Costly Threat ( Chapter 32 )

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Ura managed to move around as Gaara finished extracting his seed, she caressed his cheeks as she kissed his own neck. Gaara was about to get off of the bed, but Ura clung to him tightly, "You have been going through enough stress as the Kazekage, allow me to relieve you of your duties."

Though Gaara knew he had to go now, the look in Ura's tan eyes lingered him back into the bed. She placed Gaara against the bed post, straddling his waist as she kissed his rock hard chest. Gaara had his hands on her hips as she made her way down to his stomach. The Kazekage tilted his head back slightly as Ura nibbled at his muscles, leaving bite marks that bled slowly. She gripped his thighs as she licked the tip of his shaft, being careful to not fully arouse him just yet.

"Now..." he growled as he entangled his fingers in her hair.

"No, you will wait," Ura pulled away from him, but came back.

Gaara didn't like the little game she was playing, but was also enjoying it at the same time. He dug his hands harder into her hips as she sucked in his entire shaft, the feeling of her tongue slide up and down made his body lightly shake. But whenever he was close to climaxing, Ura stopped, waiting for him to stop shaking, then continued. Gaara began to sweat harder from the game she played, it was almost torture to him. Ura looked up at her lover, his eyes were shut tightly and his breathing was labored.

"Are you enjoying this, love?" Ura whispered as she pressed her right hand against his shaft.

In a slight nod, Gaara confirmed that she had him on a leash. Ura looked over him, such a strong man was shaking and moaning like a small child, who was harmed too many times. Though she could say she loved him openly, Ura had never told him that she would never let him get hurt again. That should've been said a long time ago, but as Gaara opened his eyes slightly, she smiled, "I'll never let anyone hurt you again, Gaara, never will you be alone again."

Gaara knew what she meant, and though so little people told him that, none of them spoke the truth. He just eyed her, then rested his back against the bed post, "I love you..."

"I love you too," Ura bent down and slowly inhaled his shaft.

This time, Ura was more slower with her actions, Gaara ached in need as she began to arouse him. Ura pressed her hands against his pelvis area, rubbing the pads of her thumbs against him to show him her own arousal. Gaara gritted his teeth together as his hands left her hips to the sheets, pulling and scratching at them as this orgasim brought him a lot of unknown pleasure. As her tongue tasted him like an ice cream cone, she pressed her thumbs harder into his pelvis. The comfortable pain in his pelvis added to Gaara's orgasim, Ura sucked harder and harder on Gaara until she felt the warm liquid seep into her mouth. Ura had gotten used to the foul, bitter taste of a male's seed, so she gulped it down with ease.

Ura crawled a little onto Gaara's stomach, feeling his labored breathing slow and start to relax more. Gaara's powerful hands rested against her head and between her should blades as his body calmed down. The Sand Kunoichi gripped his shoulders and pulled herself to where her head loomed over his own. For a few minutes, they stared at each other for what seemed like forever, until Gaara ran his fingers through her messed up hair again, "What?..."

She smiled and softly kissed him, pulling away she said, "I like where we are, we can do whatever we want to each other. We could hurt each other and not worry if the other one will leave, but we can love each other without regret."

Gaara just dwelled on her comment, then sat up with her still in his arms, "That's why I want you to be my bride."

An excited silence loomed in Ura's eyes, she was too stunned to say anything, her mouth gaped open. After a few more minutes of silence, Gaara began to narrow his eyes on her, an angry look upon his face, "If you don't want to be my bride, then you can get out now."

"No...that's not it... I mean...well...uhm... What i'm trying to say is I want to be your bride, I really, really, really want to," Ura said with a tremendously happy expression, "I'm just so ex-"

Gaara didn't give her the chance to finish, he instantly pressed his lips against her own, making Ura fall back on her back. Everything felt just so right, Ura was going to be Gaara's bride! She wanted to scream to the heavens of her happiness as Gaara made love to her all over again. The taste of his tongue as he grinded his hips into her own, he was all hers now! Then..a blinding light entered the dark room coming from the door, and Nanima stood at the doorway with a smirk on her face, "So there you are... The others are waiting for both of you."

"Damn it, Nanima..." Gaara growled as he pulled the sheets over both him and Ura, who fell to the floor.

"Oh, did I disturb ya'lls sex-time? I'm so sorry," Nanima laughed as she left, leaving the door wide open.

