To be Saved ( Chapter 49 )

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"Lord Kazekage! Lord Kazekage!"

The one ninja that had to deliver the important message to Gaara was brave enough to run through the scorching heat of the noon-time desert, but was even more brave to give the note to Gaara. As a safety check, he had to read it before the Kazekage to see if it was dangerous or not, but...when he had read the conditions of Ura, he knew he had to get out of the mansion before Gaara's reaction occured. Once the ninja went inside the one part of the mansion to see the Kazekage, Gaara was behind a beaded barrior. The ninja got on his knees before the two main guards for Gaara, then the ninja spoke, "A letter from the Hokage...the birth of your son, Osamu..."

"Hand me the letter," Gaara ordered in a stern, but soft voice.

One of the main guards took the letter and gave it to Gaara, the Kazekage read the not, but froze when he read Ura's condition. It took Gaara a few more times to read what the letter said to get a full grasp...his wife was dying the same way his mother died. Gaara folded the letter back to it's original state, "Get out of my sight."

"Yes Lord Kazekage," the ninja disappeared as Gaara left that portion of the mansion and into his more private domain.

Gaara went to his Study and did the same routine, the protection jutsu, then the sake came out. After he finished the jutsu, he paused, "Come out Kankurou, I don't like games."

"Don't drink that then," Kankurou, along with Temari and Shikamaru came out, "You are our Kazekage, and you can't be getting drunk every day."

"Ura is on her deathbed, that's a good reason for me to intoxicate myself," Gaara poured the sake into a shot glass, "Now get out of my mansion."

"Please, Gaara, we don't want you to be a drunk when Ura returns," Temari commented as the three shinobi inched towards Gaara, "Ura never wanted you to be like this while she was away."

"She's not coming back," Gaara looked out his window as his senses began to fade, "She'll end up like our mother after giving birth to me...cold and dead."

In a second, Gaara couldn't move his body, he knew he was under the Shadow Possession Jutsu from Shikamaru. Kankurou took the shot glass out of Gaara's hands and smashed it against the floor as Temari poured the sake outside the window. Gaara's anger rose to great lengths at the treatment he was getting from his siblings, "I didn't say you could do this."

"You have a major drinking problem, and if you don't get this over with, then you can't have your son," Shikamaru finally blurted out his own frustration, "Then that will lead to me and Temari taking in your kid."

Gaara glared at Shikamaru in front of him, a scowl in return that made Gaara even more pissed off than ever before. How dare they threaten to take his son away from him... Temari stood by Shikamaru with an angered face, "We have the Fuedal Lord's permission to remain in your harm and keep you away from any type of sake."

"I'm over the age, I can drink whenever I feel like it," Gaara stated as he tried to move out of the jutsu.

"We just want you to not have a drinking problem," Kankurou had a solemn face, "So you can be like when Ura was back here."

"Put him in solation," Temari closed her eyes, as the eldest sibling, she had to help her youngest brother from anything.

Kankurou took a gasp, "What? A-Are you sure about that? For how long?"

"As long as it takes..." Temari took a step back from Gaara, her eyes still shut.

Gaara wanted to destroy his siblings for disobeying his orders, but Shikamaru and Kankurou took their Kazekage to the deepest part of the mansion. Where Gaara held people for questioning or punishment, they put Gaara in a sod cell with only one light from a lantern. Kankurou took Gaara's gourd while Gaara was not able to move, and Shikamaru pulled many protection scrolls, "This should hold him for a few years, he won't be able to do any type of jutsu possible. Not even a release jutsu."

"Sorry, Gaara, but this is for your own good," Kankurou had a remorseful look as he and Shikamaru put Gaara under the 20 protection jutsus.

Once Shikamaru and Kankurou finished, they left the cell and Shikamaru undid the shadow jutsu on Gaara. Gaara stood up, his glare on the two jonin couldn't get anymore deadlier, but as soon as they left Gaara tried to manipulate the sand, but failed. He tried and tried and tried again, each time failing miserably, even worse he could use the release spell over him. Gaara gave up and slumped against the wall, what else could he do now?


A month in the hospital, and Ura was still surviving, the bleeding had stopped finally. Sakura was emitted out early because she was in good health, along with her daughter, Cho. Naruto and Lee were watching Ura everyday while Tenten took care of the kids and came in to see Ura in the evenings. Ura got to see her son, and was amazed to see he was born with a full head of hair, plus with black colorings on his eyes with Gaara's same eye color. In fact, Ura couldn't believe that her son looked exactly like Gaara.

Around noon, Ura was breast feeding Osamu as she was talking with Tenten, "Isn't he adorable?"

"Yeah...he really looks like Gaara," Tenten had a weird smile on her face as she looked at the infant, "I'm sure he'll mature into a handesome young man."

"Did the doctors say when I can leave?" Ura asked with a hopeful look in her eyes.

