bokuto x akaashi

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bokuto had always thought he was pretty funny. or at least that's what he assumed whenever his friends would laugh at his attempts to lighten the mood or crack a joke.

along with his rather sad attempts at a joke people often found his facial expressions humorous. bokuto just couldn't help it, he was never good at hiding his emotions no matter how hard he tried. but akaashi on the other hand was a master at it. he only showed what was needed, making many people feel as though he had no emotions at all. his default expression of half lidded eyes and a slight frown often made him look bored making many people (mainly bokuto and kuroo) try to entertain the male.

while many of their efforts had resulted in the setter getting annoyed with them and leaving, one time one of the two had succeeded in making akaashi laugh. it was only a small giggle but bokuto had sworn he had never heard anything quite as beautiful before. if asked to explain akaashi's giggle he would say something along the lines of:

"it was as if angels themselves were singing my favorite song in my ears. just pure bliss."

slightly jealousy arose in bokuto as he realized that he wanted to be the only one to make akaashi laugh and hearing such a rare noise escape the setters lips made bokuto obsessed with hearing it again. as he walked home he started coming up with a plan to hear the beautiful sound again.

"hey akaashi! can i walk you home today?" bokuto asked running up to the male as he closed his bag.

akaashi glanced up at him a slight frown on his face. "don't you live far from me bokuto-san?"

"yeah but i don't mind! it's more of a workout."

akaashi hummed as if he was considering it then turned to the door. "if that's what you want i wouldn't mind."

bokuto grinned and followed. as the two walked in comfortable silence bokuto glanced at the male next to him. the orange of the sky illuminated the setter's face, a nice contrast  to his eyes and his little pink nose. as the wind picked up akaashi's hair flew back and he buried his face deeper into his scarf. feeling a pair of eyes drilling holes into his face he glanced up at bokuto and gave a half smile. the captain felt his heart skip a beat as he quickly looked at the floor. "you're really pretty kaashi!" he blurted out, internally cursing himself.

akaashi hummed. "thank you bokuto-san."

"you're welcome!" he grinned walking next to him. "hey akaashi."

"hm?" he looked over at the male.

"what's an owl's dream job?"

"i don't know."

"a flight attendant." bokuto stated chuckling at the pun and looking for any reaction from akaashi.

akaashi rolled his eyes. "very funny."

"you didn't like that one? i have a bunch more! like why are owls so good at math?"


"they excel at owlgebra! huh did you like that one??"

"it's nice bokuto-san."

bokuto sighed at the lack of laughter coming from akaashi. he thought that one was pretty good. "what do you find funny?"

"not much." akaashi answered honestly as he walked up to his door. "thank you for walking me home bokuto-san i'll see you tomorrow for practice."

"night kaashi!" bokuto grinned as the setter walked into his house and shut the door. 


"morning akaashi." bokuto yawned, stretching his arms out dramatically.

the male gave a small smile. "good morning bokuto-san. tired today?"

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