaning back and admiring his handiwork.

the brunette stood and stretched, due to sitting down for too long. as he looked in the mirror he chuckled. "noya it took you that long to do this simple hairstyle?" he teased.

the younger male blushed and threw a pillow at his boyfriend's face. "shut up! it was hard!" he yelled.

asahi caught it and walked over to his now pouting boyfriend, kissing him quickly on the lips. "i'm just teasing you nishi, i love it. thank you."

almost instantly, the shorter male sat up grinning. "eh it was nothing!" he said as they both chuckled.

noya's pov

i ended up going back the next day, and everyday after that as if on schedule. asahi and i got closer and now we're dating and living together. crazy how things work out

hey guys hope you enjoyed it
it took me a little while to write this and i'm really sure why anyway thanks for reading i appreciate it

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