Sister Must Die ( Chapter 35 )

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The smokey air in the bar made the crowded room stifle with the body heat that was rising in the air. But, Ura didn't care, she was way too wasted to even care whether an assassin came to cut everyone's throat. She was gulping down her fifthteenth shot of sake, everything seemed to have a life of it's own, but Ura was way too deep in her thoats to care. It wasn't until she shot down one more when the front door slammed open and everyone seemed petrified about something that Ura had managed to turn around to see a familiar face walk in with a pissed look on his face.

"Get up," Gaara growled as he stood before her, "It's time to come home."

"I'ms not done her'a," Ura turned around in her bar stool defiantly, shooting down another shot of sake.

"I said get up," Gaara snatched her upper arm and yanked her off of the stool.

Ura had manger trouble standing up on her own, so Gaara basically had to drag her out of the bar. From the painful, bruising way he was squeezing her arm, Ura could tell Gaara was mad about something. It wasn't until Gaara thrusted her in front of him in the middle of the dusty road, "Why didn't you tell me Kankurou was hitting on you? And what the hell happened between you and him that night we had a fight?"

"Ones, Kankurou-u-u-u has always hat upon meh," Ura said with a groggy-ness in her voice as she had a bad time standing still, "And twosies, that night I thoughts he was-s-s yous comings backs to me to say you were sorries. I was so's wasted that night, awlmosts like this-s-s-s-s."

"Damn..." Gaara growled as he began to pace around again, wondering who to kill first, Sasuke or Kankurou.

Ura watched as Gaara paced, a slight dizziness coming to her, "Don'ts do're gonna...-"

She turned around and puked her guts out in a bush, Gaara waited until she was finished when he dragged her to his siblings home. Ura had puked out most of the sake, so she was coherient now, but would still have trouble standing still, and yet Gaara wasn't helping any by tugging on her to walk faster. When they reached Temari's and Kankurou's rented shrine, Gaara shoved Ura up the steps, then knocked down their door with his sand, then walked inside, "Kankurou, get in here now."

Then, Ura finally caught on to why Gaara was so pissed and why they were at Kankurou's home. She turned and grabbed Gaara's sleeve, "Don't do this, Gaara, he's your brother. We all make mistakes and this was just a minor mistake."

"Shut up, I don't want to hear a word from you," Gaara shook her off of him, glaring at her until the wanted shinobi was coming down the stairs.

"Yeah? You know it's 9 at nigh-"

"You slept with Ura that night when I came to your home, didn't you?" Gaara approached Kankurou, "What gives you the right to breathe right now?"

"Hey wait a minute now! T-t-that was..uhm..." Kankurou began to back up the stairs, "L-lets just talk this out, Gaara, no need for violence."

"Gaara! Stop this!" Ura began to approach Gaara from behind.

"Didn't I say shut up? I'm your Kazekage, not your husband," Gaara stated to Ura with bitterness, "You'll be next after i'm done with the Uchiha."

"And I said that was a mistake that hasn't happened since then, Gaara, and I demand that you treat me with more respect than you've been showing me! I may be your kunoichi that works for you, but i'm also the one you said that you wanted to be your bride. Now lay off of Kankurou," Ura stamped her foot into the ground.

Gaara just turned to face Ura, he stared at her with no emotion on his face. He approached her slowly, Ura took a few steps back to allow Gaara to stand in front of her. As he stood in front of her, she could feel his warm, hot breath moistened against her lips. She was just about to take his hands until Gaara grabbed her wrist and walked to the door, opened it, and pushed Ura out of the shrine then slammed it shut. Ura stumbled on the deck and fell of the small stair, landing on the cold dirt in the night. Gaara turned and faced his terrified brother, who used his puppet strings to get Karasu, at least attempting to try and fight Gaara off. But, that was no use, Gaara sent his sand roaring at Kankurou, engulfing his brother to where Kankurou was gasping for air.

"You don't know how angry I am, Kankurou, and you don't know how much pain i'm going to put you through," Gaara growled as he watched his brother struggle for life.