Gaara got out of the bed and slammed the door shut as Ura struggled to dressed. He watched her mess up a few times, but when she managed to find scraps of her bandages to cover her private area, Ura walked over to him, "Aren't you going to get dressed?"

"I will, you go out there and stall them for me," Gaara searched for his pants.

Ura gawked at his naked body as he threw the sheets away from him, then walked out of the room. The Sand Kunoichi was just so elated to know that she was going to marry Gaara, and it showed heavily on her wide smile. She entered the entrance hallway to see everyone waiting, all were bored stiff, and she was the only one that seemed happy about something.

Not able to keep the excitement to herself, Ura blurted out, "Gaara asked me to marry him."

No one seemed to notice, until Lee and Temari finally reacted with running at her with a huge hug. Everyone gathered around, congradulating her, and telling her they always knew it would happen. The only two that didn't say anything or do a thing were Sasuke and Kankurou. Both Jonin walked out of the shrine, they were happy, but also sad in a way. Sasuke looked over at Kankurou and asked, "You too?"

Kankurou knew what he meant, and nodded, "Yep..she hooked me on too."

"She's a woman...all women need a sturdy man," Sasuke grumbled, his hands were balled up in a fist in his pockets, "Like your brother..."

" Gaara..." Kankurou also mumbled Sasuke's comment.

The two men stood in silence, the sound of people asking Gaara questions echoed outside the shrine, making both men cringe slightly. Sakura peeked outside the front door, then joined the two Jonin, "Don't tell me both of you are upset that she's getting married..."

None of the answered Sakura's statement, which made Sakura even more pissed off, "Look, I don't like her, but i'm still congradulating her on nailing a Kage."

"Thanks for putting it that way, that really helps," Kankurou commented with a sarcastic tint as he gave Sakura a cruel glare.

Sakura looked over at Sasuke, even he looked quite hurt at the surprise Ura gave them all. Though she didn't feel the same for Sasuke as she did Ino, Sasuke was like her own brother, and no one got away with hurting someone like Sasuke. The Leaf Kunoichi sighed, "Don't worry, you two won't lose her for good."

"Don't you dare do anything," Kankurou approached Sakura, "If you do anything to seperate them, so help me kami, i'll hunt you down and rip your limb from limb."

"I won't," Sakura smiled up at him, "I won't."

To Sakura's surprise, Sasuke darted her a deadly glare, "I agree with Kankurou, if you try to ruin Ura's relationship with Gaara, I will make sure you won't see the light of day again."

"I don't understand, why do you two still want her to be with Gaara when she both gave you one-night-stands?" Sakura backed away from the two Jonin.

"Beacause, woman, I want Ura to be happy. Growing up with her made me realize how desperate for true, constant love. Now that she has finally recieve that from Gaara, my job is to make sure that Gaara remains to give that to her for the rest of their lives. I may have been her lover for years, but I made a promise that I will do anything for her, and if that meant giving her up to my little brother, then so be it," Kankurou explained.

"For my own reason, when we were all only Genin, I knew why she was a ninja. All Ura wanted was to prove to Gaara that she could be more than just his prey. Now that she has proven to him that reason for living, Ura has completed her Nindo for good. If you do anything to try and seperate them, you'll be known for your jealousy and wrath, making you the new outcast in Konoha. Ino will leave you, Naruto and I will lose trust in you, and you won't be able to go any further than just a simple Jonin woman," Sasuke glared at Sakura.

Sakura just growled in frustration as she crossed her arms, "You guys are unbelievable! Ura slept with both of you and none of you are willing to be angry at her? What the hell is going in your heads!?"

Sasuke and Kankurou looked up behind Sakura, an awe of silence overtook all thee ninjas. Sakura turned around to see...the one and only...


The first village was rich with life and money, everyone wore expensive kimonos and flashed their money everywhere. Leila was sent by Kabutome to go find the jack pot, but she had to dress like one of the citizens. Kabutome had bought her an expensive kimono, brush, and make-up kit so she could do her best to look like the others. The woman walked into the village, her head held high as she made her entrance known to everyone. Most men and women gawked at the new, young sight of a beauty gracefully walk to Hapikto Shrine, where a young, and womanizing, priest lived.

Doing her best to stay calm, Leila took one step at a time to review what her mission was. She pulled on the entrance bell, then one of the male servents slid the door open, allowing Leila to come in. Leila slid her shoes off as she walked near where the priest sat, eyeing the woman before him. She slowly slid down to a curtsy, "Priest Yumi, I have traveled far to seek your works."

