daichi x suga

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suga has been avoiding daichi. it's not because he hates him, in fact it's the complete opposite. he's falling harder for this boy every time he looks at him.

yeah i know, confusing right?

suga believes that not only is daichi straight, but he's in love with a current classmate, michimiya. he thinks that it's best for everyone involved to just stay away. so he's avoiding daichi.

daichi noticed about a week ago that suga started dodging him. whenever he spoke the grey haired boy would jump and quickly walk away, no matter what he was doing. for the first few times it happened, daichi would chase after suga, try to get him to talk, but as time went by he realized it was useless. he just wished he knew what he did to upset him.

the team was headed to training camp that day and as suga boarded the bus he sighed as the only seat available was next to the team captain.

"um, hey asahi?" suga tapped on asahi's shoulder.

"oh hey suga what's up?" the taller boy asked smiling.

"do you mind if we trade seats?"

asahi frowned. "why? what's wrong?"

"oh nothing! it's just the only seat left is next to uh..."

asahi looked over to where suga was mentioning and frowned. "suga, you two have to make up eventually. just take this ride to make up."

"you know i can't just talk to him!" suga protested.

asahi shrugged. "you have to figure it out."

sighing in defeat suga sat down next to daichi. the taller boy grinned and turned to face the boy that just sat down next to him. "hey suga!"

suga just politely nodded and went on his phone. he was afraid that if he looked at daichi he would end up blushing and acting like an idiot. 'gotta keep your cool koshi.' he thought to himself.

"you know i was kinda surprised you sat next to me. you seemed to be avoiding me lately like i did something wrong." daichi said chuckling and rubbing the back of his neck.

damn suga hated when he did that. it made him look even hotter. still not facing the other boy he said, "yeah?"

daichi slightly frowned. "yeah, but we're good right?" he said softly.

suga turned and finally looked at the boy for the first time. big mistake. his eyes were sad as he leaned forward slightly, his lips pouted. suga really just wanted to hold his face and kiss that pout off his lips but he knew he couldn't. 'better for him to cut ties with me now then to find out my secret.' suga thought as he went back on his phone. "sure."

daichi sighed and faced the window. 'i guess he doesn't really want to talk to me' he thought.

"hey suga?"

"hm?" suga glanced up from his phone to see daichi staring out the window.

"if i did something wrong...i'm sorry."

suga felt as if his heart broke into a million pieces. he didn't mean for daichi to feel bad, he wanted him to be angry, he wanted daichi to hate him. suga sighed as he looked at the floor.

they didn't talk the rest of the ride there or most of the training camp either. suga felt a wave of guilt whenever he looked at daichi and saw a frown on his face. suga wanted to be the reason behind his smile, not the one who makes him sad. defeated by the day suga decided to head to bed early, as laid down he instantly fell asleep.

daichi woke up to the sound of tossing and turning. slightly confused he turned over to see suga curled up, shivering beside him. he frowned and took his blanket and covered them both with it. smiling in his sleep, suga adjusted himself burying his face in daichi's neck.

daichi blushed and wrapped his arms around the sleeping boy tightly (to keep him warm of course). listening to his breathing, daichi soon fell back asleep.

"oh my god they're so cute!!!"

"shut up noya you'll wake them up!"

"it's not like you're being much quieter!"

"will the both of you be quiet!"

suga groaned as he slowly opened his eyes. "why are you guys standing over me?" he asked tiredly, looking at his team standing above him.

"shit he woke up." tanaka said sighing. "well i guess it doesn't matter, we already got our pictures."

'pictures?' suga thought as he tried to get up. he was confused as he felt a weight over his chest, preventing him from standing. looking down, his face turned crimson as he realized what they were taking pictures of. his mind raced as daichi laid pressed against him, his hands wrapped tightly against suga's chest holding him close. glancing at the other boy suga couldn't help but admire how beautiful he looked. smiling to himself daichi slowly opened his eyes.

"morning koshi." he said sleepily.

suga blushed. "m-morning daichi!"

daichi blushed noticing the position they were in and sat up immediately. "sorry! last night you were shivering in your sleep so i put my blanket over you and you just cuddled into me! i didn't want to wake you since you looked so peaceful so i just laid there. i guess i ended up holding you in my sleep. sorry if i made you uncomfortable!" he said looking at the floor.

suga chuckled. "don't worry about it. i have a habit of doing that."

daichi sighed in relief as suga giggled at his response. for a brief moment it felt like things were back to normal.

"uh suga?"

"yeah daichi?"

"can i ask you something?" suga noticed he started to shift nervously.

"yeah anything."

"why have you been avoiding me. please just tell me the truth. i need to know." he said sadly.

suga frowned. "is it because i did something wrong? if that's the case i'll do anything to make it up to you! please suga i...i just need my best friend back!"

"daichi...i don't think we could ever go back to being best friends..." he said looking at the floor.

"what?" daichi said sounding hurt. "w-why not?"

suga felt his heart pounding out of his chest. "because...because i love you sawamura. i always have and i know you don't feel the same way, that's why i was avoiding you. so i wouldn't embarrass myself and make things worse for you."

daichi sighed. "are you serious?"

suga nodded.

"suga look at me."

he didn't move.

"please suga." daichi said, softer this time.

he hesitated but suga looked up. instantly his lips were met with daichi's as he kissed the grey haired boy passionately. suga blushed deeply but kissed him back.

as daichi pulled away he chuckled. "suga if all of this was because of a little crush i'm really disappointed in you. you made me feel like i did something wrong again. don't scare me like that!"

suga looked at him confused. "h-huh?"

"suga i like you too." daichi said giving him a goofy grin.

"but what about michimiya?"

daichi looked confused. "huh? what about her?"

"i thought- you guys- never mind." suga said sighing.

"koshi please don't ever do that again. if you have something on your mind just tell me, i at least deserve to know what's going on between the two of us." daichi said grabbing the other boy's hands.

suga nodded. "i'm sorry."

"nah it's all good. i just have to get you back. how long did you ignore me? a week or two?"

"wait no!"

both the boys laughed as they both joked around in each other's arms.

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