Kankurou was sucked into the sand, only his hand was sticking out to try and pull himself out, but no help was available. Temari came running out when she heard Kankurou scream, but what she saw nearly made her give birth to kittens! She instantly pulled out her fan and did her Windside Jutsu, blowing away Gaara, his sand, and saving Kankurou's life. Temari ran down to Kankurou and helped him up, "Are you ok? Gaara how could you!? He's your brother!"

"You're actually willing to save him from me? That's even gutsy for you," Gaara growled, "I already know what he did, thanks to that Leaf Shinobi, Lee. As it seems, i'm not in the mood to be killing you, but if I catch you even making an attempt to be intimate with my bride i'll kill you on the spot."

"Where's Ura?" Temari stood up, "What did you do to Ura?"

"Outside," Gaara notioned for the door, but Temari waited for her littlest brother to leave the home before she did.

Gaara went to the front door, stepping outside in the cool night air, but the only thing odd was the Suna kunoichi, totally wasted, trying to stand on her own. Temari ran to Ura's side, helping her friend up, Temari noticed all the bruises on Ura's arms and knew where they came from, "Why'd you hurt Ura!? She didn't mean to do anything to hurt you!"

"Get her back to my shrine, I have one more place to stop at before I have a 'discussion' with her," Gaara turned and left for a certain Uchiha's shrine.

"Gaara!" Temari called out, but her youngest brother ignored her cries.

The Kazekage swiftly made his way to the shrine Sasuke shared with Sakura, smashing into their shrine and going to the room where he could feel Sasuke's heart beat. Gaara uncorked his goard as he eyed the Uchiha fully awake, weilding several kunai and a scroll for protection from Gaara, "Well, what's your reason for wanting me dead now?"

"Did you honestly believe i'd let you get away for sleeping with Ura?" Gaara glared at Sasuke with a deadly glare.

"To tell you the truth, you two weren't even a couple then, so why should you be releasing your hatred onto me," Sasuke growled in frustration.

"Because you are my enemy, and when an enemy of mine lays his hands on my bride, then there is a price to be payed," Gaara answered in the same frustrated tone, "I'm done just watching you toy around with your friend being the Hokage, he isn't going to stop me from killing you."

"Nor will you stop me."

Gaara and Sasuke both heard Sakura's voice as she held the kunai at the tip of Gaara's neck. Sakura had a seal on Gaara's back, making him unable to use a substitution jutsu to escape. The kunoichi of the Leaf meant buisness, she would not allow Gaara to kill Sasuke. Then, another strong presense appeared, Naruto had finally arrived to the vast amount of hostile chakra in this shrine, "Gaara, get out of this shrine now."

The Kazekage was hesitant to comply, until Naruto stepped closer, but Gaara unleashed his sand to Sasuke, burying the Uchiha alive. Sakura barely put a scratch on Gaara as the sand protected him, he kept putting more pressure and pressure on the sand, slowly crushing Sasuke. Naruto was not able to do anything, with Gaara in the way, plus with his sand protecting him, the Hokage was powerless to save Sasuke. Then, a vision of seeing Ura crying and so depressed at the fake funeral came into Gaara's mind. Just seeing her like that stabbed him straight in his heart, forcing Gaara to pull off the sand on Sasuke. The sand went back into Gaara's gourd, Sasuke was barely alive, living with only his heart beating faintly. Sakura and Naruto rushed over to Sasuke as Gaara slowly walked out of the shrine, beaten and his heart torn apart. His bride was not a virgin before he met her, someone so pure, or so he had thought.

'Everyone makes mistakes,' that was what she said. Gaara leaned against the shrine, there was more to the story, and he didn't know whether he wanted to know or not. When he was just about to go somewhere else, his sister walked towards him, a solem/sorrowful look on her face. He didn't want to face her, he was too broken to even look at the woman who basically raised him when no one else would, "Not now, Temari, I don't want to hear what you want to say."

"I know you're probably shattered at what you've been through tonight, so i'm going to fill in what's left of the story," Temari sighed, "Ura may want to kill me later, but there shouldn't have been secrets between you two in the first place."

