Failure to Save ( Chapter 31 )

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Seeing that smug look on Nanima's face boiled Ura's blood, all she wanted to do was punch the woman in front of her with so much force. Ura turned and stormed out of the room, there was a certain Kage she wanted to talk to. The Sand kunoichi was angry at the mystic's words, there was no way Gaara would easily toss her to some bi-woman. Ura found Gaara's room, she knocked hard on the door until she heard footsteps come towards the door. A fully-awake Gaara opened the door, but his eyes narrowed to see who it was, "Well, what brings you to my room at the dead of night?"

"I 'talked' with Nanima, and...she said a few things to me about what you told her what she could do," Ura informed him with a hurt/angry expression, "I want to know if what she said was true."

Gaara motioned for her to come in, Ura walked in and stood near his window. The Kazekage shut the door silently, the tension lightened up in the room, he could see that Ura was really upset. He calmly walked over to her and stood an inch behind her, "She asked if she could have you for good...and I told her she could not."

Ura turned and faced Gaara, her eyes were watery, but still in the shape Gaara could see how mad she was. Then, it hit Gaara, Nanima didn't listen to him when he told her 'no'. He didn't know what to do, he couldn't beat Nanima because she was the one that was going to find Kabutome for them. But he couldn't just ignore the woman in front of him, she was really hurt and confused. Gaara slowly wrapped his arms around Ura, seeing if she would accept his major apology. Ura melted against him, so much pointless tension was released...


In the far off woods near the cold Ice Heaven Mountains, a cry of pure agony was heard. Blood squirted, bruises were given, torture sounded better than what little Leila was going through. To feel the burning liquid of poison rush through her veins churned her into the feetle position. Kabutome hovered over her, sending more vicious creatures at her, "Come child, scream harder, louder, be filled with hatred to me."

He sent a boar at he, shoving it's tusks in her side, sending Leila flying against a tree while the wild pig rammed into her several times. Leila was covered in scars of constant beatings, but with the jutsu of constant life made sure she wouldn't die. Though she endured such pain, Kabutome fed her every day, gave her water to keep her hydrated. Leila didn't know what this mad man was trying to do to her, but there was no way of escaping him when all the animals in the forest were his weapons.

The boar was gone, Leila managed to painfully sit up on her knees, wiping the tears from her eyes. She glared at him with such passion, for weeks Leila wanted to hate him, but now, she fully hated him. Leila stood up, putting up her small fists, "I..hate you."

Kabutome laughed his menacing laugh, "Surely you don't think you're strong enough now to take me on."

Leila breathed heavily, she knew she couldn't fight him. But that didn't mean she wouldn't try and fight off his animals that he would hurt her with. Kabutome walked towards her, pulling out a scroll from his cloak, "If you really want to kill me, sign your name in blood on this."

He dropped it on the ground before her, taking a few steps back so she could make sure it wasn't some trick. Leila slowly opened the scroll, Kabutome then explained, "With that scroll, you will be able to control all the animals like I can."

The child knew there had to be a catch, but it didn't matter now. All Leila wanted was freedom from his wrath, and if it meant killing him, she wouldn't hesitate. Leila bit her thumb and quickly signed her name, then the scroll disappeared in smoke. Instantly, a light surrounded Leila, she could feel a change in her body after a few seconds went by. Then, when the light faded, Kabutome handed her a mirror, all of her once girly features changed to about Ura's age. Her hair was as long to where it hit barely hit the ground, and her peasent dress revealed most of her legs, but the surged through her like a tsunami. Leila fixed her tan eyes on Kabutome, "What..what happened to me?"

"With the power you were given, your small, frail body can't handle it. So, the scroll aged you enough to where your body and chakra could handle the power," Kabutome neared her, " aged beautifully."

Leila, who truly hated Kabutome, pushed his hand away, taking a step back, "I'm stronger now, I don't need you."

Kabutome smirked at her, another chuckle came from him, "My dear, you may be stronger, but you are not me. What you have now is only a quarter of the power I have, you can't surpass me on anything. From the moment you signed that scroll, you became my puppet, my dark, angry, pure soul that now belongs to me. You are my weapon now, and I shall wreak havoc all over with you."

To feel that heavy disappointment loom over her like a dark, black cloud, Leila backed against a tree. She felt trapped, there was never going to be a way out for her now, she was forever stuck to be his puppet. Kabutome pulled out a kunai and rolled up his sleeve, stabbing his forearm. Leila felt that terrible sting and grabbed her own forearm, gritting her teeth in the pain he inflicted upon both of them. Blood dripped down her arm like it did his, glaring at him with the pure hatred.

