asahi x noya

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asahi hated moving. well not exactly, he hated moving schools. all the making new friends and starting over made him extremely anxious. asahi wasn't good at making friends. he had gotten by with only daichi and suga being there but now he was on his own.

as he walked to his first class with the principal behind him, his hands started to clam up and his heart raced a million miles a minute. "ready for your first day?" the principal said suddenly, causing the brunette to jump. "i-i guess so..." asahi stuttered. as the pair stopped in front of the door asahi took a deep breath as the door was opened.

asahi was relieved that no one paid him much mind, their attention on their art projects rather than whoever just walked in. "ah! you must be asahi!" a man walked up to the two, who asahi assumed was the teacher.

the brunette nodded quickly. "you can call me ukai , i'm your new art teacher." ukai grinned. "everyone's working on the projects i assigned. we just started so you shouldn't be too far behind. you can work with..." he looked around the art studio. "nishinoya! he doesn't seem to have a partner."

asahi nodded. "okay...but who is..."

"oh! the small boy over there with the the black and blonde hair." ukai pointed in his general direction.

nodding again, asahi made his way over to the boy named nishinoya. the raven haired male, too focused on whatever he was doing, didn't notice when asahi had walked over and sat next to him. the brunette cleared his throat, causing nishinoya to snap his head up and look at the male sitting next to him.

"a-are you n-nishinoya?" asahi stuttered, his cheeks getting warm.

he was met with silence as nishinoya started to stare at him. after a few seconds of silence and constant eye contact, asahi shifted slightly in his seat. he was starting to get nervous.

suddenly nishinoya grinned and started laughing. "yeah i'm nishinoya but you can just call me noya! man the look on your face was hilarious! you looked like you were gonna throw up!"

asahi sighed in relief. "i thought you were going to kill me with the look you were giving me."

noya leaned back in his seat, placing his feet on the table. "i mean i could if i wanted to. you don't look that tough." he said seriously.

asahi froze at the sudden mood change. noya laughed again. "man you gotta lighten up! i'm just messing with you...hey what is your name by the way?"

"i'm asahi azumane but you can call me asahi."

"man asahi for such a tough looking guy you sure are a teddy bear." noya observed.

asahi smiled. he remembered daichi used to say that to him whenever he got scared. "i know." asahi said defeated. "i was trying to go for a more wild look."

noya smiled. "well you got that down now we need to make you act tough too."

as class went on the two talked and laughed, forgetting about the project they were supposed to be working on. asahi found himself daydreaming about the raven haired male, often thinking of them hanging out and hearing him laugh. he loved noya's laugh. it was contagious.

"sounds like you have a crush asahi." suga said through the phone.

the brunette felt his face heat up as he buried his head in a nearby pillow. "suga!" he yelled, but it was muffled.

he heard daichi laugh on the other line, agreeing with suga. "yeah and don't deny it either! this noya guy is the only person you've been talking about since we got on the phone an hour ago!"

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