daichi x suga

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sugawara's pov
man i hate school dances. loud music that i don't listen to, girls in your personal space, sucky food, the smell of axe perfume invading you're nostrils, oh and of course the crippling anxiety of asking someone to go with you. not that i've really experienced that last part anyway. there isn't usually anyone i would want to go to a school dance with in the first place.

until now that is.

his name is daichi. we hang out every now and then but it's always with someone else. i can't seem to gather up the courage to ask him even though i really want to.

"hey suga."

he's just so nice and not to mention really cute.

"uhh... suga?"

i mean i could ask him after class today. wait but what if he says no?


i gasp snapping out of my thoughts. "huh?" i ask looking around for who was calling me.

"hey are you okay?" i turn to see daichi looking at me slightly concerned.

blushing i nod my head quickly. "yeah! all good!" i say slightly panicking.

he relaxes a little and smiles. "you had me worried for a minute. you were just staring into your locker for a while."

i feel my face getting hotter and give a fake laugh. "oh my bad. soooo what's up?"

i could see him getting a little nervous. "oh uh what are you doing saturday night?" he asked.

saturday? isn't that the night of the dance.

"um nothing at all! why?" man i shouldn't have said that, i sound desperate.

"i uh just... well uh a group of us guys are going to the dance and they wanted me to ask if you wanted to come to?" he said twiddling his thumbs.

well that's not exactly why i asked for but beggars can't be choosers i guess. "sure. why not." i said smiling.

he looked up at me. "really?" he sounded surprised.

i nodded. "awesome!" he said. "i'll come get you around eight!"

"yeah sounds good." i said hearing the bell ring. "i gotta head to class. see you around daichi."

he nods and walks off. "see you later."

daichi's pov

"YOU DID WHAT???" tanaka yelled and he slammed his books on the library table.

the people around him angry shushed him as he blushed and sat down.

"i know. i just panicked and i thought asking in a group would be easier! he said yes anyway so what's the big deal?" i whispered.

"the big deal is that now we got to find a group to put you in! why couldn't you just ask him to just go with you?"

i sighed and put my head in my hands. "cause i'm an idiot." i mumbled to myself.

"yeah i agree." tanaka said sitting back in his chair.

i glared at him. he flinched. "chill daichi i was just kidding! look we could probably ask asahi and noya to ride with us and then when we get to the dance you and suga can go off and do you're own thing. yeah that's sounds like a good plan." he said sounding proud of himself.

"and what about you?"

"i'll be fine don't worry about me. you just gotta have the guts to ask him to dance." tanaka said to the older boy smirking.

~saturday night~

suga's pov

the ride to the dance wasn't that bad. daichi picked me up and since he was driving and asahi sitting in the passenger seat because he was taller, i was stuffed in the back with tanaka and nishinoya. they're constant yelling gave me a bit of a headache but i'll be fine. once we walked into the gym everyone went their separate ways leaving me and daichi sitting alone at a table.

"do you want anything to drink?" he yelled from across the table.


"i asked if- hold on." he said getting up and sitting next to me. "did you want anything to drink?" he asked in my ear.

i blushed slightly feeling his breath tickle the side of my neck but shook my head. "i-i'm okay thanks!"

he nodded as he looked around. man this is kinda awkward. what should i say to him? i don't even know if we have anything in common. "so uh school dances kinda suck don't they?" i yelled over the music.

he laughed. "yeah i guess they do."

i smiled. "hey do you wanna go somewhere quieter? the music and all the smells are giving me a little headache." he asked looking at me.

i nodded. he stood and took my hand leading me out of the gym. walking down the halls he led me out to the roof and laid down in the middle. feeling the cool breeze he looked up at the sky and sighed in relief. "ah that's better."

i smiled and nodded, laying down next to him. "yeah i can finally hear you now." he chuckled and looked at me.

"you know what suga? you're pretty funny."

"oh! thanks!" i said blushing. i glanced over at him to see him looking up at the stars again. "do you like astronomy?" i ask.

he shook his head. "not particularly. the sky by my house is pretty but there's not too many stars out. that's why i like places like this. gives me peace of mind." he said. "why are you?"

"nah it's not my thing." he nodded but didn't say anything else.

we laid there in a comfortable silence for a while. suddenly i felt the urge to hold his hand. before my brain could even process anything i heard my voice. "um d-daichi?"

"hm?" he looked over at me.

"could i uh hold your hand?" the second those words left my mouth i felt instant regret. "you know what never mind that was stupid. forget i said anything." i said quickly.

he chuckled and placed his hand in mine, placing them both on his chest. i felt my face get hot and i looked over at him.

he was smiling looking back at the sky. "suga."


"i like you." he said still not looking at me.

"what?" i asked sitting up.

he sat up as well and looked me in the eyes. "i like you. a lot. and i wanted tonight to be just about us but i chickened out when asking you to the dance so we had to go in that weird group that wasn't really a group more like a couple and tanaka but i didn't want to get rejected and look like an idiot, but anyway i really want to be with you and it's fine if you don't feel the same because-" he started rambling.

before i knew what i was doing i pulled him into a kiss. i felt him tense up for a second before kissing me back. after a while i pulled back and smiled. "i like you a lot too." i said blushing.

he grinned and held my hand again as we sat there in comfortable silence. i guess i didn't hate school dances after all.

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