"That was only a mere paper-cut compared to the real pain we could inflict upon each other. Now, since you've already experienced what I can do to you, but now comes the real reason why I chose you," Kabutome squated down in front of her, "Once the villages see me, they'll easily try to kill me, but when they see an innocent woman with me, they'll back down and calculate to save you. You have to go into the villages I want to take and poison their main water source and food. We need to cause inner torture, then once you poison off most of their population, we can start bring minions to serve under me."

Leila released her forearm and directly looked Kabutome in the eye with fury burning within her soul, "If you can get what you want, then I want you to set me free once you are satisfied of using me."

Kabutome crossed his arms, then caressed her cheek softly, "I think I can do that for you..but where will you go? Your mother and sister don't want anything to do with you, so who would want someone like you? They'll know how you willingly helped me."

She never thought of it that way, Leila looked away from the man she hated. Kabutome then stood up, "Get up, child, you need to rest and practice on how to use your power to my expectations tomorrow."

**The Next Day** **Kankurou**

Bright and early, the sun began to rise as Kankurou combed his head so he could look good when Nanima saw him. Though he didn't get the chance to actually talk to her, Kankurou could feel that she would be easy to get in bed with. The Sand Jonin walked out of his with a proud smile on his face when he headed to the kitchen, where he saw Nanima eating an apple while sitting on the counter. He headed over to her and slumped against the counter, "So, how long have you been a mystic?"

Nanima eyed him, swallowing her mouth-ful of apple, "All my life, now why don't you go protect something? I don't have time to toy around with a boy like you."

In just a few seconds, Gaara and Ura walked in, then Nanima was all over Gaara, "Gaara-kun, how did you sleep? Fairly well, I hope."

Ura began to get into a jealous rage when Nanima grabbed Gaara's hand and held it close to her overly-large breasts. But, she sustained herself, in public, she was just a kunoichi doing her job, but alone, she could be Gaara's lover. Gaara pulled his hand free of Nanima's, "We need to get to buisness, go find where Kabutome is."

Lee walked in and grabbed Ura's wrist, whispering to her, "Naruto wishes to see you in private, it is about our current mission deal."

Ura nodded and discretely walked out of the kitchen with Lee, following him to Naruto's room. Once they were outside Naruto's room, Lee opened the door and allowed Ura in. Naruto stood with his hands behind his back, facing away from his door. Ura closed the door behind her, "You wanted to see me?"

"Yeah...from what Sasuke told me, Kabutome has a hostage, a little girl," Naruto faced Ura, "Gaara and the others know, but they saw you knew the hostage, very well."

"I did? Who's the hostage?" Ura asked.

"Sasuke didn't tell me the name, but that you were very close to them," Naruto shrugged, "But, I want you to know, when we do find them, and if the hostage is the knew accomplace...we will have to kill them both."

"You can't just kill that person, they aren't the source of evil we're after," Ura protested, "And-"

"And nothing, Gaara and I agreed if it came to that, then we will stop at nothing to bring them both down," Naruto interupted her, "I'm sorry if they were very dear to you, but the lives of the innocent are more important that just saving one person."

Ura stood silently, Naruto was very serious when it came to battles, especially if it meant killing a friend. She looked at his feet, what was there to say? Then, her eyes widened, she finally understood who Naruto was describing. The skin on her face went even more pale, her tanned eyes watering up at the thought of her little sister, " just can't be her."

Naruto cocked his head to the side, "Who? Who are you talking about?"

The Sand Kunoichi shot her head up, "We have to find Kabutome now! He has my little sister!"

She was about to run out until Naruto caught her arm, "Be rational! You can't just go off without the rest of us! You'll get killed!"

"I don't care! She's just a kid, she doesn't have protection!" Ura turned, instinctively pulling out a hari, nearly stabbing Naruto's wrist.

The Hokage quickly jumped away, a bit surprised Ura had threatened him with a weapon. Ura dropped her hari, then took a few deep breaths, she bent and picked it up, "We need to get going and fast, and...I will not kill her."

Naruto was just about to repeat what he said earlier, but Ura already left his room before he could say one letter. The thought of seeing Leila harmed nibbled hard at her conscious, with all that anger within Ura, she turned on her heels and punched a huge hole in the wall. She growled with hostility as the anger that she thought had disappeared returned with vengence.

"Hey, you look pissed about something."

Ura turned her head to see..Sasuke, he seemed a bit calmer since their first conversation, "I am.."

"What about this time?" Sasuke put his hands in his pockets as he relaxed himself against the wall.

"It's...nothing," Ura held her fist, "Nothing..."

"Obviously you're lying through your teeth, it's something big from the hole you put in the wall," Sasuke eyed the dent she put in the wood.

