Sharingan Vs. Sharingan ( Chapter 15 )

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((n ote: Kankurou does NOT like Ura more than a friend. When he kissed her, it wasn't supposed to be intimate or filled with passion!!!))

This was it... Sharingan vs. Sharingan, the battle was not just going to be about becoming a Chunin, and it wouldn't be about Ura's, it was far greater than either.. Ura's fight with Sasuke contained the thought of standing their own ground. Sasuke was trampling all over her emotions, leaving her raw and bleeding, and Ura was slashing away at his own emotions, also leaving him naked and bare. Ura stumbled to her feet, she could see Sasuke's every move, but he could see all of her own moves.Then, Ura and Sasuke ran at each other, only using taijutsu until they could think of a good ninjutsu or genjutsu. Once they were both close enough, Sasuke threw the first punch, Ura tilted a bit to the side and blocked his fist, but managed to punch him in his face. Both leaped back, Sasuke threw three kunais at her, Ura caught two and let the other one fly over her. She clutched the two kunai in each hand and ran at him, Sasuke leaped away from her, but Ura continued swinging at him.**Flashback**A child Ura ran around the village, it was apart of her own training as an academy student. As she ran, Ura had a smile on her face, she had spoken to Gaara for the very first time, and he replied to her! Though it was only a few seconds long, Ura was very excited. All she said was 'hi' and he answered a simple 'hello', and that was it. Ura had gotten too red in the face and embarressed to say anything more than that, so she ran off before either of them could say anything.

After she finished running around the village, she panted on the ground, it was the farthest she had run in a while. Then Baki appeared in front of her, "You said you wanted to be different from many ninjas? Well, you can start by using these."

He dropped a bag of needles in front of her, along with two umbrellas that were just a little taller than her. Ura picked up the bag of needles, "What are these? I haven't seen a ninja around here use them... Are they special?"

"Those are known as hari, they are very deadly and are very hard to see when they are thrown. Plus, they are much sharper than a regular kunai or shurikan, hari can cut a vein open if you work on your aim. What you can use with the hari are umbrellas, if you can focus your chakra into those two umbrellas, you can do almost everything with them. But you have much training to do to master both the use of hari and the umbrellas, once you master them, I will, personally, make you a Jonin after you become a Chunin," Baki explained.

"Really!?" Ura had a huge grin on her face, "If I can master these??"

"Of course, now get back to training," Baki disappeared.

For hours Ura trained constantly, until she collapsed on top of her umbrellas, her body was heavily bruised when she was training with one clone of herself. The clone disappeared, Ura was out of her own chakra and could barely move.

"I can't stop...I can't..." Ura grumbled as she tried to sit up, but was unable to.

"You look pitiful..."

Ura turned her head with pain, Baki loomed beside her, a look of disgust written all over his face. He then sneered, "You want to be called a ninja? Do you honestly believe you'll be good enough to be called a 'Sand Kunoichi' if you just lay there?"

"But i've be-"

"Save it kid, you're not going anywhere if you act lazy like this," Baki stated, then lightly kicked the umbrellas, "Such a waste of good weaponry...someone like you doesn't deserve to fight other worthy ninjas."

"I am too..." tears welled into Ura's eyes.

"Now you think tears will make you feel any better? You're useless, Ura, if you ever become a ninja, which I doubt you will, you'll never be able to win a battle, unless your team-mates save you," Baki glared down at her, "Unless someone is helping you, you'll never win a battle on your own, and it doesn't matter how hard you train, or how long you train, you'll never win..."

End of Flashback**

Ura was punched in the jaw and was sent to her back, then Sasuke took a step back, allowing Ura to get up for another beating. Then, a plan popped into her mind, but Ura was nearly out of chakra, she had to savor what was left to go through with her plan. Sasuke then ran at her, kicking her right on Ura's ribs, sending her back on her back, "Quit now while you're still alive, killing you will not get me anywhere, except to my next battle."

Then, Ura realized where the hole was that Naruto had made to tunnel himself to Neji, so she quickly crawled in it. Sasuke then let out a heavy sigh, "Hiding won't save her anything..."