Gaara waited until she began the story to sit on the ground, Temari sat on her knees and explained, "When we came back, Ura was slowly starting to realize having you as a husband sounded like a slim chance. When my friend got married, Ura was invited to the wedding party and had left early, due to the fact she was severely lonely. Kankurou wanted her to stay and have some fun, but she didn't want to come back. We both know how Kankurou deals with lonliness, and he thought that was the way Ura wouldn't feel that way anymore. Over the years that we stayed in the Sunagakure, Kankurou and Ura became lovers, but that ended when you told Ura you wanted her as your lover. Kankurou was happy for you both and wanted Ura to be with you, but Kankurou did mess up by coming between your arguement with Ura, I can understand you wanting to kill him for that, but that only. Now, about Sasuke, from what Ura told me herself, it was only a one-night fling. She and Sasuke were at the bar Shikamaru and I met at, and Ura didn't know that you wanted her yet. So her time with Sasuke was also an innocent act of finding love, meaning going after Sasuke because of that would be stupid. You see, Gaara, Ura is not perfect, we all come with a history of relationships that either worked or didn't work."

"Why didn't she just tell me that in the beginning? She didn't ha-"

"But she did," Temari interupted Gaara, who gave her a dirty look for it, she continued, "having you was her dream come true, Gaara, and she wanted to seem so perfect for you. No flaws, no history, no baggage, Ura wanted to be the perfect lover for you. You have to give her some credit that she managed to keep her baggage at bay this long."

Gaara shifted his back against the had wall, but the ground was harder than what Gaara was used to. Was he that fearful that his own lover, now wife-to-be, felt she had to keep secrets from him? His right hand met his face, a saddened face could be seen from the truth. In his own way, Gaara was pushing so much expectations on the woman he loved, she had to be a virigin, she couldn't show fear or cry, she couldn't have past relationships, nothing that Gaara didn't want.

Temari placed her hand on top of the hand on Gaara's face, trying to soothe her brother, "You're doing a good job keeping her, Gaara, just let this one thing slide. All you're doing is punishing Kankurou and Sasuke about the past, you can't change what has already been done. But you can rest assured that Kankurou will not let that happen again, you can beat him up later if you like. Before you can do that, go tend to Ura's bruises, you really battered her up earlier."

The Kazekage nodded, he got up and asked Temari, "Is she mad?"

"No, actually, she's worried about you," Temari shook her head, "She doesn't want you and one of the two to fight. But becareful when you go home, she's drinking again, and she's an angry drunk."

Gaara took note of that and headed back to his shrine, he felt guilty for going off like that, but still held resentment towards Sasuke and Kankurou. There would be no peace between Gaara and the two men he despised, though he will not physically touch them, until Ura, herself, hates them as well, then he'll desecrate them. As he stepped into his rented shrine, a glass sake bottle was thrown at him, but missed. The bottle shattered against the wall, Gaara looked at the thrower and saw Ura wobbling with a dangerous look on her face, "You should be lying down."

"How dare you...throw me like that," Ura hobbled to where she was poking Gaara's chest, "What gives you...the right to hurt me!? Huh? None!"

"I'll put you to bed then," Gaara picked the drunk Ura up and over his shoulder.

The woman screamed, kicked, and punched at him as he carried her up the flight of stairs and into their room. There, Gaara layed her down on the bed and forced her to stay there, though she roughly resisted. Ura pulled out one hari and tried to stab his wrist, but Gaara grabbed her wrist first before she could try and scar him, "I wouldn't try that if I were you, when tomorrow comes you'll be answering a lot of questions."

Tears formed in Ura's eyes, she then asked, with fresh sake on her breath, "Where'd you go? I was-s-s worried about you when your s-s-sister brought me here, I left."

Gaara looked down at Ura, of all things she had to ever worry about at that moment, she was worried about him leaving. He chuckled at that thought a little, kissing her forehead lightly with the slight murmur, "I will never leave you by yourself again, that's my promise to you."

The kunoichi was placed under a sleeping jutsu, Gaara left the room to go recollect his thoughts on the past day. Then, he heard noise in the kitchen below, Gaara made a handside to where the sand engulfed him and he reappeared at the kitchen door. Lee stood in front of the stove making some soup, Gaara had thought the shinobi had finally left, but shrugged it off, "What are you still doing here?"

Lee turned around and answered, "I was making Ura-san something to eat to get the sake out of her system."