Ura calmed down with the relaxed air Sasuke was giving off, she toyed with her umbrellas just a little bit, "Nothing is wrong... I'm just a bit nervous, I haven't had such an important mission before."


Sasuke turned as Ura looked over his shoulder to see Gaara, a scornful look in his eyes. Ura walked passed Sasuke and took Gaara's hand, they walked away in silence. The couple didn't say a word, Gaara was not mad at Ura, nor was she at him, it was just...a silent conversation. Gaara knew that Leila was the hostage, and feeling the pain Ura felt also pained him as well. The pain Ura felt was unimaginable, to feel like you let down the one person that mattered the most. Though Ura didn't see it before, Leila came because Ura needed an innocent love, not from Gaara, not from Temari or Kankurou, but from a child with nothing to offer but happiness.

Ura tightened her grip on Gaara's hand, she just wanted to burst out of her skin and go find Leila, but... The problem was, she couldn't find her, and Ura was nothing up against that maniac man. From what Ura has been told, Kabutome was vicious and didn't have a drip of mercy in him.

"Nanima found them."

the Kunoichi froze, "Where are there?"

"Northeast of where we are now, it seems Kabutome and Leila are trying to lay low," Gaara informed her.

"Then we-"

"We're leaving now, Nanima will be joining us to heal anyone who gets harmed," Gaara added.

"She's not going anywhere near our group, I don't want her coming, Gaara. That 'woman' is always all over you and I can't say anything because i'm only supposed to protect you," Ura stated angrily, "She's a vile mystic who only wants to sleep around with different partners."

"Nanima never gave up her innocence," Gaara pushed that comment in through Ura's fury.

Another rain of silence came to the two people, she gaped for a second then asked, "She..never had sex before?"

"A mystic doesn't give that up for just anyone, only to the one that promises everything," Gaara explained, "She may be all over men and woman, but Nanima would not give up her innocence just because a man or woman seems satisfying to her."

"But she told me a kunoichi-"

"A true kunoichi... The definition of a true kunoichi is the one in front of me," Gaara crossed his arms.

Ura was surprised at Gaara's comment and was very flattered, "Gaara...that's sweet of you to say that, thanks."

She kissed his cheek playfully, Gaara took his waist and pulled it against his own, "You only gave yourself up to me, and me only, that is what a kunoichi would do."

Inside Ura's mind was laughter at Gaara's comment, the her real first time was with Kankurou a long, long, long, long time ago. Gaara was like her fifth time in bed with a man, three times with Kankurou, once with Sasuke, and fifth with Gaara. She smiled at him as she wrapped her arms around his neck, "Yeah...and what a great time that was."

He shoved her against the wall, pressing his body against her own, he nuzzled his face into her neck. Ura lifted her chin to feel his warm breath caressing her throat, his hands roamed her body once more. The room nearest to them was the room Gaara chose where they will bed once more before they leave. He snatched her wrist, pushing her into the room as he made sure no one was around to disturb them. When Gaara finally shut the door for their privacy, Gaara tugged off his robes as Ura slowly stripped her own clothes off. The Kazekage was getting tired of waiting, so he just ripped off her bandages and threw her onto the bed.

"Gaara! I don't have replacements!" Ura looked at the shredded bandages.

"Then go as-is," Gaara roamed a mishchivious hand up her inner thigh.

When Ura manuvered her legs closed, not liking the feeling of his hand on her legs, sand seeped onto the bed. In just a few seconds, sand locked Ura in a position where Gaara had total control over both their movements. Ura was in the position where her hips were in the air while her head rested against the bed, Gaara crawled on top of her, pressing his lips against her own. Gentle, slow thrusts were welcomed openly by Ura, the ocean movement felt more like a dance than just two lovers in bed. Gaara thrusted harder as he moved his lips to her neck, sucking on the silk flesh that he could call his own. He rubbed his cheek against her own as he whispered in her ear, "Say my name..."

"Ga...ara" Ura groaned as the sand squeezed harder against her skin.

"Scream it..."

"Arg....Gaara...." Ura tilted her head back as he shoved harder into her, the sand making her lose circulation to her wrists and legs.

Gaara straightened his arms by her head, shutting his eyes tightly, sweat dripping down his brow onto Ura's face. His body lightly shook from the feeling of about to burst surged through him, and when the feeling was at his peak, Gaara gripped onto the sheets.

"Gyah..." Gaara growled, his eyes opening wide as he breathed hard.

That was the best time he had with Ura, the last few were great, but this one felt more worth while. They both needed that moment alone together, after what was going on, both Ura and Gaara were exhausted from reality.

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