Comfort In My Time Of Need (Demus)

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This chapter contains Trans!Janus. If you don't like this/have a problem with this, TO BAD! If you don't like/accept transgender people, LEAVE NOW AND DON'T COME BACK! Thank you! ^w^

Possible TW: Periods, Blood, and Dysphoria

If you are triggered by any of this ^^ please skip this chapter! Stay safe lovelies!

I hope you enjoy! Remember to hit that star! Thank you!


Human AU

(Janus' POV)

I take a deep breath and open my eyes. I look at my dads, Remy and Emile, as Papa (Emile) sends me a reassuring smile from his place next to me. 

I smile back and look to my childhood best friend, Virgil, who sits on my desk. He smiles and gives me a thumbs up. 

I then turn to my newest friends. I had been home schooled till 9th grade when I switched to public school and met them. My friends. My friends who could very easily turn on me when I tell them my secret.

 They're all in my room looking at me. Patton is sitting on his boyfriend's lap on a beanbag. Logan holds him and look at me curiously. Roman and Remus both sit/fight in the hammock that hangs from my ceiling. 

I should tell them why I had them come here.... Here we go.

"S-so... I brought y-you here to t-tell you something a-about me..." I stutter out. I feel Dad (Remy) squeeze my hand. 

I inhale through my nose and exhale through my mouth. I feel my heart thudding in my chest. 

"I-I'm.... I'm Female to Male trans." I shut my eyes, hopping I don't lose my friends.

"....What?" I hear Roman ask.

"Janus was born a girl but is actually a boy." My Papa explains. 

"Yeah. And if you don't like that you can-" 

"Remy, darling, please calm down." 


"I wanted to tell you this because I trust you guys. I'm still me. I just wanted to tell you so you would know." I explain to them, staring at my feet.


"....Thank you." I look up at Patton, confused. "Thank you for trusting us. I love you and nothing will change that."

"I agree with Patton. This doesn't change any friendship you and I have."

"I would've never guess! In my book, you were and are, a king just as much as any of us."

I start to tear up. My eyes go to Remus who hasn't said anything. I bit my lip. He's the one I want to accept me. I may have.... a small... crush on him. 


He looks at me and smirks.

"Dick or no dick, you're still my best bro."

I smile as tears spill. I still have a chance.

A month later  

I wince and curl into a tighter ball on my bed. It's Saturday and day two of literal hell. 

On top of just being in pain and having a consent reminder that I wasn't born a boy, I can't bind because of my chest being sore. Luckily I'm only a 32B but I still feel really dysphoric. 

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