"She's in bed sleeping, you eat what you have made and then you may go to your lodgings," Gaara began making some hot tea for himself.

The Leaf shinobi nodded and went back to cooking, but he couldn't help asking, " Kankurou and Sasuke still alive?"

"To my dismay, yes, they are, and Temari told me the entire story to what you told me," Gaara answered as he glared at Lee, sitting at the table, "It is not the way of the Shinobi to lie to a Kage either."

"It was for Ura's sake that I had to, for that I apologize," Lee sat at the table as well, just poking at the meal he made.

Gaara slowly and softly drank his tea, but then a random thought came to him, "When did you and my wife-to-be have such a close friendship? I do not recall you two ever meeting."

"It was when we were Genin, after you and I had fought in the Preliminary Rounds. She visited me at the hospital and gave me a desert flower, it's still at my house, and she said she had come to tell me she was sorry for did to me," Lee explained, "I knew then that Ura meant what she said, but she also said to forgive you."

"I remember that day...yes I threatened her. Hm, I warned her to not go to visit you, but I guess if that wouldn't have happened things would be different now," Gaara shrugged as he drank the rest of his tea, "Where did she get the sake from anyway?"

Lee sighed, "From my cantine, now I have to go buy another one."

Gaara just looked at his empty tea cup and then grumbled, "I want you to leave now..."

The Leaf shinobi nodded and obeyed Gaara's order, leaving the Kazekage alone in the kitchen. Gaara went through his thoughts, wondering which to ponder first: his hatred for his brother and Sasuke, his remorse for harming Ura physically, or how much of a monster he was for making her keep secrets from him. He then decided on that last thought, but countered it, what happened was the past, Ura brought no relationship with her when she became his lover. That meaning Ura never betrayed Gaara in the first place, it was only Kankurou who betrayed Gaara. Though Gaara hated the fact that Sasuke and Ura had once screwed each other, it was only once and it was before Gaara and Ura became lovers.

A relieved sigh was finally released, everything was going to be alright after all. He loved Ura, he wanted to screw Ura, and he wanted to spend the rest of his lifetime with Ura. There was no doubt about it, though there will be admirers for both of them at every step they take, as long as those three reasons keep them together, Gaara and Ura will not be apart.

The Next Day

Bright and early, Gaara could hear Ura puking in the upstairs toilet, if he were to marry Ura there would be no sake around for her to drink. He went upstairs to at least see her sober, after seeing her drunk for so long Gaara scarcely remembered her being sober the day before. Once Ura had come out of the bathroom, wiping the vomit off of her face, she then said, "I'm sorry."

"For what? You didn't do anything wrong, did you?" Gaara asked as he crossed his arms.

"About last night, I didn't want you to find out," Ura looked away, "That's why..."

"Did I tell you I slept with Nanima before?" Gaara prepared for the worst.

Ura's eyes were big with surprise, then she crossed her own arms, "Oh really, when?"

"A month before I made you move in with me," Gaara didn't want to say it was actually a week before.

"A month huh? Well," Ura appraoched Gaara, then with a mischivious smile said, "I guess we both are experienced then."

"AAAAAAAGHHHHHHHHHHHGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" came a thousand cries from outside.

Both Gaara and Ura outside to see a huge crowd run away from the Priest's shrine up in roaring flames. Naruto, Sasuke, Sakura, and Lee ran to Gaara and Ura, Naruto then asked, "What the hell is going on?"

"I don't know," Gaara growled as he looked around, then he caught a man by the arm, "What's going on?"

"It's the Priest, he's been under attack by a witch!" the man scrambled away, running with the crowd.

"That has to be the girl you were talking about earlier," Nanima chimed in as Kankurou and Temari made there way to the others.

" has to be Kabutome," Ura snapped at Nanima, "I just know it..."

The two Kages led the way as they ran towards the burning mansion, Sasuke and Kankurou spread out to find Kabutome or Leila, Lee and Temari were farther ahead to make sure there wasn't a trap. Leaving Sakura and Ura with the two Kages making sure there was no trap near them. Gaara and Naruto stood before the burning mansion, Temari used her Windside Jutsu to blast away the fire. With that, Gaara, Naruto, Ura, and Sakura smashed inside. Ura and Sakura wee side-by-side in front of the Kazekage and Hokage, both looking over the premesis.

