bokuto x akaashi

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when akaashi first moved into his apartment he almost immediately, started to loathe his new neighbors. on the first night they had kept him awake until almost five am with loud banging and screaming (something about how cats are better than owls? akaashi wasn't too sure). the second night the neighbors were screaming again until a loud crash was heard causing silence for the rest of the night. it wasn't until the third night of yelling and random animal noises when akaashi decided he couldn't take it anymore.

wrapping a blanket around his shoulders, not caring that he was in his pajamas and slippers, he marched to his neighbor's door and started banging.

"just one second!" akaashi heard a muffled yell and a few hushed sentences before the door swung open revealing a tall (well taller than akaashi anyway) muscular man with the most gorgeous yellow eyes. his hair was a mixture of gray and black, sticking up in almost every direction. looking at the man akaashi felt all his previous anger melt away. "did you need something?" the man asked.

akaashi blushed and looked away, figuring he had been staring at this man for more than the appropriate amount of time. "oh uh could you guys keep it down? it's pretty late and i have a big day tomorrow."

akaashi saw the man perk up with a guilty look on his face. "oh my god i'm so sorry!" he chuckled softly. "me and kuroo aren't used to having anyone live next to us so we're kinda still figuring out volume control. don't worry we'll be quiet from now on."

another man (akaashi is assuming it was the one named kuroo) appeared next to his neighbor in the door. "bo, you didn't tell me you invited someone. i would've called kenma." kuroo smiled at akaashi. "though he is dressed a little weird."

akaashi looked down at his clothes and covered himself with his blanket. "no kuroo this is our neighbor... wait i never got your name." the man said.

"akaashi. akaashi keiji."

"oh wow that's a pretty name akaashi! it fits you perfectly! i'm bokuto koutarou! and this is kuroo tetsurou my best friend slash roommate!" bokuto grinned pointing to kuroo.

akaashi nodded. "you have a nice name to bokuto, i like it."

bokuto froze, heat rising up his neck and to his face. "t-thank you akaashi!"

akaashi nodded and looked at his phone. "well i have to get some sleep. pleasure meeting you two." he said before walking off into his own apartment. he did end up getting sleep that night, probably the best night sleep he had gotten all week.


a few days had gone by since akaashi had introduced himself to his neighbors and things were quiet. he was starting to get worried, not that he didn't like the quiet -because he did- it was just uncharacteristic for the two neighbors.

a loud banging on his door snapped akaashi out of his thoughts. he looked at the time and frowned. he wasn't expecting any visitors this late at night. another loud bang caused the male to jump reaching for the first solid thing he put his hand on. grabbing a pan he slowly made his way to the door. one more loud bang before he heard a sigh on the other side of the door. "come on akaashi open the door i know you're in there!"

akaashi sighed, recognizing the voice and threw the door open. "do you always plan on scaring someone to death before you knock?" he asked his neighbor kuroo as the taller male looked at his hands confused.

"what did you plan on doing with that? cooking me to death?"

akaashi sighed. "what do you want kuroo it's late."

"can i come in?" he asked walking past akaashi, taking his shoes off.

the shorter male shut the door behind him. "well i guess since you're already in anyway."

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