bokuto x akaashi

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akaashi wasn't too fond of people. he preferred to stay home, by himself doing the things he liked to do. or if he was forced to be outside he would like to go to a quiet not well known hole in the wall with a few of his close friends.

what he didn't like to do was go to parties. especially high school parties. too many people, the music was too loud, it was weirdly warm all the time, and everyone either seemed to be drunk or all over each other. it grossed him out. so why was he wasting his night at some stupid party? the answer was simple.

bokuto asked him to come.

akaashi sat on a nearby staircase watching his boyfriend play beer pong with a few of his friends, completely wasted. the raven haired boy turned his attention to his surroundings and grimaced at the couple next to him all over each other. he sighed and looked at the time. it was almost 2am.

'i need to get out of here.' he thought to himself as he realized he didn't exactly know where 'here' was. bokuto had driven them there and he wasn't exactly in the best shape to give directions, or drive them back for that matter.

looking around akaashi found the most sober person and walked over to them.

"HEY HEY HEY!! looks like i just won three times in a row! did you see me win that akaashi??" bokuto screamed looking in the direction where he boyfriend was previously sitting. noticing he was gone he looked around. "akaashi?"

"he's over there with some guy." kuroo said leaning his arms on bokuto's shoulders. "looks like they're having an interesting conversation." he smirked.

bokuto watched them slightly jealous. akaashi and this guy were leaning towards each other looking at something in akaashi's hand. the other dude had his arm on his shoulder and had whispered something in akaashi's ear causing him to perk up and nod quickly. the other boy smiled and they both turned to leave.

bokuto growled and handed kuroo the drink in his hand. "hold this i'll be back."

storming over to the two, bokuto grabbed akaashi's arm and pulled him close. "what do you two think you're doing?" his words were slightly slurred.

"oh! bokuto-san we were-" akaashi started, getting interrupted.

"what's it to you?" the guy said stepping closer to bokuto, slightly taller than him.

bokuto held akaashi tighter, moving him away from the guy standing in front of them.

"bokuto you got the-" akaashi said getting slightly annoyed.

"i don't think he wants to go anywhere with you." the grey haired boy said getting defensive.

the guy pulled akaashi out of his grip, pulling him close. "what makes you think he wants to go anywhere with you?"

akaashi cringed, hating the way they both kept tugging on him roughly. "both of you just-"

bokuto pulled him back. "well i am his boyfriend after all."

the dude crossed his arms. "don't believe you. prove it."

"fine i will!" bokuto said turning his boyfriend around and kissing him roughly. akaashi pulled back and shoved the taller boy away.

"what the hell bokuto?" he yelled and walked off.

"akaashi wait!" he ran after him, the stranger giving him a smirk before walking off. feeling the cold air hit his face sobered him up slightly as he looked for his boyfriend. seeing him leaning against a nearby wall, he walked over and frowned. "akaashi look i'm-"

"do you not trust me bokuto?"

bokuto was taken aback by his sudden question. "w-wha? of course i trust you."

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