"Everything looks clear, we must move and fast," Ura stated to everyone as Sakura pulled out the head phones for communication.

Gaara and Naruto quickly put on theirs as Sakura and Ura did the same. Naruto then ordered, "Sakura, go below the shrine and find anyone there and get them to safety."

"Ura, go up as far as you can and find any traces of blood to see if the Priest is dead or not. If you find either Kabutome or Leila, get out as fast as you can," Gaara ordered to her, "I don't want yo-"

"If I find them i'll kill them, just be safe," Ura and Sakura left for their orders.

Gaara and Naruto were just about to find other sectors of the mansion, until the man they only heard the description about hovered before them, a sinister look on his face, "Well... I wasn't expecting the Kazekage and the Hokage together in front of me. For I am the one, the only, Kabutome at your service."

"Wretch!" Naruto prepared to summon the Frog Lord.

Gaara uncorked his goard, the battle was on...


Leaping from railing-to-railing was much harder since the metal rails had some type of warm liquid on them. She had tried contacting Gaara, but his head phone was off, which was worrying to high heavens. Ura then contacted Sakura, "This is Ura, can you read me, Sakura? bzzp."

"bzzp Roger, roger, I read you loud and clear, Ura."

"bzzp Can you read Kaze or Ho?"

"bzzp No, I can't, I think they ran into Kabutome or your sister."

"bzzp Go back to them Sakura, I doubt there's anyone in the basements."

"bzzp What about you? Are you just going to keep going up the mansion? What if you run into the Priest or one of the other two?"

"bzzp Then there's going to be an angry sister or a dead man."

Ura removed her head phone and dropped it on purpose, she had to fight this battle alone if it meant she had to fight Leila. The Sand kunoichi reached the very top where she heard a loud shriek of pain, but huge snakes, boars, and other exotic animals outside a room. Ura pulled out her two umbrellas and easily got rid of them with her Rain of Hari jutsu, then she smashed into the room to see the Priest using whatever magic he had to put a barrier between him and a huge cobra. The Sand kunoichi threw up one umbrella, preparing her other umbrella like a canine, and made one hand sign jutsu, rain.

Instantly, hari swarmed as both umbrellas were spinning at the rapid speed, easily mutilating the giant cobra. Ura ran over to the frightened priest and asked, "Who did this to you?"

"T-t-t-t-t-that and I were just about to make l-l-love until she sent a huge beetle at my shaft. I ran for my life but she kept sending these cursed animals at me," the priest stuttered, then fainted from the fear he had witnessed.

Ura made the barrior jutsu to protect the priest as she went in search of Leila, the one she had to kill. As soon as she turned around, a woman that looked like her glared at her from the other side of the room, weilding a white snake around her arms.



Everything seemed to just fade away, both woman standing there ground as their eyes were locked in pre-combat. Leila was the first to speak, "Why did you come? I don't want to hurt you..."

"Why did I come?... I came to rescue you, but it seems you'd rather be with Kabutome. You're just a little girl, no matter what form you take on," Ura stated as she caught her other umbrella that had floated down to her.

"I didn't choose this form, sister, I had to either take this form or die. If they kill Kabutome right now, then they kill me too," Leila explained as tears formed in her eyes, "And if you kill me, Kabutome dies as well. Now that i'm a grown-up, I have to act like a grown-up, and that means killing you."

"You don't know how to use any power, like I said, you're only a little girl that has been giving a small amount of magic," Ura got in her fighting stance, "You haven't trained long and hard like I did, I can really put a beating on you, Leila."

Leila then narrowed her tan eyes on Ura, a smirk on her face, "You wouldn't hurt me even if I tried to kill you right now."

Ura had a confused look, then glared even harder at Leila, "You think i'm joking!? Try me!"

