Just kids (Demus)

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Kid AU. I hope you enjoy! 

!WARNING! Spoilers for new video! 

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(Remus' POV)

"Don't go to far kiddo!" Papa yell at me and Roman.

"Okay!" Roman yelled back.

Papa took us to play at the park near our house while we wait for Dada to get off work. We're gonna have a an ice cream day! Suddenly I feel a tap on my head. 

"Tag! You're it!" My idiot brother yells before sprinting away.

"Hey! No fair!"  I shout while running after him. 

(Time skip brought to you by the countless nights I stay up to 2 am to write)

I quickly hide behind some bushes. Roman and I got Papa to play hide n' seek! Right now Papa is the seeker!

I hear a soft sniffle and turn to see a small kid around my age crying in the shadows. The boy has his knees pull toward his chest. I have to squint to see any detail.

"Why are you crying?" I say without thinking. Dada says I have a problem with that. Apparently I say things out loud that aren't supposed to be said out loud.

From what I can see, he's wearing yellow t-shirt with black shorts and suspenders. On his feet are black tennis shoes. He has wavy brown hair and on it sits a mini top hat.

He looks up with fear in his eyes, realizing he's not alone.

"W-what are y-you doing h-here? H-have you c-came to m-make fun of m-me too?!"  He says with a shaky voice.

"No. What would I make fun of you?" I question.

He look taken back by that.

"B-because of m-my f-face..."

"Is something wrong with your face? I can see. It's too dark."

"Oh! Ok... umm my name is... Janus."

"Oooo I like your name!"

"R-really? People say it sounds like a girl name..."

"Yeah it's cool! It sounds like my name! Oh shoot I forgot! Sorry, my name is Remus!" I move to shake his hand like dada taught me to do with meeting a new person. 

"Wait stay there!"


"I d-don't want you to s-see me..." 

This confuses me. But I just take a seat in the dirt and say,



"Soooo.... how old are you?"

"I'm seven."

"Oh cool! I'm seven too! So is my brother! We're twins."

"Really? I've never met a twin before."

"Then I guess I'm your first!" 

Janus smiles softly.

"Do you know when you say 'forward' and 'back' your mouth moves in those directions? "

No! I didn't mean to say that out loud! I nervously wait for him to tell me I'm weird. Instead I'm met with silences. I squint at him trying to see what he's doing. I see his mouth moving silently before he laughs.

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