Movie Night (logicality)

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Logan was confused. He was confused because he, the logical side, was starting to have emotions and feelings. And it was all Patton's fault. 

Logan was very troubled when he came to the conclusion that he cared about the bubble side. Every time Patton smiled or laughed, Logan would get a weird feeling in his chest. Also Logan would find himself smiling and even laughing at his jokes. So when Patton started to act different, Logan noticed. Even though Patton was really good at hiding it, Logan could see the sadness in his eyes. 

Patton finally addressed the issue in Moving On part 1 and 2. After that, even though it got better, Patton still would keep to himself when he was sad. But one time he didn't.

It all started when Patton knockd on Logan's door. 

He was in his cat onesie and had a bunch of movies in his arms. Logan heard the knock and answered the door. 

"Salutations Patton. What brings you to my room?" Logan asked in a monotone voice.

"I just thought it would be fun to watch a movie with you!" Patton respond in his usual upbeat voice but Logan could tell something was up. Never the less, Logan stepped aside to let Patton in.

"I need to get changed, can you set everything up?" Logan inquired.

"Of course!"     

By time Logan had slipped on his unicorn onesie, Patton was already comfortably seated on Logan's bed. As Logan sat down next to him, Patton started the movie.

~  ~  ~  ~

After singing in the rain  was over, Patton put in frozen. When he sat back down, he was a lot closer to Logan then before.  Not that Logan was complaining. 

A little bit later Logan notice Patton was no longer watching the screen. He was staring at his hands and look very somber. Logan carefully paused the movie, not that Patton noticed.

"Patton what's wrong?" Logan asked as he placed his hand on Patton's. He had read somewhere that this is sometimes comforting.

Patton snapped out of it and looked up at Logan. 

"What do you mean! Everything is-"


The Moral side dipped his head. When he looked back up he had tears in his eyes.

"It's just so hard sometimes..."

".....Patton...what was your real reason to come to my room?"

"....I didn't want to be alone..."

"ok..... Why me?"

Patton's head shot up. "What?"

"Well, Roman or even Virgil is better at.... feelings and emotions then I. So I pose the question again. Why me?"

"I-umm- well....."

Patton face went bright red as he said "Logan I-I like you. Like, like like you."

Logan's heart stopped. He stopped thinking straight (A/N he never thinks straight *wink wink*) and softly grabbed Patton's chin and kissed him.

Patton sucked in a breath but soon melted into the kiss. It wasn't perfect but it was enough. It told Patton that he would be ok and it cleared away Logan's confusion about his feelings.

When they broke away, there was a few moments of silence until Logan spoke up.

"Patton would you be interested in eating food with me in a romantic setting as more than just friends?"


"oh um- er would you like to go on a 'date' with me and use the term 'boyfriends' when referring to each other?"  

"Ooooh! of course! i'd..... love that."

With that they both laughed and Logan pulled Patton closer so they could cuddle and finish the movie. Sooner or later they fell asleep in others arms.


When Logan woke up, he smiled down at the sleeping Patton in his lap. His stomach twisted in what he now knew was love for the man in his lap.


Wow I really don't know how to write an ending! I just want to say thanks to anyone how reads this book! Helpful feedback is welcome as this is my first book and I want to improve! Please vote if you haven't already!

question (I would love if you answered in the comments): 

what's you're favorite light side?

Mine is probably Patton cuz' I relate to him the most.

(694 words) 


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