Taming His Sister

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Taming His Sister

By Deep4141 and Warrior_Prophet

I dreamt again of her last night

She spoke the sweetest things

Then I awoke into the light

And lost the angel without wings

She walks with unmatched grace, her cute nose upturned

Treating puppy-faced guys with utter disdain

Many a hopeful have tried their wretched luck

Her haughtiness turned them down and never looked back again

Why can't she be like my vision

Instead of this cold hearted bitch

But I won't take it as her final decision

When I have not yet made my final pitch

She may put on an air that she doesn't care

But there's potential to love within that tough exterior

I've a master plan, where others have had despair

To change her obnoxious ways; I WILL tame her!

I will change my ways and fight fire with fire

I become her beauty spot instead of the blister

I'll be her object of passion and desire

She will be tamed my best friends sister!

The theme = Your friend's lovely sister is a real arrogant shrew, she treats guys like rubbish. You have taken a fancy to her and want to make her your own but first you got to cure her of her ways...

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