Run Away With Me (Remile)

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Demon and Angel AU

(No one's POV)

The young demon Remy (though only ten) live a hard life.

All demons did.

Every day he was send to school to be taught how to tempt people. He was also taught how kill and to show no mercy.

Then when he went home he was constantly compared to his siblings. He was always told he wasn't good enough.

It wasn't to bad when his mom was there, but she had disappeared and he was left with his corrupt father.

Emile on the other hand, live a perfect life full of love and happiness as an angel.

He was allowed to be himself and explore to his heart's content.

To boy on opposite sides of the same coin brought together on one fateful day.


It was a normal day for Emile as he explored the beautiful blue woods. He skipped around stretching his small baby blue wings.

He wore a white button up shirt with a pink bow tie and simple gray pants as bottoms. A light golden ring floated above his auburn brown hair.

 He curious brown-Ish green eyes looked around and spotted small cave. He didn't recall any cave in the blue woods...

Almost in a trance, he shuffled into the cave. It was dark but his halo provided some light. He mindlessly walk deeper into the cave.

He was walking some time before he heard a soft whimper.

"H-hello?" He called out. The crying stopped. "Are you ok?"

"W-why do you care?" A small voice asked from behind a rock.

"I don't know...." He answered truthfully. "You sound sad."

"You just want to rat me out to the principal! You no that emotions other then anger, wrath and pride aren't allowed!" The voice accused.


"Don't act dumb! You know the rules!"

"What rules?" Emile asks curiously. 

"I- what...?"

Emile hears shuffling before he sees him.


(Emile's POV)

"You're a d-demon?" 

My jaw drops as I realize I've been talking to a demon.

"H-how did you find this place!" The demon yells before rushing towards me.

I stumble back, falling on my butt. I stare with wide eyes as he is knocked back before he reaches  me. 

"Ow! What was that!?" He yells.

I know I should probably run my curiosity urges me forward. I reach out to touch an invisible wall. 

"Woah.... I guess we really are separated..."

"What are you going on about angel?!"

I jump back remembering the demon. I give him a once over.

He has dark black wings. Not like mine though. He's are webbed. From his forehand sprout two small black horns. He wears black ripped jeans and a tattered brown shirt. 

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