Sasuke leaped in, and saw Ura holding the two kunai, panting hard, using her Sharingan to determine his moves. He brought his own kunai and the kunai clashing began, metal scraping off of each other, only the sound of metal slicing against each other could be heard in the light darkness and to the crowd who could not see. Then... Sasuke found his only chance and stabbed Ura's neck, nailing her right on her most important vein... Blood drenched his hands, the life in her eyes faded.. He released the kunais and let the lifeless body drop, "Of all the kunoichi's I had to admire for her had to be you... You fought hard enough, but I warned you..."

When he turned around, something caught his eyes, it was a shiney piece of string that was right by his head. He lightly touched it, the string was so fine and tough, like it was unbreakable... Then his eyes widened, it was chakra string! Sasuke was about to leap out until strong arms held him, he couldn't make a subsitution jutsu to be free, so he was really stuck. He tilted his head just enough to see Ura's skin rip like corse paper, revealing a puppet like creature, the one he saw on the field! Sasuke looked at the hole in front of him, there stood the real Ura, handling the puppet strings, but he could see the marks on her neck where his kunais almost punctured her skin, leaving only scratches.

Ura took a few steps back, revealing to the crowd how her plan had worked, the crowd gasped and screamed in horror that their Uchiha was losing. In a way, Ura wanted Sasuke to win, so he could become a Chunin as well, prove to him, Baki, and everyone in the Leaf Village to fear her and respect her, Ura had to defeat their best Genin. With an angered look, Ura stated, "Thank you for admiring me, Sasuke, but I will not lose to you, or anyone that stands in my way!"

"Stand in your way for what!? All because of that Gaara guy? You want to get to him!? If that's your only reason for being here, then you aren't worthy of being known as a kunoichi in any country!" Sasuke yelled at her.

She wasn't angry at his words, very hurt, but not raged, Sasuke had cut into her own emotions again, making her feel less than human. Ura then manuvered the puppet to crush him badly, not break his bones, but leave him severely bruised, to where he was unconscious from pain. The crowd was silenced, the one Genin they thought would lose had won the battle...


Ura turned to see one of her few fans scream, Lee was screaming at the top of his lungs, then people began to clap in respect. They knew she could've done so much more to Sasuke, but didn't want to him to stop striving to become a Shinobi. Then, the propter then announce, "Ura wins, the next match will happen in an hour after Sasuke is able enough to fight Gaara."

"I..I really won..." tears streamed down Ura's face, if the battle had continued, Ura would've gave up.

Then, Ura collapsed on the ground, too much blood loss and exhaustion were the cause of it... Kankurou and Temari leaped to the ground and tended to their friend, "I can't believe Ura really won..."

"I knew she was strong, but I didn't know she was that strong," Kankurou commented as he picked up Ura, "I didn't know she was so amazing."

They got her to the medical wing of the arena, where the doctors tended to Ura, but then they put Sasuke in the same room. Temari didn't like the idea of Ura's opponent in the same room as Ura, she thought that when Ura woke up she would be in a fit of rage, but Kankurou then said calmly, "Ura's not like that, she respected the Uchiha kid enough to not kill him in front of all his admirerers."

Gaara then entered the room with his siblings, he looked massively pissed and insane, " she?..."

"Gaara! Ura another room," both Temari and Kankurou knew Gaara was in a rage, Ura had battled the Uchiha before him, and Gaara was not happy with that.

Then, Gaara caught sight of Ura, and began to stomp over to her, until Kankurou held his back while Temari held the cork on the gourd shut. Gaara struggled to get to the unconscious kunoichi, just the sight of her made his blood boil in rage. HE wanted to fight the Uchiha and make the Uchiha scream in agony, but no, URA got the chance first and took it from her. Gaara wanted revenge, he was going to kill her so badly that everyone will remember how mutilated she was after Gaara was finished with her.

"Let go of me!" Gaara growled as he struggled even harder.

"Get him under control or all of you get out of here! We don't want either patients to wake up to see this," the doctor approached the three Genin.

