Friends? (Demus)

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Thank you @zombie2hedgehog for the amazing idea! Skip if you don't like Remus and his dirty mind lol

This =  lie


(Third person) At the end of selfishness versus selflessness

"It's clear you all don't wanna listen to reason," Deceit said in a condescending tone. "But hear this, i'll always be a part of you," he said as he lifted coat to reveal a two headed snake. 

Everyone went silent until Patton said, "ooo look at the little tongues!"

"I'm not going anywhere," Deceit continued. "And there are smarter ways to get people to do what you want, anyway." He finished while sinking down.


(Remus' POV)

I'm soo bored.... Dee left an hour ago to talk to my uncreative twin and his friends. He's the only one who'll listen to my "dirty" thoughts. 

Did you know Snakes have two penises! Does that mean Deceit has two! I'll have to ask him later. 

Speak of the devil.

Deceit struts into my room and instantly starts rambling. 

"Remus I was almost had them!" He started to pacing my room. "None of them listened to me!"

"Whoa Deceit! Stop pacing I have a question-"

"Yes Remus! Not now!" He yelled at me. 

He never yells at me. Even when he gets annoyed at me. Ok I guess he really is stressed out. Damn it I have to be sincere.... umm ok let's try this.

"Hey Dee," haha De like dic- no Remus not now! "Hey calm down ok? Come here." I say and wave him to my bed. 

"Remus I said-"


I think he realized I'm trying to be real with him cause he slowly walks to my bed. I pat the bed silently telling him to sit. He carefully craws on the bed next to me. Ok here goes nothing.

I slowly move behind him and snake my arms around him. Haha snake like- Damn it's hard to be serious! 

"Re- Remus what are y-you doing?!"

I laugh at his flustered state and reply, 

"Calm yourself snake. I'm just try to comfort you," I smirked before leaning in and whispering in his ear, "Unless you want me to do more~"

"Remus~" He wined while covering his face. He tried to move away but I just pulled him close to my chest. 

"Sorry, sorry... I'm trying to be real but I had too!"


(Deceit's POV)

Uggg... why am I so flustered! It's just Remus... and he makes joke like that all the time! He's my friend... that's why I'm flustered! Because friends shouldn't joke like that! 

Anyway... I stop trying to escape Remus' arms and let him pull me close to his chest. 

"Remus why are you doing this?"

"What ya mean? My bestie is stressing, aren't friends supposed to calm each other down?"

"Umm.... yeah.." why did the word bestie hurt to hear coming out of his mouth?

It doesn't matter. Remus is right, (wow that is weird) I'm stressed out right now. I should just relax.

I slowly let myself sink into his embrace. I sat between his legs with his arms around my wast and I had my back up against his chest. His head rested on my shoulder.

We sat there for awhile in silence. I could tell Remus was trying really hard not to blurt out any and all thoughts in his head. One part of me was enjoying the silence but the other part of me wanted Remus to be himself.

"Umm ree? Thank you for helping me, but you don't have to hold back with me."

"Oh thank god! I was really try but Dee! You've heard of pickle rick now here's pickle dick!"

I rolled my eyes barely containing a smirk as he laughed uncontrollably. 

I was just admiring him and..... 

I kissed him.

OH MY GOD IM KISSING MY BEST FIREND! I pulled away from him quickly and scooted off his lap. His eyes were wide and his mouth was slightly ajar.

"Oh my god Remus! I'm so not sorry! I just wasn't looking at you and..." omg I have a crush on my best friend! 

"Fuck! Ree I'm so so sorry!" I quickly buried myself in my hands and curl up in a ball. I messed up! 

The beat of silence.

I feel the bed shift.

Then Remus lifts me on to his lap. He holds me for a little. 

"Do... you umm like me? Like more then a friend?" He says just barely above a whisper.

I peek through my fingers to study his face and find him starting down at me. I slowly remove my hands from my face.

" I... yes." 

This time it's Remus who pulls me into a kiss. This one last longer and is a little deeper. 

When we pull away he smiles at me and says,

"Good cuz' I like you too."

I smiled wider than I've ever smiled before. I close my eyes and nuzzle my face into his neck. I suddenly feel very sleepy. Remus must of noticed because he asked.

"Hey Dee?"


"Do you have two dicks?"


Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed! Please vote and comment if you liked!

I tried to do this amazing idea justice.

Q: how's everybody doing in quarantine?

Tbh I Kinda just don't know what to do. I don't really have motivation so if I'm slow to update I'm sorry!


(Word count 905)

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