Deception ( Chapter 33 )

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Leila walked with Yumi as he showed her around his shrine, subtly flirting with the woman. The woman didn't know how to react, she was still a child at heart, acting like an adult could only go so long until..from what Kabutome said...she had to give that 'one thing' up. Yumi noticed her silence and held her shoulders, "My dear, why so quiet?"

"Oh..nothing important," Leila gave a half smile, "Tell me more about your home, it's so historical."

"Why yes it is, I never found a woman so into my home before," Yumi gave a devious look her way, "I bet you are dying to see the inside as well, my dear."

Though Leila was a child at heart, even an infant could tell how lame Yumi was at flirting and trying not to show how womanizing he was. So it was a good thing Kabutome had taught her how to win over the heart of many men, using the strategy of 'waiting and wanting'.

"Yes, maybe later, but now I want to know about your gardens. The flowers are all so beautiful," Leila squated down and looked at a purple daisy.

"You like that flower? It is known for it's aphrodisiac within the flower, many people find that flower irresistable," Yumi lightly plucked the flower from the ground, "It is my favorite too."

"Uhm...this may sound strange, but what is an aphrodisiac?" Leila asked with a cute face.

Yumi gave her a strange look, how could a woman with such beauty not know what an aphrodisiac was? He didn't know how to put it, but the cute curious look on her face made him blush at the naughty thoughts in his head, "Well...come here for a moment."

He whispered in her ear what it was, Leila backed away, her face as red as a tomato ready to be picked from the crops. Leila's hands covered her mouth as she stared at the flower, "I don't like that flower."

"Oh come now, my dear, it is only but a harmless flower that offers nothing but love," Yumi planted the flower back in the ground, then smiled at her, "The flower you remind me is this bright orange one over here."

Leila and Yumi bent down and looked at the flower, the petals were bright orange, the inside was a dark gold. The stem, instead of green, was an actual tan color, like her eyes, "So, how does this flower remind you of me?"

"Well, the bright, innocent colors, like your own personality, so young and frail. It actually worries me like you are only a mirage and not the woman from my dreams next to me," Yumi inched his hand until it was on top of her own, "The name is this flower is the Butterfly Landing, because almost all of the butterflies are attracted to this flower because of the sweet, sweet nector that it produces."

"It's really pretty... I like this one," Leila brushed the flower with the hand that Yumi tried to grab, "I don't see many flowers back in my own home."

"Where did you live?" he asked as he plucked the flower from the ground.

"The desert, but my family died from an illness and so I traveled here seeking a different life," Leila gave a saddened look to him.

The priest stepped closer to her and placed the flower on top of her left ear, brushing her hair to where it showed off the flower. Yumi caressed her upper arms as he leaned in closer to her, "Though I am a noble priest, I have desireable needs that need to be met, my princess. If you would be so kind to sire me a child..."


Yumi gave her a confused look, for a man that was never told 'no' before, it was weird to hear it for the first time, "Excuse me? Did I mishear you?"

"I said 'no'," Leila stood up, "I am a woman, not a girl, and I won't be intimidated by your ranking. But you could gladly let me see the real person within you and i'll be glad to reconsider."

The priest eyed her for a few minutes, then nodded...

**Ura and Everyone Else**

Lee and Ura were still discussing about what Ura wanted for the wedding, but Gaara and Naruto were alone in the middle, not saying a word to each other. Naruto was happy for Gaara that he had found the right woman, but the Hokage had a hard time trusting Gaara at the moment. Gaara could sense Naruto's angry, curious eyes loom over him, "I know you highly distrust me, but now we have no choice. My past actions are going to repent more by Ura after the mission, so don't be fooled that i'm not going unpunished."

"It's good to know she has you on a leash now," Naruto scoffed with a playful look.

The Kazekage narrowed his eyes on Naruto, then crossed his arms as he continued to walk. Naruto was getting bored with the silence, so he began to try and make a conversation, "So what are you going to do for your bachleor party?"

"I won't be having one," Gaara answered, "I don't like drinking and I don't like parties."

