daichi x suga

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"hey dai?" suga prodded the sleeping boy's cheek next to him. he received a sleepy hum in response.

"daichi~?" the silver haired male said in a sing song voice.

"hmm?" daichi hummed turning his face to meet the shorter boys voice, not opening his eyes just yet.

"daichi if you don't get up you're going to fail this upcoming test." suga sighed. he thought he heard the taller male say something along the lines of "then let me fail" but he wasn't quite sure. growing impatient suga lifted the textbook in front of him and slammed it on the table, causing daichi to jolt awake.

suga grinned. "good morning sleeping beauty."

daichi sighed deeply, sitting back in his chair. "geez suga you don't have to be so heartless." he grumbled.

"i'll be nice once you start acting responsibly." suga said crossing his arms and huffing.

daichi and suga usually studied together after school. well, suga studied. daichi slept. suga wondered how daichi had such good grades if he was sleeping all the time.

"i'm just lucky!" daichi would claim.

lucky my ass. but suga has neither the time or energy to argue with the boy.

glancing up at suga, daichi couldn't help but smile softly. the look of concentration mixed with his hair falling slightly in front of his eyes, it made daichi's heart flutter. he's had a small crush on suga ever since he met him. the two had almost immediately became attached at the hip making daichi mad that he didn't ask the boy out sooner. he's afraid he's been friend zoned by now.

"daichi." suga said softly, not looking up from his work.


"do your homework."

daichi groaned. "suga i already told you i finished up everything that's due!"

"liar." suga didn't have to look up to know the other male was crossing his arms and pouting.

daichi crossed his arms and pouted. "i'm serious! that's why i went to sleep in the first place!"

suga decided to let it go he needed his energy for the problem in front of him anyway. groaning, suga ran his hands through his hair in frustration.

"what's wrong?"

"i just don't get this stupid problem." suga sighed. "it's fine i'll just skip it for now."

daichi got up and leaned over the shorter males shoulder trying to get a better look at the problem. "number 12?" he asked.

suga stiffened, feeling daichi's breath fan against the back of his neck. "y-yeah.."

the raven haired male leaned closer, his chest against suga's back and hummed in concentration. suga felt his face heat up as he looked at the other male out the corner of his eye.

see, suga had a small crush on daichi. the two had almost immediately became attached at the hip making suga mad that he didn't ask the boy out sooner. he's afraid he's been friend zoned by now.

daichi wrapped his arm around suga's shoulder, pointing to his paper. "you subtracted the variable instead of adding it. that number is supposed to be positive."

suga nodded quickly. "g-got it!" he wasn't really paying attention to daichi due to how close he actually was.

daichi smiled and pulled away, sitting back at his seat across the table. leaning back in his chair, he looked up at the ceiling and closed his eyes. "suga if you need some help i could always tutor you."

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