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Wang yibo then knew that Xiao zhan was having that thought again which is right but he can't say that to Xiao zhan...since Xiao zhan would get worse....and probably really pass out if he said that his thoughts are right!

"I mean 'FRIENDLY' date"clarified Wang yibo again...

"You!Wang yibo!I'm only gonna say this once!you really need to think before speaking!"Xiao zhan said glaring daggers at Wang yibo from letting him have a panic attack again!

Wang yibo really wasn't healthy for Xiao zhan for Wang yibo always cause Xiao zhan mini panic attacks and everything but Xiao zhan couldn't find it in himself to avoid  the boy...

Wang yibo just shrugged and walked motioning Xiao zhan to follow him...

Xiao zhan followed him to see a big motorbike parked in front of them...

"Wow!"Xiao zhan exclaimed...

"Cool,right?"Wang yibo asked Xiao zhan who keeps gawking at his motorbike...

Xiao looked at him with his big doe eyes and an expression that only Xiao zhan can pull off...


thought Wang yibo while looking at an amazed Xiao zhan...

"Want to drive it?"wang yibo asked to which xiao zhan looked at him, surprise evident in his face...

"No!no!no!no!"Xiao zhan repeatedly refused...

"Why?"confuse,Wang yibo asked...

"I don't know how to...."Xiao zhan softly whispered...

Yibo looked at a shy Xiao zhan....

"I'll teach you.."yibo finally said..

"No"Xiao zhan immidiately responded...

"Why?you said that it's cool..just try it."yibo convinced Xiao zhan...

"It's cool but....I really don't know how to drive it...I can't even drive a car in a road..."Xiao zhan complained...

And at the end yibo laughed....he could imagine a flustered Xiao zhan driving and not knowing what to do when someone would beep their cars at Xiao zhan's...

Xiao Zhan immidiately pouted at the latter's laugh....

He gathered all his courage to say something so embarrassing yet yibo just laughed at him!!

"Wang yibo?is it funny?!"Xiao zhan said while glaring at Wang yibo...

Wang yibo immidiately stopped laughing....

Oh no!Xiao zhan's mad but still....cute...

Even though Xiao zhan's glaring at him he still can't stop thinking how adorable Xiao zhan is...

How can someone be so adorable?

"Well...I guess I won't force you but if you have time learn driving the motorbike and maybe the car?"Wang yibo didn't know that he was again teasing Xiao zhan until Xiao zhan pointed it out!

"Wang yibo stop teasing me!I knew I should have never told you that!bad bo!"exclaimed Xiao zhan while crossing his arms and pouting...

Oh what I would do to get this boy...

Wang yibo shakes his head for his thoughts are becoming more and more daring but he couldn't say that he doesn't like it...if anything he loves it..

He loves all the things that he feels for Xiao zhan....

"Xiao laoshi!I don't dare tease you!"wang yibo defended quickly after getting out of his reverie!!

"You don't dare but you already did!"

Wang yibo laughed at Xiao zhan's expression...

He really couldn't believe that this guy  is older than him...

I mean by looks and personality?he didn't seem matured

Xiao zhan is like a baby and when you know him you would just want to spoil him and hide him from this world...

yibo thought ridiculous again but god knows how much he doesn't care at that time...

He just want to treasure all his moments with Xiao zhan...

Wang yibo rode the motorbike while Xiao zhan's looked at him puzzled...

"Get on"said yibo to a puzzled Xiao zhan....

"I....ok"even though hesitant Xiao zhan immidiately got on the motorbike...

"Hold tight.."Wang yibo thought that Xiao zhan would hug him but Xiao zhan instead hold the back of the motorbike...

Wang yibo wanted to curse the one that Xiao zhan's holding tightly to but he suddenly got an idea...

Yibo smirked and drived his motorbike fast causing Xiao to squeak and hold on to yibo's stomach...

"Yibo!are you crazy?"Xiao zhan who almost had a heart attack shouted...

"Just hold me.."yibo said and continued to drive...

Xiao zhan's heart is beating so fast but he knows it's no longer because of yibo's fast speed....

He is hugging yibo and strangely he feels so weird as if he just wants to hold yibo forever and never let go....

Xiao zhan knew that magic doesn't exist but for a moment he just wanted time to magically stop...

He knew he was in a deep trouble the moment he realized what he wished for...

He must be going crazy for thinking like that...and besides he,Xiao Zhan is and are STRAIGHT!

And he was sure of that!

Meanwhile yibo felt like flying he wanted to continue driving and take Xiao zhan away...but he knew he couldn't...he knew that what he's feeling is dangerous for both of them not to mention that they are now reaching the top but yibo couldn't care less...

Yibo loves Xiao zhan and he knows that Xiao zhan feels the same way...

It's only a matter of time for the two of them to confess..

But for now they will enjoy their time knowing each other....

Yibo doesn't want to rush Xiao Zhan....and he won't

Yibo wanted to be with Xiao zhan and no one can stop him not even Xiao zhan...

I'll make him happy....

I'll make him feel happiness...

The TRUE happiness which I'm feeling right now...

Yibo knew that he was being cheesy but he doesn't care...

What matters to him the most is he's with the one he loves...

And he's so happy that he can Shout to the world how much happy he is right now..

Yibo felt Xiao Zhan gripping him tightly and then he he thinking the same thing????

If we can be given a chance to be together....will he take it???

'Cause damn I surely would take it...

And he'll do everything to have that chance for yibo's love was deep...deeper than the ocean and he knows that he would rather drown than get out of that ocean...

Yibo suddenly halted his thoughts when he felt his jacket getting wet....

Xiao Zhan is crying....

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