"You don't like're so boring," Naruto commented, "It's a wonder Ura said yes to you, she's probably bored stiff when y'all do it."

Now that was a huge insult to Gaara, so the Kazekage stated to the Hokage, "On the contrary, she is not bored at all when we..."

"Screw each other, don't be afraid to say it, we're all men here," Naruto gave Gaara a friendly punch, "I'm just kidding, Gaara, there's gotta be a good reason why Ura wanted to marry you."

"At least I found a woman, you're still living off of your paperwork," Gaara said defiantly, he really wanted to hurt Naruto for making that one comment.

Naruto walked in silence, a frustrated look upon his face. So what if he didn't have a real relationship yet, it didn't matter, he was still young and restless. Naruto knew there was someone out there for him, there had to be. The Hokage actually lived off random, drunk whores who loved the feeling of sleeping with the Hokage, not Naruto, not the normal boy. Gaara looked over at the saddened Hokage, he knew he shouldn't have said that because when he looked back Ura was giving him a huge death glare. That, sadly, meant that he was even in more trouble if he didn't apologize, "I take that comment back, there are probably women who are waiting for you like Ura did for me."

"I know," Naruto put his normal, cocky smile back on his face, "I probably know who they are and know they like me, unlike you, someone who waits like twenty years to make the first move. Talk about cold feet, I bet you won't even go to your own wedding."

"Shut up," Gaara growled.

Naruto then asked, "Is Ura going to have a bachleorette party? If she does, i'll be more than happy to have her party at Konoha, I heard that's her favorite village."

"She'll have one in Suna," Gaara concluded, "Somewhere where I know what she'll be up to."

"So you're protective of her? You think someone is gonna try and steal her away from you?" Naruto eyed Gaara, "She's more worried about you leaving her than her leaving you."

"Ura doesn't need to worry about that," Gaara added.

Naruto just stared at Gaara for a few seconds more then looked at the path ahead of him, he didn't know when Ura would tell Gaara, but that was her own choice. She had to tell him sometime because Gaara was bound to find out in his life. It was inevitable actually, Ura knew the time for Gaara finding out was closer than she had thought, someone was going to tell Gaara. Then, a bright, happy face appeared in front of Naruto's, "The first village is my favorite, it's all rich people, and I know Kabutome is there. We're almost there."

"How far is 'almost'?" Naruto whined, "I'm tired of walking."

"Is my Gaara-kun tired too? You and I could rest somewhere," Nanima grabbed onto Gaara's arm.

Ura marched up to where Gaara was and began to bring out her hari, it was Lee who took her weapons, but forgot one umbrella. The Sand Kunoichi took out her umbrella and banged Nanima on the top of her head, "Hands off! That's my husband-to-be you're awgling over, wench!"

Nanima got back up, her hands glowing a bright silver, "I'm only kidding, Ura, i'm very happy that he chose you as his bride," she rubbed the bruise on her head and it healed from her silver hands, "So don't take it personally when I do that to him. Besides, a mystic never stays with a man."

"Good, but until I can't see you all over Gaara, I don't want to see what you do. If you do, i'll slice you to pieces!" Ura threatened by raising and opening her umbrella, "And no one will stop me this time...Lee!"

"I am only looking out for our guide!" Lee stated as he crossed his arms, "Without Nanima-san, we will all be lost because of you!"

"Now don't you turn against me!" Ura turned to Lee, "How would you like it if a guy was all over your girlfrend?"

"I know Tenten would beat the crap out of them," Lee crossed his arms, "She only allows me to be all over her."

"Can we continue walking now?" Temari split the two Jonin up, "Ura can walk with Naruto and Lee can walk with Gaara. The Kazekage in the front while the Hokage in the back."

The Kages took the plan, Ura slowed down with Naruto beside her while Lee quickened his pace with Gaara. Ura and Naruto haven't spoken that much since they met up at the entrance to the forest, so it was a little hard to find some common ground. The Hokage fumbled with his hands as Ura toyed with her umbrellas, both finding nothing to say. Naruto finally commented, "Good weather we've been getting, a little cold but cool enough to handle."

