Wild Ride (Prinxiety)

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Hello dear reader! So I'm gonna start updating on Mondays so I can fix my sleep schedule XD! I hope you understand!

Anyway, on to the chapter!


Human AU

(Roman's POV)

"Come on RoRo! Just once!" Patton begs. 

We're at the wonderful Disney World and he's begging me to go on a roller coaster.

"Patton, you know I get sick on the big rides!"

"But Ro!" He puts on his best puppy eyes. "I don't want too go alone."

I sigh. "Fine! But only because you're my best friend."

"Yay!" He hugs me before dragging me in line. "You're the best!"

(Time skip brought to you by my love for all you amazing people!)      

We finally get to the front of the line and we're next. 

"Wow! Look at that employ's sweater! It looks awesome!" Patton says pointing to a small worker in a corner. 

He's wearing a black hoodie with purple patches intentionally sew on. Patton's right, he is hoodie is really cool. On top of that he looks really hot/cute.

He has dark brown almost black hair with the tips died a deep purple. On his hair sits some classic Mickey Mouse ears. His eyeliner is on point and he wears dark black eye shadow under his eyes. Also his skinny, ripped black jeans do wonders for his ass.

I instantly fall head over heals for him. I wonder if he's got a good personality...

"Excuse me! Where'd ya get that hoodie?" Patton asks.

I guess we'll find out know.

He jumps slightly at the sudden noise then looks around and points to himself with a questioning look.

"Yes you!" Patton smiles and waves him over. 

He slowly walks over a I notice him playing with his sleeves.  

"W-what do you n-need sir?" He asks nervously.

"My name's Patton and this is my bestie Roman! We couldn't help but admirer your hoodie! Do you mind me asking where you got it?"

"O-oh? Umm... I actually made it myself."

"Wow Really?!"

"Y-yeah." He smiles a bit.

"So the storm cloud can sew." I accidentally said out loud. I quickly slap a hand over my mouth.

His eyes shift to me and his eyes scans me over.

"What's it to you Princey?" He fires back.

My face flushes when but then I remember I'm wearing my hand-sew prince outfit. He smirks at me. Is this the same guy who was just stuttering?!

"S-sorry I didn't mean to say that." I apologias.

"It's fine. Yeah I do sew though."

"That's cool! Me and Roman sew our own cosplay! He actually made the outfit he's wearing!" Patton adds.

"Really!?" The shorter boy's eyes light up as he looks at my outfit. "It looks really great." He says.

"Thanks! I wanted to be extra and what's more extra then a prince!" I say striking a pose.  

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