makki x matsun

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"are you sure you don't want to walk with us home? it's really coming down hard out there." oikawa frowned glancing out the window.

"not the only thing that's gonna be coming down hard." hanamaki smirked, never the one to pass up a dirty joke as he leaned his chin in the palm of his hand and looked outside. "but i'm good. plus i got some stuff i gotta take care of before i leave. you and iwaizumi go on ahead."

oikawa was about to protest but was tugged away by iwaizumi. the brunette grinned and seemed to forget all about hanamaki as he happily took his boyfriends hand, swinging them as they walked down the hallway. takahiro found himself smiling fondly at the two watching them disappear down around the corner.

he always admired what they had. gentle discreet touches, whispers of sweet nothings, surprises of chocolates and kisses. it was nice, but hanamaki always found himself wanting something more than that. he wanted to never know what was going to happen next to always be on an adventure. he didn't want boring. he didn't want safe.

sighing the male grabbed his bag and made his way to the front door. looking out at the steady downpour he zipped up his bag and made a run for it. as the weather worsened, hanamaki groaned running under a store's canopy for protection. "shit, i'm soaked." he grumbled out loud. taking off his jacket he wrung it out groaning at the amount of water leaving the garment.

"nice shoelaces."

hanamki snapped his head up now noticing the male standing in front of him. his unruly jet black hair dripping wet as he stood there a sly smile plastered on his face.

"...thanks...i got them from the president." hanamaki replied cautiously earning a grin from the other male.

"dance with me." he held his hand out grinning.

looking around the male hanamaki cocked an eyebrow. "it's pouring."

"so? you're soaked anyway."

letting his bag fall off his shoulder had cautiously took the strangers hand and was pulled flush against his chest. placing his free hand above hanamaki's hips he started immediately swinging him around grinning. gasping, takahiro laughed loudly swinging and jumping around with his new dance partner, putting his free hand on his  shoulder.

they danced around for what felt like hours until hanamaki's entire body felt sore. letting go of his dance partner they both made their way to where the male had left his bag earlier. crouching down next to it he smiled up at the stranger. "so do you just dance in the rain with every guy you meet?" he asked breathless.

"only the interesting ones." he said smirking. "matsukawa issei."

"hanamaki takahiro." hanamaki smiled softly standing up straight again.

noticing the rain had let up issei looked at the watch on his wrist and clicked his tongue. "gotta get going friend emergency." he waved before walking off in the opposite direction.

"wait! when will i see you again?" hanamaki yelled out.

issei turned around smiling and shrugged. "no clue! fun right?" he laughed lightly before walking off again.

smiling softly he picked up his things and walked home. that night he smiled to himself thinking about the stranger he met that afternoon. inturrupting his thoughts, his phone buzzed annoying loud. groaning he picked it up. "hello?"

"you know i think i'm coming down with a cold." the voice on the other side sighed.

takahiro leaned back in his chair grinning. "well that's what you get for dancing around in the rain for hours."

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