"I like it, in the desert you have little winter," Ura added, looking up in the tree-tops, "But I enjoy the desert better, the wind is more fierce and easier to travel around in."

"I thought you liked Konoha," Naruto looked over at her, "From what i've been once told, you loved my village."

"Oh don't think I don't, I love Konoha, but the desert is my home, where all my memories resides in. Konoha will always be the vacation spot I need to run to to calm down, but the Sunagakure is where I must remain," Ura sighed, "Not much to look at, but I like it."

"So...what're you gonna do for your last night of being a free woman? Are you going be shown around by an unknown man again?" Naruto asked with a sly smirk.

"Again? And no, i'm just going on a drinking rage with Temari in the Sand, she and I will have a lot of sake until we pass out in the desert," Ura smiled, "But no, I think i've had enough 'entertainment' for one lifetime."

"Aw c'mon, sneak back to Konoha with Temari and Shikamaru, then there will be a huge celebration!" Naruto exclaimed.

Ura looked over at the blonde Hokage and looked confused, "Are you sure? I have to be back in Sand the next day, don't you think it will be a bit drastic and too big for such short notice? Unless Gaara agrees, the plan may be too impossible to go through with."

"Nonsense, you and I could get your ol' grouch bucket to agree a wedding in Konoha. If he sees how desperate you are to wanting a wedding in Konoha, then he'll definently do what you want," Naruto explained by giving her a 'wickedly awesome' look.

"Well.... I don't know, sounds a bit risky, I mean Gaara can easily say 'no' to almost about everyone and everything. But...i'll do it!" Ura had a bright smile on her face, "Gaara won't say no to me."

A pair of arms wrapped around Naruto's and Ura's neck, pulling them close to the puppet-nin, "Ok you two, what are you planning?"

"Ura's bachleorette party," Naruto blurted out.

"Oh yeah, that's right, so you'll be needing some male entertainment," Kankurou took the arm around Naruto's neck and held Ura's waist.

His hands loomed dangerously close to her womanhood, sending cold chills through her body as her face blushed. Naruto eyed the two Jonin, then commented, "Kankurou, you do know that is Gaara's fiance you are all over."

"I know, but she likes it," Kankurou nibbled on her earlobe, "Sandy pants is all the way up there, it's not like he can do anything."

"You can't be part of the male entertainment because it's a woman's night out and you're Gaara's brother, and Temari doesn't want to see you naked. But i'll be more than happy to see if Ino and Sakura will make love in front of you," Ura offered as she got loose from Kankurou's arms.

"WE'RE HERE!!!!!!"

Naruto, Kankurou, and Ura all ran up to see the entrance to a huge, rich village. Everyone else gawked as Ura made he way to Gaara, standing close to him, "So this is the rich village Nanima told us about... She wasn't lying, everything here looks so...royal."

"We're just in time, the destruction hasn't begun yet, so we have time to blend in. Naruto and Gaara are already dressed in ceremonial robes so they're good to go. But the rest of you guys need to be in something more first-class," Nanima explained.

"What about you? You're in almost nothing," Sakura commented as she looked Nanima up and down.

"Well i'm just beautiful, men will notice that and forget about what i'm wearing," Nanima toyed with her hair, giving Sakura a girly cute look with her big blue eyes.

Kankurou eyed Nanima, a light blush came to his face, Temari noticed and instantly saw Kankurou harden, "Gross..."

"Kankurou, go divulge in your mind somewhere else, not here," Gaara had a sickened look on his face as he looked over at his brother.

Everyone reacted to Kankurou's boner to Nanima's pose, then forwarded to the village...not expecting the most dangerous aspect of the mission...

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𝙰𝚌𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗𝚜 𝚂𝚙𝚎𝚊𝚔 𝙻𝚘𝚞𝚍𝚎r. (𝙶𝚊𝚊𝚛𝚊 𝚡 𝚘𝚌)Where stories live. Discover now