"I see...what is it you are looking for in me?" the handsome priest twinkled his dark blue eyes at her.

Leila got back on her feet and gave him a sly smile, "I am in need of purification on my blood, I was poisoned a year ago by a snake and survived. But I get terrible head-aches and muscle pains, and I need your healings to cure me of my pain."

The priest dwindled with his short red hair, his dark brown, earthy ceremonial robes matched perfectly with his firery red hair. He eyed Leila up and down, noticing how the kimono she wore really showed off her perfect hips, "Well...seeing how desperate you are, I will be more than willing to help you."

"Oh thank you, Priest Yumi, you do not know how happy you have made me," Leila smiled brightly.

**Back to Sakura**

They saw the one and only...Ura! She had come out of the shrine to find out where Kankurou and Sasuke had gone to, but when she had heard Sakura's comment, along with Kankurou's and Sasuke's explinations...the Suna Kunoichi was hurt. Sakura didn't know whether to apologize or to brush off the saddened look on Ura's face, all she did was scratch the back of her head, "Uhm...well..."


The Leaf Kunoichi looked up to see Ura walking down to her, Sakura stood her ground as Ura stood right in front of her. In an instant, Ura smacked Sakura's right cheek, leaving a huge red mark. The Leaf kunoichi was stunned at the force and power Ura used on that one slap. Sakura took a few steps back so she wouldn't fall backwards, her hands went straight to her cheek, "What...?"

"You're a bitch, Sakura, and i've given you enough chance to change your actions. After this mission, I don't want to see you near me, Gaara, Kankurou, and my country," Ura glared at Sakura, "And I won't allow you to destroy what i've waited so long for."

Sakura glared back at Ura, for once, their silent war was finally coming to an end. Ura had made her final threat to Sakura, and if Sakura were to cross that line... Then there would be no mercy upon the leaf kunoichi. Though Ura had made that final threat, it was Sakura who threw the final blow. She was a fatal threat to Ura, a threat that is silent, but deadly as hell. The two kunoichis knew where they both stood, and in the end, the final battle will prove everything.

"We need to go now."

Both Ura and Sakura turned to see Naruto and everyone else coming out of the shrine, Nanima leading the way. Lee and Ura walked side-by-side, he slightly nudged her to signal her to lag behind with him. Slowly, and un-noticably, both Jonin managed to get in the back, walking as slowly as they could to be out of the hearing range of the ninjas in front of them. Lee then whispered, "So what happened with you and Sakura? Were you the one that gave her the mark on her cheek?"

Ura looked upwards with a sigh, "Well...yeah, I did, she was pushing me harder this time. So I put her back in her place."

"But what was this arguement about this time?" Lee asked.

"From what I heard, she wanted Sasuke and Kankurou to have revenge on me, but they weren't willing to. Then she said she would do something to try and seperate me and Gaara," Ura explained, "I know what she would've done, and that would kill Gaara."

"What would she do?" Lee was curious.

Ura paused, what Sakura would've done would not only harm Gaara all over again, but it would bring the worst fight. Gaara would not understand why Ura needed constant love from Kankurou, and the one night stand with Sasuke. He wouldn't understand that the thoughts in Ura's head told her that she was not good enough to be with Gaara, then was she good enough for any man? would also mean that Ura's promise to Gaara would be broken. Though Sakura would be the one to give the blow, it would Ura who would hurt Gaara like everyone had once hurt him.

"She would've told him everything..." Ura mumbled so subtly that Lee almost didn't hear it.

Lee just eyed Ura for a few seconds, then asked, "Why does it matter if it was all in the past?"

Ura laughed to herself slightly, then answered, "His brother and the man he has always figure the rest out, Lee."

It took Lee a few moments to realize why Ura was so worried, then she added, "Then add the many times with his brother, and that I wasn't drunk with the man he hates."

"Is there any more?" Lee had a sweat drop go down his face.

"Nope, that's about it," Ura sighed, then gave a solemn look at Lee, "But you have to help me keep Sakura in check. If you see her try anything, you have to do everything you can to keep her away from Gaara."

𝙰𝚌𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗𝚜 𝚂𝚙𝚎𝚊𝚔 𝙻𝚘𝚞𝚍𝚎r. (𝙶𝚊𝚊𝚛𝚊 𝚡 𝚘𝚌)Where stories live. Discover now