Ties and skirts (logicality)

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(A/N) I just want to say I'm not demi and I don't think I know anyone who identifies as demi. That being said I have researched and watched some videos to try to understand the identity. I'm sorry if I misrepresent anyone and if I do please tell me in the comments so I can try to fix it. Now onto the story!

!TW! mentions of abuse


Demisexual: A demisexual person is someone who does not experience sexual attraction to another person unless or until they have formed an emotional connection with that person. (and also possibly just an Intellectual connection) (AVEN)

Demiromantic: A demiromantic is a type of grey-romantic who only experiences romantic attraction after developing an emotional connection beforehand. (AVEN)

(Logan's POV)

The first time I see him is in the school hallway. 

I'm on my way home when I turned the corner to see someone kicking something. I soon came to the realization that the thing is not a thing, but a person. 

"HEY! Leave them alone!" I shouted without thinking. The bully stopped and took one glance at me before running away. 

He must of mistaken me as a teacher. That happens a lot because of what I tend to wear.

I rushed to the person to help them up, but when I reached them, their on their feet. 

"Are you alright?" I inquired.

They slowly wiped a tear off their freckled cheek and shakely smiled.

"Just a little b-beat up and b-bruised! I'll be f-fine!" They responded in a surprisingly bubbly voice.  

I remember being a little take back since they had just been on the ground. My surprise must have shown on my face, because they sadly laugh a little.

"Yeah... I guess you could say I'm use to it..." They told me. 


"I'm uhhh... I'm gay... And I like wearing "girly" things." They said with air quotations. "O-oh. I-I'm Patton! H-he/Him pronouns." 

I scanned him over and finally noticed what Patton was wearing. 

His top was a mostly white t-shirt with light grey sleeves. In his short, curly, golden brown hair he had two baby blue hair clips. His shirt was tucked into a baby blue skirt that stopped right above his knees and a black belt. On his face sat a pair of round glasses.

I guess you could say he was quite adorable.

"I'm Logan."

"Huh? I l-like the name L-logan... It's v-very classy." 

"Are you sure you're fine?" I asked again.

"Yep! L-like I said... I'm used to it...." He said looking at his feet. Suddenly he remembered something.

"Shoot! I'm sorry Logan! I got to go! I'll see you around!"

 And just like that he was gone.

The next time is a week later at lunch.

I was outside reading under a tree. 

"Hey stranger! What ya read?" 

I glanced up to see Patton with a slight bruise on his cheek. That time he was wearing a shorter gray skirt with a loose, light blue, off the shoulder top. 

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