Tenten pulled two bottle of waters for her and Ura to have, "Well, they're amazed that you survived giving birth to...well...Shukaku, and feel you can leave in a week. I was pretty shocked when i heard about your recovery, but i'm glad you made it so Osamu can grow up having both parents with him."

Ura smiled as she looked down at her child, "I just can't wait to go home and show Gaara what we've been waiting for."

A few minutes of silence passed as Osamu yawned and fell asleep against Ura, Tenten looked over at the infant, she didn't understand the spirit beast things, but...she understood that Osamu put his mother in a fatal position. When she had heard about Naruto's birth from her family, all Tenten thought was why did he even exist if he was the reason his family was dead. But when she saw him in the few battles before, her confusion had remained. So why did Ura love her son even though his birth could have been her death?

"Tenten...I want you and Sakura to be here if Temari and Kankurou are not able to raise Osamu if something happens to me and Gaara," Ura looked over at Tenten, "Temari and Shikamaru are both shinobis that put a lot of effort into their jobs, and Kankurou is not much of a kid-person, but I know he would love Osamu. If they are unable to care for my son, I want you and all of my friends here to take care of Osamu for me, like he was your own."

"Are you sure you want to do that?" Tenten opened the curtains and looked out at the village, "When Naruto was a child, everyone hated him, no one gave him the time or day. I suspect that was Gaara's childhood as well, and I am sure you don't want that life for Osamu, since he has Shukaku's spirit."

"I would assume that you and my friends, especially Lee and Naruto, to not let that happen to Osamu if I am gone," Ura eyed Tenten in a hushed voice, "On the days I swore I would never allow Gaara to go through that Hell again, I also swore I would never let that happen to anyone. Especially my own son, if that were to happen for spirit will haunt this earth and will never be silent to anyone that harms him."

Tenten could tell how much Ura loved her son, even in the afterlife Ura swore her spirit will not rest unless her son is happy. Though Tenten would be the sameway if she was not able to care for her own children anymore, she didn't know how she would react if she gave birth to a...a monster. When she looked back, Ura had cradled Osamu in her arms, resting her head on her pillow as Osamu rested his head on her shoulder. In that tiny body was where another Shukaku was forming, they could grow up to be friend...or foe. Tenten thought about what could happen if Osamu remained with Ura, he could end up like the opposite of Gaara when he was a Genin. But if Ura disappeared from Osamu's life, along with Gaara, and Osamu ended up like Gaara...then there will not be a way to save anyone if Osamu ends up being a major threat to everyone.

One of the doctors came in and checked up on the mother and the son, " seems that both of you are in fine condition, I think I can have you released today as long as you rest for the day. Then tomorrow you can get on your feet."

"That is good news," Lee came in with a wheel chair, "Ura, you will be staying with Naruto so you can start bonding with Osamu."

"I'll come visit you every day," Tenten reassured Ura.

Once Lee helped Ura into the wheelchair, both Tenten and Lee escorted Ura to her new home in the Hokage's mansion. On the way, many of Ura's Genin students rushed to her side to see her new baby, but most were in awe that she was going to live with the Hokage. One of Ura's favorite students, Chio, came running to her, though he was a clumsy, older Genin, he loved learning in her class, "Ura-sensei, what did you name him?"

"Osamu...soon he'll be known as Suna no Osamu, he's the Kazekage's child," Ura moved Osamu up a little for Chio to see.

"The Kazekage's child? Really? Is that why he has those eyes?" Chio fixed his glasses and looked at Osamu closely, "Wow..."

"For a 14 year old kid, you sure look like you are interested in children, you might be a good teacher one day, Chio," Ura smiled as Lee entered the Hokage's mansion.

Naruto opened up one of the doors to a huge room, Lee picked up Ura and layed her on the bed. Osamu opened his big, icy blue eyes up at Lee, then Naruto brushed his hand at the top of Osamu's head, "He looks a lot like Gaara...but he has your smile, Ura."

"I know...he's going to be a beautiful boy when he grows up," Ura looked over at her sun, then sat up slightly to see both Lee and Naruto, who were giving their attention to the infant, "If Kankurou nor Temari can care for Osamu, I want you two and your partners, Sakura and Ino to look after Osamu."

Lee reverted his eyes to Ura, tears streaming down from happiness, "Thank you...thank you very much."

Naruto's reaction was the same as well, his eyes were wide from the sudden announcement, "Really? You mean...we're godfathers and godmothers now?"

"In fact, maybe when Osamu is older, i'll have him visit his extended family in Konoha for a month or two," Ura suggested.

Naruto and Lee gave both Ura and her child a small hug, then left the room so Ura could get some rest and bond with her child. Ura got comfortable in the bed as Osamu slept peacefully against her shoulder...

