First Sight ( Chapter 1 )

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"She's weak, useless...that child is not good enough to be called a kunoichi," Baki looked out the window at a villager's home, their little girl shying away from the children who played around her.

"Please, we cannot afford school for her, and the Ninja Academy of the Sand is free, we want her to grow up with happiness," the mother of the child pleaded, "We want her to like anyone else."

"She has some kekkei-genkai jutsus in her, from my great grand-father, he co-"

"He could copy attacks, we know, he stole the Sharingan from an Uchiha, that's what he was able to do, but your child doesn't show a sign of that ability," Baki turned to the parents, "Prove to me that she can use the Sharingan and i'll approve her to join the academy with the others."

"Oh thank you, thank you so much!" the parents nearly cried.

As Baki left, he went to a roof top and studied the girl from a distance, she was so quiet unless she was spoken to, then she'll talk like a normal child. She had her mother's dark brown hair, normal for those who were born in the desert, especially her eyes, they were a very, creamy brown, almost like the sand, but her skin...Baki didn't understand why she was so pale, every day all day, the child was in the sun, so why wasn't she a dark brown? Appearence didn't matter though, she showed little potential being a ninja, but to just humor the parents, he'll see if she can do the Sharingan. If she can, then he'll have to buy a round of drinks with the other Jonin.

"C'mon Ura, play with us," the kids walked over to the shy girl with a ball.

She wiped some hair away from her eyes as she eyed the ball, "Well...I don't know how to play."

The group of five-year-old children smiled at her, all gathered around the boy that asked her to play with them, "We'll teach you then."

Ura smiled brightly when they welcomed her to play a game with them, fitting in quite nicely, and becoming a part of their group. She learned quickly how to play the game accurately, but more importantly, she made some friends. It was all going fine, until they kicked the ball on a roof, one of the boys groaned, " what are we going to do?"

Then, sand retrieved the ball and brought it to a boy with red hair and weird eyes. Ura noticed all of the children start to quiver and fear the boy, but she had never seen him before, he looked so lonely though. She wanted to say something, but then decided not to, then the boy stepped closer to them, "Here's your ball..."

"Run! It's Gaara of the Sand!" the kids started to scream and run away, one of the girls grabbed Ura to run with them.

Ura looked back as she ran, the boy was sending sand straight for them, and the sand caught her ankle. She paniced when it started to drag her towards him, Ura began to scream bloody murder and reach for something to stop. When she looked back again, a huge blast of sand was sent at her, the feeling of death over-ran her when she saw that.


A woman took the blow, protecting Ura and the others that were caught, but unlike the other children, Ura did not flee at her only chance. She sat on her knees and looked over her shoulder, though boy that nearly killed her was very cute. What was his name? Why was he so alone when he was cute? She was too shy to ask though, sooner or later, she would find out.

" can't kill them," the woman said calmly.

Gaara...that was his name, Ura stood up and stalked off, but smiled to herself, she had her first crush. Ura had a dreamy look on her face as she walked back to her home, Gaara was all she could think about. She didn't understand why he was so isolated, and how could he control the sand so perfect? It was then decided, she had to find out these aspects about him so she could make herself worthy for him, but how? All that didn't matter now, the only thing that mattered now was that Ura found someone she could dream about now. When she reached her poor, ragedy home, she walked inside to see her mother happily cooking supper and her father looking at adds that were beyond his own paycheck.

"Mommy...what's going on?" Ura asked.

"You're starting at the academy first thing tomorrow like the other students, you have much training to cover, but i'm sure you'll be able to catch up," a man stepped out of the shadows, "I'll be one of your instructors, Baki."

He came over and handed her a few scrolls that were pretty thick, "Study these is your first task, remember all of them, or you fail."

"Yes sensei," Ura bowed quickly and turned her eyes to the floor.

"Is there anything I can help my daughter with?" the mother turned away from her cooking and looked at Baki.

"You two know nothing of the Sand Shinobi, so neither of you are to help her in any way. This is her fate, you two had your chance and failed to grasp it," Baki stated, then he squated down on to get to head-level for Ura, "I've seen you use that Sharingan trait only Uchiha Clan members have, you're a very lucky girl, and maybe there is still hope for you."

Baki then disappeared, then Ura looked at her scrolls, not understanding why she was now an academy student to become a ninja. After she ate supper with her parents, Ura began to study the scrolls as best as she could. They were so hard though, it was as if Baki wanted her to use this 'Sharingan', but she didn't know how. From what Ura had heard, they were a very strong clan that the Sharingan was created, but was like the Biakugan. It was the trick with the eyes, someone could master many jutsus with the Sharingan, but it was useless to those who didn't know how, like Ura. She groaned slightly, how was she ever going to do this?

"Ura honey, are you studying?"

Ura looked to her door, her mother walked in, "Yes, Mommy."

"I'm so very relieved that you now have a future ahead of you, something better than this," her mother sat on Ura's bed, Ura turned her chair around to face her mother.

"Mommy... Daddy said I have the Sharingan, but I don't know how to use it..." Ura commented, "Baki-sensei said I might have a chance, but that's only with the Sharingan."

