iwaizumi x oikawa

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today was not going as planned. it's like anything and everything that could be going wrong was. and it didn't start immediately, no, the bad stuff waited until oikawa got to work to start messing with his life.

he spent the day in his office, completely isolated in fear of yelling at someone. as he got off of work he decided to head to the gym thinking it was better to hit a punching bag than the next person he saw. walking up to the dangling bag oikawa punched it as hard as he could.

'yeah that felt good.' he thought as he punched it again, less harder because the bag kept swinging.

as he continued to punch he felt the bag stop moving suddenly. "hit it one more time and you'll kill the poor thing."

oikawa's head snapped up as he looked at the man currently standing in front of him. he gave a weak smile, not really wanting to talk to anyone just yet. he was still angry.

"i'm hajime iwaizumi." he man said smiling.

"is there something you wanted?" the brunette spat.

iwaizumi's expression never changed. "just thought it would be more helpful to you if the bag wasn't swinging so much."

"thanks but i didn't ask for your help." oikawa said growing irritated. he didn't have time to sit here and talk to this stranger. the whole point of going to the gym was to get rid of his anger and this man was just making it worse.

"i know. but i'm not moving."

oikawa sighed. "fine whatever." he started to hit the bag again, noticing the difference as iwaizumi held it still.

"your forms off." the shorter boy said, observing.

oikawa stopped and looked at him. "what?"

"the way you're punching. it's off. here let me help you." iwaizumi said, walking over to the brunette and holding his hips, shifting them slightly.

oikawa blushed, feeling most of his anger disappear. he leaned closer.

"now just pull your shoulder back and punch with your whole arm." he said walking back over and holding the punching bag.

oikawa nodded and obeyed. hajime grinned. "did you feel that? that was way stronger than before!"

oikawa chucked. "yeah that did feel a little different." he paused. "i'm oikawa."

"well it's nice to meet you oikawa."

the taller boy smiled. "sorry if i was being a dick earlier. had a rough day."

"i figured as much when i walked over here crappy oikawa."

"hey that's rude iwaizumi!" oikawa pouted.

"fine crappykawa."

"well don't shorten it!" oikawa yelled as they both looked at each other and laughed.

"do you maybe want to go get something to eat? i know this cool place up the road." oikawa suggested, not wanting to leave the other's company just yet.

iwazumi looked at the nearest clock. "sure my break starts in twenty minutes if you want to wait until then?"

"oh you work here?" the brunette asked now realizing his shirt with the gym name on it.

"yeah i'm a personal trainer. whenever i have some free time i help people who look like they're struggling out."

oikawa gasped and lightly hit iwaizumi's arm. "i was not struggling!"

the raven haired boy laughed. "you totally were!"

oikawa pouted. "was not."

"fine. fine. you weren't. here why don't you meet me at the front doors and then we could walk to the place together?"

the taller boy nodded. "sounds good!" he said as he walked back to his car, grabbing some conveniently placed clothes from his trunk changing quickly. sitting in his car he anxiously waited for iwaizumi to get off.

"wait wait wait. you did what?" oikawa laughed watching the boy in front of him blush.

"i accidentally pushed her into the pool and almost drowned trying to save her. and stop laughing it's not funny!" iwaizumi said embarrassed.

"oh it's funny iwa chan." oikawa said admiring the raven haired boy in front of him.

"what are you staring at crappykawa?"

"oh nothing. i just think it's crazy how much my mood changed in less than an hour. i was just planning on going home and sulking for the rest of the night but i got to hang out with you." he said smiling.

"don't get all sappy with me, it's a little gross." iwaizumi said sitting back in his chair.

oikawa pouted and threw a balled up napkin at him. "so rude iwa chan!"

iwaizumi smiled and looked at his watch. "we should probably head back."

oikawa nodded but neither of them moved. a few minutes had gone by and iwaizumi sighed.

"you're going to be late." oikawa said, taking a sip of his coffee.

"yeah probably. i just don't want to leave just yet."

"come on let's go. i don't want to make you late. besides there's always tomorrow." the brunette said, standing.

"you'd hang out with me tomorrow?"

"why wouldn't i?"

iwaizumi shrugged. "today wasn't that exciting."

"well i liked it." oikawa said crossing his arms, and walking the other boy back to work.

iwaizumi smiled and stopped in front of the door to his job. "same time tomorrow?"

oikawa nodded. "i'll be here."

hey guys hope you're enjoying the book so far
i just wanted to say thanks for voting, reading, adding the book to your reading lists it means a lot to me!
anyway i'm not too sure if i like this chapter or not but the next ones gonna be 10x better
lmk if you want anything specific
peace ✌🏽

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