Instantly, Ura ran at Leila at full speed, Leila threw the snake at Ura as the kunoichi ran at her. The snake's mouth was wide, it's teeth flooding with venom that was targeted at Ura's throat. Ura opened an umbrella in front of her, deflecting the snake as she rammed the umbrella into Leila's stomach. Leila smacked hard into the wall, Ura pinned Leila with her umbrella, "What now, sister? Now do you feel my wrath? I love you, but giving your soul to that madman was crossing my line! I tried to help you, give you a better life than just constantly working and being a slave!"

"You left me and mom so you can be with Gaara! So you shouldn't be talking about a better life when you sold your soul to the real madman!" Leila shoved Ura off of her, "I have power now, more power than you'll ever have!"

Ura sensed the white snake slithering quickly at her ankle, but she leaped into the air at the last moment just so the snake to jump and go right into Leila's stomach. Instead of the snake actually biting her, it went straight into her body! Leila's eyes turned into the snake's eyes, when she made an evil grin the fangs with venom showed. Ura leaped back, Leila's skin became scaely and greaced from the oils, it was like Leila became the snake itself!

"What...what the hell are you?" Ura had never seen a jutsu that could make you become an animal like that.

" older real power," Leila held both her palms out to Ura, "Now burn!"

Venom shot out of her palms, but when Ura tried to block them with the same umbrella, it burned a hole right in it. Another shot of venom came at Ura, she used the other umbrella, but two holes were easily made by the venom. More and more venom was shot out at Ura, and the kunoichi had to leap from wall-to-wall just to dodge the poison. There were many holes in the wall as Ura tried to dodge the poison, some barely touched her skin and it still burned badly.

"What now, sister? Now do you feel my wrath!? Hahah! You're not so strong after all," Leila grinned evily.


Leila turned to see Kabutome at the doorway as Ura fell to the floor, exhausted from the constant running and dodging, and her chakra was severely low. Kabutome approached Leila, pulling the snake out from her stomach. The snake slithered towards Ura, but she killed it by sending a hari straight into it's skull, she listened carefully to the conversation.

"We have to leave now, more of their reinforcements have arrived," Kabutome explained, "You can kill her now while we have the time. It's better to get your sister out of the way first."

Leila looked over at Ura, who was using every ounce of her remaining strength to fight, breathing heavily Ura was not going to give up. Her older sister looked like a pitiful fight that would be wasted, so many burn marks and scrapes from dodging the deadly venom. Leila approached Ura, though Ura threw a punch at her little sister, Leila easily pinned Ura against the wall holding her neck tightly. Their glares were enough conversation to end all wars, but when Leila was about to speak, Ura quickly drew a hari and slashed at Leila's chest. Ura left a huge cut on Leila, leaving a mark that Ura was not going to stop going after Leila, even if it ended up killing her. Leila touched her blood, she smeared it on Ura's stomach, "We're not finished here."

"No...we're not," Ura kneed Leila's stomach, sending her staggering back to Kabutome's arms.

Kabutome and Leila disappeared a second later, Ura sunk down to where she sat down against the wall, the barrior that shielded the priest faded with her chakra. Soon, Temari and Kankurou smashed through the window next to Ura. Temari tended to the fainted priest as Kankurou knelt down to Ura, holding her shoulders, "Ura, Ura are you alright?"

"I'm...fine," Ura winced from the burning sensation from the venom.

"Aw man, these are really bad," Kankurou ran this thumb over the burn mark on her stomach, "There going to leave a bad mark, but they're going to kill you."

"How is Gaara? Where is he?" Ura asked as she looked up at Kankurou, "Is he ok?"

"We were just down there, Naruto is healing from his demon fox, and Kabutome didn't even lay a mark on Gaara from the sand. The animals just weren't quick enough for Gaara's sand," Kankurou smiled as he helped Ura up, "Everyone else is doing ok outside."

"Good..." Ura sighed happily, "I-..."

Ura fell unconscious, Kankurou caught her body before she fully fell to the ground, then he just carried her bridal style. Temari took the priest to the hospital as Kankurou went down the many flights of stairs to where Gaara was waiting for Ura..

𝙰𝚌𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗𝚜 𝚂𝚙𝚎𝚊𝚔 𝙻𝚘𝚞𝚍𝚎r. (𝙶𝚊𝚊𝚛𝚊 𝚡 𝚘𝚌)Where stories live. Discover now