Drunk kisses (Remile)

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!TW!: Alcohol, some sexual content not smut tho


Human AU

(Emile's POV)

How did I let this happen?


"Come on Em~ Live a little!" Roman pleads.

"Yeah Emile! And who knows, you might find a hottie that can fuc-"  

"Remus please!" I say covering my face with my hands. "If I say yes will you two leave me alone?"

"Yes!" They shout insync.

Oh right, that's how. I need to learn how to not be a pushover.

The two brothers said I was stressed so they thought it was a good idea to take me to a gay bar. 

I love that they're trying to help but a gay bar? Really? And on top of that they ditched me for the first two handsome men they saw. I guess I'll just head to the bar and wait for the twins.

 I take a seat on the one of bar stools and wait for the bartender.

(Time skip brought to you by Shots! Shots! Shots! Shots! Shots! EVERYBODY! I'm sorry I had too XD)

After I had a few drinks I hear a deep voice say,

"Well aren't you a cute one?"

I look up to see a stunning man wearing a tight black crop top with short shorts and fishnets. 

"Oh my god I'm gay."

"I hope so if you're at a gay bar." The angel/demon said with a chuckle and a smirk. 

My eyes widen and my face gets red.

"D-did I say that out loud?!"

"Yeah, ya did babes."

"Eep! I'm sorry! I might be a little tipsy." I say biting my lip.

"Really I had no idea."

"Anyways, where did the bartender go?" 

"Kyle is off the clock, I'm the bartender for the rest of the night."

"Oh! Can I get an old fashioned?" 

"A sweet drink for sweet person." He says with a wink.

My face gets even more flushed as a giggle escapes my mouth. 

"Here you go....?"

"Emile. Emile Picani." I say a little quickly.

The hottie in fishnets chuckles. And God it's a beautiful a noise!

"Nice to meet you Emile. I'm Remy Robusta."

Remy sets down my drink and turns to server someone else. Oh boy! This is gonna be a long night.

"Hehehe! Remy! Come here!" I yell at the gorgeous man in shades. I've been here for hours and I might be a little, tiny, bit, a lot drunk. Hehehe.

"Well if it isn't our biggest customer. Whatcha need gurl?" I giggle at his funny words. Is it just me or is everything really funny right now?

"Have you met Remy? He's this super hot guy and he's really cool! Anyway, can I get another drink?"

"I- umm- I think you've had enough to drink babes." 

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