Imagination Sets Me Free

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Imagination Sets Me Free

by Chairsniffa and Warrior_Prophet

24 hours are in a day but a day includes a night
These areas are pretty grey but not mixed with black or white
Why is it I laughed when I had a shocking fright
My eyes are blind but I have born a second sight

My body is the infinity, my head the celestial sky
As I reach out for eternity, perpetual darkness cries
Tomorrow is just a memory, and the past my immortal eyes
Heaven is an enemy, Unto which the demon's pry

Life goes on after death
As the unsinkable sinks
The longest scream in shortest breath
My unthinkable thinks

I don't need directions, to the end of the deep blue sea
Reality is a byword, imagination's what sets me free
Fear of death is an indication, that your mind is still alive
The highest excitation, is sadly in decline

Epic Irony breathes to live at a dead end
Where imagination under rated can over extend
I try to stop my mind going straight round the bend
And start to finish the beginning of The End

Theme = Epic Irony

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