The Wall Between Us (Logicality)

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Big thanks (once again, seriously they are amazing) to @Creepypasta_fander for this idea! I've been waiting for so long to use this! I changed it a bit but I kept the base of it.

I hope you enjoy! Remember to hit that star if you do!

!TW! Drugs, Needles, Death, Human testing? 


Human/Super power AU  

Introduction: Only 1% of the population has "powers." No one knows where they came from but every once in a while, on someone's 8th birthday, they can manifest "powers." People became afraid of those who manifested these abilities. The world decided to put them in labs to run test and hopefully find a "cure." 

Some chose to hide their kids that manifested, but most willing sent their kids away to the labs. Each kid is placed into a small, plain, power dampening room  and are tested on daily. Most kids spend the rest of their lives in the small room...    

(Logan's POV) 

"Mother? Father?"

"I'm sorry Logan, but it's for the best. You can help the world. You can help find a cure." Father's face is blank as he speaks.   

Strong hands grab my arms.

"No. Let me go!" I start to struggle. "You can't let them take me!"

"Stop being a baby. You can help people." Mother says.

"MOM! DAD! PLEASE! DON'T LET THEM HAVE ME!" I scream as tears start to fall. They show no emotion. No regret. Nothing. 

I feel a sharp needle in my neck and everything goes black. 

I jolt awake, panting and sweaty. Wincing, I rub my neck as pain from the past echoes in my mind. 

It has been three years but I can still recall every detail from the day my parents willingly gave me up. I was taken to the Labs shortly after I discovered my ability to control earth on my 8th birthday.

Three years of tests. Three years of isolation. Three years in this plain, off-white room. 

Apparently I'm really mature for an eleven-year-old boy. How would I know though? My room is at the end of the hall and no one has ever inhabited the one room next to mine. The only people I see are the doctors.

My voice has grown weak from not talking to anyone for days at a time. I can't recall the last time I smiled.

"526! Dinner!" I jump a little as a doctor yells my number and shoves food through the slot in my door. I slowly get up from the hard 'bed' and pick up the small portion of 'food.' If you can even call it that.

I eat what was given to me and lay back down. I close my eyes and try to get an adequate amount of sleep.

I, once again, am awaken with a start. This time it's not nightmares, but crying. I get up and walk to the wall of my room. As I press my ear against the wall, my eyes go wide. 

Could it be there is actually a person next to my wall? In the other room?

"H...-Hello ?" I say in a raspy voice. The last I spoke to someone was to answer some questions about my powers. That was two day ago.

The crying stops. 

"Is someone there?" I ask.

"Y-yes..." A small voice answers. 

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