"He's only being what the other Jonin would be to their students, i'm sure you'll learn how to use it, just concentrate. But, that's not why i'm here, I want to tell you that the path your father and I wanted you to have means you must step up and fast. For a very young and small child, you must know that becoming a ninja means you must work hard. Harder than just cleaning your room every month, you'll be doing much more, and we'll be seeing you less and less. Before we lose all contact of you, you should know by now your father and I love you more than anything, and that is why we want only the best for you," her mother held Ura tightly, "Do whatever you must to not allow anyone to take what you worked so hard for."

"But why must I be a ninja, Mommy? What is my fate?" Ura looked up at her mother.

Her mother had tears in her eyes, then made a soft smile, "My dear, your purpose in life is to prove to everyone you are not what they think you are."

"Then what am I?" Ura asked.

"You are the truth of who you are inside," her mother stood up, "If you live by that code, then you will go for, my child."

Once her mother left, Ura turned back to her scrolls, then looked at them, *Concentrate...well, there's only one way to see if I really do have this 'Sharingan'.*

Ura shut her eyes tightly, concentrating until her eyes, then a surge of power went through her eye sockets down to her chakra chamber. She opened her eyes slowly, then she looked into the mirror next to her desk, her eyes were red with one black swirl in them. With a huge grin on her face, she began to reread the scrolls, it felt like all that she was reading was being written in ink on her brain. She finished only an hour later, but remembered everything she read, yet the bad part using the Sharingan was that it ate up what little chakra she had. Ura layed on her bed and fell asleep, dreaming about the Gaara boy she had seen and wished she could meet...

**The Next Day**

Waking up very early, Ura quickly ate and bathed, changing into her clothes to go to the academy. She carried a small bag that carried her food and water, but she was a few minutes early. When Ura reached the academy, two people and Gaara stood at the doors, the boy looked somewhat like Gaara, and the girl had the same nose as Gaara. Were they his siblings? Yeah, that's right, she had heard before that the Kazekage had three children, Temari, Kankurou, and Gaara. Ura stood behind a tree, she knew that they knew she was there, but as long as she didn't try anything, she was fine.

Gaara was there, that was the only thing that she hid from, he was there, standing all alone, and Ura was too afraid to approach him. Why was she so afraid? The only reason was because she didn't know what to say or do, he was so distant, but that was what Ura liked about him. Ura shifted her position from behind the tree to where she was facing them, but she had her head down, too afraid to look at them.

"So, you're the new kid we've heard about," Kankurou approached Ura.

Ura knew what they were like by listening to what the other kids say about them. The kids all agreed Kankurou was very out-spoken and was the first to always start the conversation, Temari was not the least bit shy or quiet either, but she allowed others to start a conversation, but Gaara...Ura knew by sight that Gaara want both, just to be noticed by someone, but she didn't know how to let him know that she cared.

"...yes..." she murmured, dodging his eyes.

"Leave her alone, Kankurou, she's nothing special," Temari comment.

"Probably, but you gotta give her credit if Baki sent her here," Kankurou shrugged, then looked back at Ura, "I'm Kankurou."

"I'm Ura," she got the courage to smile at him, but glanced over at Gaara.

Then the door to the academy opened, and they all walked in, Ura sat in the far back, but watched over Gaara, who sat at the other far end. As much as she wanted to say hi to him and make him feel like there is one person who wants him near them, but others began to swarm in, making her hold that off. Baki brought her to a small room near the classroom, "Now kid, tell me everything you learned in those scrolls I gave you last night."

Ura looked up at Baki, then thought about it for a few moments, before answering all that she remembered. The man looked impressed, then shooed her off to the classroom, something told Ura she had passed her first test. As she went back to her seat, she noticed Gaara all alone, no one sat by him or in front of him, he looked so hurt. Even when she sat down, she couldn't keep her eyes away from Gaara, he just looked so depressed and in agonizing pain..

"Ura, pay attention or i'll send you back to your rat hole!" Baki stated sharply at her.

Ura snapped forward, "I'm sorry, Baki-sensei."

"Save it, kid, you're new here, but that doesn't give you an excuse," Baki commented.

As his lesson continued, she noticed who she was sitting next to, Kankurou. He passed her a small note that said: 'I wouldn't get him mad if I were you, the last student that didn't pay attention was sent out of this academy with a broken arm.'

Ura looked at him through the corner of her eyes, giving a slight nod of understanding what he meant. For the rest of class, Ura learned about the ninja past, but more importantly, learned how to control her chakra flow. When she left the building, she strayed behind, just to get a glimpse of the boy she had a crush on. When she sought him out, his eyes glanced up at her own, in a flash, her faced turned completely red, and she dashed up from embarressment of blushing so hard. Instead of running to her home, she had run into some different location, so she just looked around to find a way home.

"There you are, I couldn't find you when you ran off," Kankurou approached her, "You lool lost..."

"I am..." she shly nodded her head, taking a step back.

"I'll help you find your home, where do you live?" Kankurou asked.

"It's on the south end of this village," Ura answered.

"That end? Isn't that the poorest part? Are you really sure that's where you live?" Kankurou asked with pity.

Kankurou led her all the way to the poor end of the village, and then Ura began to remember where everything was. She then stopped, "I can go from here, thank you."

"Tomorrow...we're having a day off, how about we study together or something?" he shrugged.

"Well...uhm...sure," Ura nodded.

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