The other doctors and nurses began to become fearful of Gaara trying to slaughter Ura, until Baki appeared and placed a sleeping jutsu on Gaara. Gaara fell asleep, Baki had put Shukaku to rest inside Gaara as well just to make sure that the demon wouldn't come forth while Gaara slept. Baki then picked up Gaara, "I'll take him back to the watch look-out, Kankurou will stay with Gaara and Temari stays here with Ura."

Kankurou took Gaara and dragged his body back to the watch look-out, and Temari took a seat next to Ura's bed as nurses began to unravel the bandages Ura always wore. Temari looked at Ura's battered face, so many bruises...scratches...she had never seen Ura so injured before.

"Are you her sister?" a nurse asked as she placed some medical lotion onto the battle scars on Ura's stomach, where Sasuke was able to marr her skin.

"No...i'm her friend," Temari answered, then asked, "Is she going to be ok?"

"Oh of course, this girl only has a few scars from Sasuke's Chidori punch, her stomach is bruised though, so she won't have much of an appetite for awhile. Besides that, there's not much wrong with her," the nurse explained, "Plus...from what I saw on the battle field before I came in here, she has a reason to live, so I doubt she'll give up on herself to keep on living."

Temari knew that well enough...from the first day she ever met Ura, Temari knew how the girl felt for Gaara. By the look in her eyes, from the smile and way she acted when Gaara looked at her spilled it all to Temari that Ura was infatuated with Gaara. Each day, that emotion for Gaara was threatening Ura's life, she couldn't love Gaara forever, especially if he became the Kazekage. If that ever happened, it would only be a mess, and Ura would end up with her heart broken.

An hour passed, Temari was still watching Ura, even Sasuke hadn't stirred after the doctors and nurses were done treating him. Then, Baki stormed in, "The signal was given, you and the others have to get going now!"

"But what about Ura?! We can't just leave her here!" Temari stood up quickly, "If she stays, she'll die!"

"Carry her out of here then, now she's worth keeping," Baki stated as he disappeared back to the arena.

Temari was getting Ura on her back, until the kunoichi began to wake up, "T...Temari...what's going on...I heard Baki..."

"The signal was given, we have to get going now," Temari answered.

Ura's eyes fluttered open, then she stood on her own, "It did? Then lets go..."

Right before the two kunoichis were going to make there leave, Ura turned her head to where Sasuke layed, still unconscious. It wouldn't be noble of Ura if she just left him there, Ura had to do something, he did put up a good fight with her, he deserved something. Temari had left, so Ura quickly walked to Sasuke and nudged him lightly, "Sasuke, get up, you have to get up or you're going to die!"

Sasuke managed to open his eyes a little, "What are you doing..?"

Ua took a step back, "You have to get away from here, Sasuke, your village is being raided."

"What!? By who!?" Sasuke jumped out of his bed and onto his feet, "It's your country isn't it!?"

"I can't say anything more, i've betrayed enough information already, but...if you want to do anything about stopping it, kill Orochimaru," Ura then disappeared to where Temari was, at the watch look-out to get Gaara out of there.

Gaara was straining for some reason, someone or something had triggered a bad memory or thought, and his chakra was all gone, for some reason or another. Kankurou had Gaara's arm over his shoulder, then the four sand Genin leaped out of the arena before anyone got to them. They ran through the forest, trying to get away, until a certain Uchiha blocked there path with his Sharingan. Temari and Ura stood in front of the two boys, "Get out of our way, Uchiha! We don't want to hurt you!"

"I won't let any of you get away with this!" Sasuke growled.

" at him," Gaara groaned, shoving Kankurou aside to be free from his grip.

"Gaara!" Temari gasped at her little brother, the demonic eyes of Shukaku took Gaara's eyes.

"No..." Ura was truly frightened at the sight of Shukaku coming forth, "Now you've done it, Sasuke..."

Gaara pushed the two kunoichis aside as drool of blood lust dripped from Gaara's mouth, he was taking form of the real Shukaku. In one swift move, he got the Uchiha out of his way, but then...Sakura, Shikamaru, and Naruto appeared! Gaara easily got rid of Shikamaru and Sakura, all was left was Naruto... Temari and Kankurou ran off, not wanting to see Gaara's wrath, but Ura...she stayed behind to try and get Gaara to calm down and to not fight Naruto. But that didn't work, Gaara ignored her cries and pleas, and waited patiently until Naruto was ready to fight him.