****1 Year Later****

Age seemed to defy Ura, who was just younger than 20, but youth was nothing to worry about. Osamu had finally learned how to walk, say things like 'bye', 'hi', and Ura's favorite 'no'. Just like Tenten feared, Osamu clung to his mother constantly, never leaving her side, but then again it could be just a stage he was going through. Ura was finishing up her last class, then once she dismissed them all she began on some paperwork that one of the other teaching Chunin wasn't able to do.

Ura looked out the window, Konoha was just like she had remembered it to be, a beautiful country that can get through anything. But...she longed for the desert, though having a child meant she couldn't be a kunoichi until they are accepted into the academy.

"Well look who it is."

The kunoichi turned to the doorway to see Kankurou holding Osamu in his arms, a huge grin on her face as she leaped over her desk and ran to Kankurou, "You're here!"

"You didn't tell me he was Gaara's clone now," Kankurou tickled Osamu in the stomach, making Osamu cackle hysterically.

"What're you doing here? Are you on a mission?" Ura took Osamu from Kankurou's arms, "Is anyone else here?"

"No, I came here on leave for awhile to see my sister-in-law, everyone misses you," Kankurou rubbed his hand onto Osamu's head, "Gaara was a mess after you left, but now he's sober and is managing his emotions by burying himself in unneeded work."

"I heard from Temari's is he anyways?" Ura had a worried look on her face, "Is he...seeing anyone...else?"

"Aw hell no! Gaara isn't like that at all, one woman is all he wants, and that one woman is you," Kankurou pointed at her, " have you been? What about that scar on your collar bone? Did it go away yet?"

"No, actually, I think it's getting bigger, take a look," Ura sat Osamu on the floor so he could scury about, then pulled down her top enough for him to see the mark on her collar bone.

Kankurou had a concerned look, it did get bigger through the first year of their last fight with Kabutome. He touched it lightly with his thumb pad, but that only made Ura flinch slightly and pull away, "Ok..that hurt... I hope it goes away, or doesn't become deadly."

"I'm going to be here for a few days, are you staying anywhere?" Kankurou asked as he leaned against one of the desks.

"Uh yeah, I have an apartment with two bedrooms, Osamu sleeps in my room so you can have the guest bedroom," Ura snatched a kunai out of Osamu's hands, "He's a natural shinobi, of course."

"Well he does have both your blood and Gaara's blood in him, it would only be expected that he becomes the best," Kankurou shrugged, "Alright, kiddo, come to Uncle Kankurou."

Osamu waddled to Kankurou's open arms, then was tossed into the air by Kankurou, Ura packed her things and led Kankurou back to her apartment. While Kankurou was playing a small game of hide-and-go-seek with Osamu in the living room, Ura made a small meal for both her and Kankurou. As Osamu ate a chopped up apple, Ura and Kankurou ate some salad that Ura had made.

"Three more years...I bet you can't wait," Kankurou finished his early from being so hungry.

"Yes, Konoha is beautiful, but it holds too many memories of me as a Genin. Did you even notice that I live across from the hotel we stayed in?" Ura pointed her utensil at the window.

Kankurou turned around then laughed slightly, "Wow, what a small world... I could see why, but not all memories are bad here."

"Yeah, I kinda miss those days, when all I had to do was fight to win Gaara's attention, I think those were the best months of my life, full of meaning and hope and dreams," Ura didn't finish hers, so she ended up giving her dinner to Kankurou.

"Momma, hi," Osamu smiled at Ura holding up his plastic plate, "done."

"Good job, Osamu," Ura acknowledged her son's finished meal, "That's a good son, get ready for your bath."

Osamu waddled to the bathroom as Ura turned to Kankurou, "Do you mind giving him a bath while I clean up?"

Kankurou stood up, then eyed Ura, she did the's been so long since they last were alone together like that, where no one could really see them. Ura was reminded of the days when she and Kankurou were friendly lovers, she was actually happy those days as well. Kankurou then chuckled to himself as he placed his hands on his hips, "It's been awhile..hasn't it? I never thought you would be married that quick and then be having a kid already... Seriously, I envy you, Ura, I really do."

"You have Leila, Temari didn't leave that out," Ura gave him a friendly look as she washed the dishes, "You've been very friendly and slow with my younger sister, and I appreciatte your willingness to take a slow pace with her."

"Yeah well... Leila is still a child no matter how you look at it, she's still very innocent and deserves the right to be given the right time," Kankurou sighed, "But it's not easy, it was much more fun and exhilerating when I was your lover."

"Believe me, sometimes I wish I were still there, then maybe I could still be a kunoichi," Ura looked down at the water, "I can't wait for Osamu to join the Ninja Academy, then I can resume my role as the best kunoichi of the sand."

Kankurou headed for the bathroom, but then mumbled under his breath, "You've always been the best..."

𝙰𝚌𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗𝚜 𝚂𝚙𝚎𝚊𝚔 𝙻𝚘𝚞𝚍𝚎r. (𝙶𝚊𝚊𝚛𝚊 𝚡 𝚘𝚌)Where stories live. Discover now