Valentines Day

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It was Valentines Day and while Thomas was hanging with friends, the sides where with there boyfriends/crushes. 



Patton was so excited. Logan had promised to watch movies and cuddle with him for Valentines day. Even though Logan pointed out how unhealthy it was to sit around all night and eat popcorn, his boyfriend seemed really excited so he agreed. 

They had decided to met at Patton's room at 9 am. Patton hurried to pick up his room a little and make popcorn. He also made cookies and a handmade card full of puns for Logan.

They had been together for ten months and their feelings had stayed the same. They both benefited from relationship, with Logan becoming more in touch with his emotions and Patton learning to be more open in telling the others when he was sad.

Patton's smile doubled in size when he heard Logan knock on his door. He rushed to open the door and immediately threw his arms around Logan's neck.


"Hey bunny!" 

Logan chuckled softly and picked up the shorter boy. Patton rapped his legs around the tall man and clung to him. Logan set Patton on the bed and went to close the door.

When he turned around Patton was holding a box with the handmade card laying on top. 

"Happy Valentines Day Logan!"

Logan smile and kissed his boyfriend's head.

"Thank you Babe. Now let's watch some movies!"



Roman was feeling good. Today he was going to sweep Virgil off his feet. He had planned a whole day packed with romantic things that would surely make Virgil fall for him. 

First thing to do: Give the emo nightmare a million red roses and a box of chocolates.

Sure to some people it might seem over the top, but if it was what it took to make Virgil his, he would do it again. Once he loaded the roses in a cart, he set off for the purple ones room.  

 When he reached Virgil's room he knocked and stepped to the side so the flowers were visible.

Virgil slowly open the door and was amazed at what he saw. He stepped outside and place his hands over his mouth.

The princely side cleared his throat and said "My dearest Virgil. Will you be my Valentine?"

Virgil was shocked at first but then answered "Sure!"

"Well I'll just have to- wait WHAT?!"

Virgil giggled

"I said 'sure' sir-sing-alot. Do you need to get your ears checked?"

"My ears work perfectly fine, thank you very much! I just- that's all it took?"

"umm... Yeah... You got me chocolate and flowers.... wait! You didn't plan a whole day of stuff to 'wow' me, did you?"


"You did..."


Virgil bursted into laughter.

"Come here you idiot."

Roman walked over to Virgil. Virgil stood on his tiptoes and kissed him.

"Come on. Let's go get lunch or something." Virgil said.

"Whatever you say my love!"



Deceit was just walking around when his boyfriend came up to him.

"Happy Valentines Day DeeDee~" Remus said and held up...... a dead rat and some dead flowers.

Deceit sighed but smiled and took the gifts and a kiss from the rat man. 

'At lest he tried.'  he thought.


Sorry this is short! I literally just wrote it in like two hours XD! I hope you enjoyed! Happy Valentines Day! Inspired by this post on tumblr by thedukedudeinadress:

Valentines Day


Patton: *gives Logan a card and some chocolate* happy valentines day Logie!


Roman: *gives Virgil a million roses and a box of chocolate* happy valentines day, my love


Remus: *gives Deceit a dead rat and a bouquet of dead flowers* happy valentines day DeeDee

Dee: least you tried-  

Q: how are you spending Valentine's Day?

Im probably just gonna watch tv.... 



(word count 646)

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