Watching the two fight tore at Ura's heart, then, to her own fear, Naruto brought out his own demon. The clash of demons scared her, she had never seen so big and furocious before. Then... Naruto slammed his head into Gaara's, the demons diminished back into their beholders. Ura ran to where Gaara had layed, he didn't have any chakra left, blood encircled him, that...that image of seeing Gaara so helpless was the real battle scar to Ura's soul.

"You speak of 'love'.... Why do you 'love' so many people?" Gaara asked Naruto, as Ura stood in a place where he couldn't see her.

"Because...they were always there, even when I hadn't noticed at first, they always had my back. I could always count on them for helping me when I needed them the most!" Naruto stated, "Sakura...Sasuke...Iruka-sensei and Kakashi-sensei... They're all my best friends, and I would do anything to keep them away from you!"

"Gaara! Gaara are you ok?" Ura couldn't let Gaara just lay there, she ran to him and knelt to him, "I'm so glad you're alive, you had me worried.... Don't worry, I'll take you back to Temari and Kankurou, they're waiting for us."

As Gaara was position to put his body weight on Ura, he turned his head to Naruto, "Naruto Uzumaki...we will meet again..."

Naruto then saw what happened right in front of him...Gaara did have someone that loved him, someone who cared that he existed, someone that would do anything for him...

Ura managed to get Gaara to Temari and Kankurou, on the way, Gaara had passed out from exhaustion. The Sand Genin then made there way back to their own homeland, there time here in Konoha had ended, now they were capable of becoming Chunin. Kankurou helped carry Gaara with Ura, the kunoichi was very worried about Gaara's condition and didn't want to let go of him. The desert heat greeted them warmly, though the winter months was already looming close to the Sunagakure.

It seemed like forever until they finally got to their original home, then they took Gaara to the hospital so he could be treated. The doctors just bandaged him up, then his team-mates took him to his home, his room. Ura helped lay him on his bed, she brushed her hand against his cheek, "Gaara...."

"He's going to be fine, just a few scratches and bruises," Kankurou reassured Ura, seeing how worried she was acting, "He'll be back up and become a Chunin like the rest of us."

"I know..." Ura tried to rub the up-coming tears away, "I...I..."

"Look, Gaara will be ok, soon he'll be skipping Chunin and Jonin and going straight to being a Kazekage for the village," Temari gave Ura a gentle squeeze on her shoulder, "And then...we'll all be ok in the end."

* it all over now...? Will I ever get to prove my 'being' to Gaara now?* Ura wanted Gaara to get well fast, she had a reason to live, and if Gaara was going to change because of Naruto...then it would be pointless to continue after Gaara if he never saw her as a person anymore.

Temari and Kankurou were going to get some rest for the night, the evening sun was slowly dying, and Ura went outside to greet the stars. She was back home... Ura didn't have her weapons with her, and she didn't know if Baki was alive or not to get him to get a new pair of umbrellas and a bag of hari to her. She was going to have to go back to get them....until she felt a flicker of unfamiliar chakra behind her, but when she spun around, both her umbrellas, her small bag of all of her hari, and her puppet were at her feet. It had to be an ANBU Black-op of the Sand, at least they remembered to get it for her...

Ura strapped on her weapons, then sat at the top of the Kazekage's Mansion, what was she going to do now? Now she was an official Chunin since she passed the final test, but what was she after now? During the Chunin Exam, she had completed her Nindo, Ura had proved to everyone she was strong and powerful... And now Gaara wouldn't want to fight her because he was more than likely going to change into a whole different person she had been with for so long. She layed down and looked up at the stars, depression and saddness over took her, what else was there to live for now?

𝙰𝚌𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗𝚜 𝚂𝚙𝚎𝚊𝚔 𝙻𝚘𝚞𝚍𝚎r. (𝙶𝚊𝚊𝚛𝚊 𝚡 𝚘𝚌)Where stories live. Discover now