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Xiao Zhan kissed back causing Wang yibo to groan...

They were about to go further but then ringing was heard...

"Whose phone is that?"asked Wang yibo irritated....

Xiao Zhan looked at the phone ringing...

"Mine."Xiao Zhan said while running for his phone to answer the call...

"Hello?"Xiao Zhan said after answering the call

"Where are you?"his manager suddenly asked him...

"Why?"he is curious about his manager's call since his manager said that this will be his day off...

"The company is having a movie project and the boss wants to give the project to you..."His manager excitedly say...

"Ahhh..I see..I'm going there..."Xiao Zhan said and said goodbye and waited for his manager to end the  call...

Wang yibo raised his eyebrow at him wanting to know what the call is about...

"Another work..."

"Another?!aren't you working too much?when will you be able to rest?are you ok?"worry Wang yibo....

long forgotten was the kiss they shared what matters now is that Xiao Zhan doesn't even have time to rest...

" know that I need this for our future..."Xiao Zhan explained to a worried Wang yibo...

" don't need to work that hard!I also work but not that much!you're tiring yourself too much!"Wang yibo felt bad that he couldn't take care of Xiao Zhan or even let Xiao Zhan rest...and he also felt bad that Xiao Zhan was the one working so hard for them....

He swore to himself he would let Xiao Zhan rest all he want when they would finally be able to live together and get out of this cruel industry...

"I need to do this..for the future..for us..I know you know what I mean....yibo I'm doing all of this not only for us but for our fans and my family...."explained Xiao Zhan...

Wang yibo wasn't convinced Xiao Zhan was just too kind and cares too much of others....but why can't he care and love himself like how he love others???

"How about you then?"irritated Wang yibo ask...

Xiao zhan's kindness to all is toxic for Xiao Zhan himself...and he wants Xiao Zhan to know that...he wants Xiao Zhan to realize that his kindness is always taken advantage of...fuck!even Wang yibo himself can't deny that he sometimes takes advantage of Xiao zhan's kindness!

Xiao Zhan on the other was surprised about the question...

No one has ever questioned him that...not even his parents..well,his parents were proud of him for being so kind and lovely...

But why?why is Wang yibo asking that question?why is Wang yibo making him feel...loved and cared so much???

can someone finally free him from his naive and kind self???

'cause god was he so tired of hiding his pain just to not offend others...

"Thank you..."Xiao Zhan couldn't utter any word but that...

He was just so overwhelmed....

So overwhelmed that he almost want to cry...

Why do I feel understood by Wang yibo???

Why do I feel that I'm so important with wang yibo????

Xiao Zhan didn't need to utter another word for Wang yibo to understand what Xiao Zhan meant...

Xiao Zhan is saying thank you for the affection he make him feel...

But wang yibo wasn't happy about Xiao zhan's thank you to him..

He is angry that Xiao Zhan couldn't see his own worth...

"Why do you look down on yourself so much?"Wang yibo just couldn't believe that a man like Xiao Zhan couldn't see his own worth...

Yibo knew that something more deeper was behind Xiao zhan's lack of self-worth...

But he won't force Xiao Zhan to speak the reason...he wants Xiao Zhan to tell him himself....

"Why?I'm just being humble!"Xiao Zhan who noticed that thing were starting to get heavy joked...

"I'm not kidding..."Wang yibo warned Xiao Zhan sternly...

"Aiyo!just stop talking really!I still have to go to the company!"said Xiao Zhan avoiding the topic about himself...

Wang yibo who knew that Xiao Zhan is unwilling to answer his question just sighed...

"I'll drop you off..."said Wang yibo completely forgetting the situation they were in...

"No way!other people might notice!"immediately refused Xiao Zhan...

"I'll...."Wang yibo really wanted to see Xiao Zhan off and so he thought for a while...."just follow your car until you got in the company then.."

Xiao Zhan was about to protest when Wang yibo cut him off...

"And I promise to be as far away as possible.."Xiao Zhan couldn't refuse Wang yibo since he can see the determination inside Wang yibo's eyes...

"Fine.."said Xiao Zhan causing yibo to smile...

Xiao Zhan called his driver to ready their car in the VIP parking lot of this apartment....or rather condo...

Xiao Zhan covered himself and his face to not be recognized if ever someone see him...

Oh!and by the way!his stay in this condo is private no one can know about him staying here...

Xiao Zhan was about to go out with yibo following him when yibo decided against it and pulled Xiao Zhan into his embrace...

"No goodbye kiss?"asked yibo causing Xiao Zhan to blush!

Xiao Zhan just stayed quite and gripped yibo's clothes tightly too shy to say yes....

Wang yibo who knew Xiao Zhan by heart knows what that means and so he kissed Xiao Zhan passionately not having any tounge involved by the way...

After a while when Wang yibo felt that xiao Zhan was out of breath he pulled away and they both got out of Xiao zhan's condo and when they got into the parking lot they looked at each other one last time before treating each other as a stranger and got in their cars....

It pained Xiao Zhan and Wang yibo when they have to act like strangers but they knew they couldn't take the risk if other VIP guest in this condo notice them or even give them attention...

And so Xiao zhan's driver drived him to the company with yibo following discreetly...

There were two cars in front of yibo after xiao zhan's car but it wasn't enough of a hindrance for want yo I to follow Xiao zhan...

After a while Wang yibo saw Xiao zhan's car in front of  the *****company and so he stopped a little  far away to watch Xiao Zhan getting out of the car and looking at his car for a moment before walking in....

Wang yibo smiled bitterly to himself...

The things they have to do to be able to do each other's wish...

No one ever knew but Wang yibo desired to drop Xiao Zhan off so much...

Even once...just once...I want to give Xiao Zhan a ride in my car and motorbike again...without worrying about anything.....

And Wang yibo who never thought that he would ever want to go back to his unpopular self wished...

He wished to go back to his unpopular self and know Xiao Zhan a little earlier...

If only I and Xiao Zhan is still not popular...

We could have....had done those without thinking about any other people and just ourselves...

Wang yibo knew that he is thinking something selfish...but in this have to be selfish to survive and never be taken advantage of...

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