asahi x nishinoya

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asahi's pov

i've always like flowers. i liked how delicate they looked, how sweet they smelled, how soft they felt. i also liked how no matter how bad the environment was there was at least one flower blooming. it's kind of poetic actually.

nishinoya reminded me of a flower for all the same reasons. so as i was walking past the grocery store on my way to school, i decided to go in and buy him one. my original plan was to find him and give it to him, but when he was nowhere to be found i decided to leave it in his locker along with a note.

you remind me of a sunflower because you always find a way to brighten up my day.

smiling i placed the flower and the note in his locker and went to class.

noya's pov

damn i'm late! stupid alarm didn't go off again. i thought running into school. deciding it would be faster if i just went to class i ran past my locker without a second thought.

"yeah just give me a second i gotta grab something really quick." i said opening my locker. a flower? seeing the note beside it i pick it up and smile.

"hey noya whatcha reading?" hinata asks as he peeks over my shoulder. he gasps loudly. "a love letter?? woah that's so cool!"

i blush and shove the note in my pocket and shut my locker. "quiet down hinata! it's not a love letter."

"do you know who wrote it?"

i shook my head. "doesn't matter. let's just get to practice." i said walking toward the gym.

"a flower huh?" suga says as i finished explaining what happened. "that's really cute."

i nod. "yeah but who could it be? i don't know anyone who likes flowers."

"i guess you have a mystery on your hands noya."

asahi's pov

seeing noya grow more and more frustrated in who the sender could be made me smirk. i think i'll keep doing it until he figures out it's me.

the next morning i find myself buying him a marigold. placing it in his locker i write him a note.

a marigold for your heart of gold <3

smiling, i close the locker and head to class.

"and this time i got a marigold!" i hear nishinoya yell at suga from across the table. suga nodded and took notes in his notebook.

"hey guys. what are you talking about?" i asked sitting next to nishinoya.

"uh nothing." he said putting my note in his pocket. i shrug. as lunch continued i tried dropping hints that it was me. i love how he hasn't guessed it yet but i was getting a tad bit impatient. i know how oblivious he could be.

"anyway i have to get to class. see you later suga. bye nishi." i said getting up and walking off. they waved bye and continued to whisper to themselves.

noya's pov

"wait. what if asahi was sending them?" suga asked.

"pfft. asahi? nah. he doesn't like me." i said laughing nervously.

"no really! he was talking about flowers a lot today. and he hangs around you enough to write those notes."

i shook my head. "nope. no way. it's not him."

sighing suga nods. "fine but i'm not taking him off the list of possible candidates."

it was the next day and because i woke up early i decided to take the long way to school. passing by a grocery store window i see asahi standing by the flower section. watching, he pays for a single flower and walks out the store. i hide behind the closest thing to prevent him from seeing me.

could he really be the one sending me flowers? no right? i mean i'm pretty sure it's just coincidence. i probably put the idea in his head from all the flower talk yesterday. yeah that's probably it. no way he likes me. that would be weird right?


glancing at my watch i hadn't noticed that fifteen minutes had gone by. great now i'm going to be late. getting up i ran to school stopping by my locker. just as i had expected there was a flower and a note waiting for me.


an apple blossom for you because you are the apple of my eye

wait. only asahi calls me that. and he was at the grocery store buying a flower this morning. i smile finally figuring out this mystery sender. i pull out my phone and text suga.

me: suga!! asahi's been sending the flowers
suga: i knew it how did you find out
me: the note said nishi instead of noya and he's the only person who calls me that PLUS i saw him at the store buying flowers this morning
suga: way to go detective noya
me: does this mean he likes me?
suga: i mean what else could it mean
me: idk... should i tell him i feel the same? or at least that i like him?
suga: if you really want to i think you should tho
me: ok i'll let you know after

i shove my phone into my pocket and walk to asahi's locker. he's putting books into it and doesn't seem to notice me walk up to him. as he slams the door shut i lean against the lockers. "i know what you did."

jumping he looks at me. "nishi don't scare me like that!" he said.

"i know what you did."

"what are you talking about?" he asked a small smile forming on his lips.

i toss him the note. "you're the only person who calls me that."

he nods. "ah so you caught me."

i smile. "so i did."

"look nishinoya. i like you. like a lot. and it's okay if you don't feel the same, i just wanted you to know how i felt."

i smiled. "i like you too asahi."

"wait really?" he looked surprised.

i laughed and punched his arm jokingly. "yes really."

he grabbed his arm and grinned. "you know for such a big guy you really are a softie." i said still laughing.

"yeah i know." he said wrapping an arm around my shoulders.

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