Death's Toll ( Chapter 26 )

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"Hurry up Leaf-boy," one of the Sand ANBU called out to Sasuke, who was lagging behind badly.

Sasuke was still in a funk about the fight with Ura and the confrontation with Gaara he had to go through. As much as his pride wanted to punch Gaara in the face, he knew that he AND Ura could pay dire consequinces for an action like that. But leaving without saying goodbye to her made Sasuke feel like an ass, even if she was off-limits Sasuke could've at least done that. He caught up with the other Sand Jonin and thought about the kunoichi, the one woman he had ever fallen in love with. Of all women...he had to choose the one that Gaara had wanted, and from Sasuke's experience with the Kazekage, what Gaara wants, Gaara gets. The Leaf Jonin gritted his teeth, from his perspective, Gaara didn't deserve Ura. But...that was just his opinion, and to the Kazekage, that meant nothing.

"Leaf-boy if you do not keep up we will have to leave you behind!" the same Sand ANBU captain called to Sasuke.

"I am..." Sasuke growled.

The Uchiha had tried to stay away from Gaara when the day came for Sasuke to leave. When he had heard what Gaara's real plans were, Sasuke wanted to see Naruto to send him back to Konoha. That, sadly, didn't work, now Sasuke had to be on edge every moment he was with the Sand ANBU.

After an hour's worth of running through the Land of the Waves, the Sand ANBU and Sasuke stopped at a large river. It was around midnight, the waxing cresent moon was right above them as the team rested for just a little bit. Sasuke walked across the river to stay away from the Sand ANBU, though he always acted tough and hard, deep down he was just as timid as anyone else would be. The Uchiha looked up at the moon, why was he really here? What was his purpose now that everyone despises him? He looked back at the water, his once beautiful, dark eyes were darker, more hollow than he had ever seen them. Kicking a pebble in the water, Sasuke walked away from the river and sat on one of the huge boulders.

His life was not going as he had wanted it to go... All Sasuke wanted was to restore his clan to it's full glory, but when all of the other women were afraid of him, and the one he wanted was taken...who else was there? Sakura and Ino had become a couple and even married, now from what Sasuke was hearing, talking about adopting a kid! Sasuke was half-hoping that Ura could've gotten pregnant when he made love to her, so then he could at least have one child. But, to his dismay, Ura didn't show any sign of pregnancy...

How could he have ruined his life so badly? Barely anyone wanted him around, and the ones who did weren't allowed to. Sasuke sighed, what was the use of living if no one wanted you around anymore? His heart was broken, and the pain felt raw and bleeding... The pain felt like it would never end, like it would keep on going and going. Was he ever going to love again? Or will he remain with a bleeding heart forever? Sasuke looked up, it looked like the Sand ninjas were talking about them, they always glanced at him... He narrowed his eyes, they weren't going to kill him, he wouldn't allow that at all. Death was for the weak, to those who can't protect themselves. Sasuke was not considered weak, his pride wouldn't allow him to ever be known as weak.

Then, Sasuke met his kunai with another kunai that was coming from behind him. The battle was on... Sasuke leaped to the ground, the other Sand ninjas walked to him on top of the moving river, he was very out-numbered. Even with all of his kunais, fire, and other jutsus, there was little chance he would survive.

"I'm not going to let you defeat me," Sasuke stated reassuringly.

"We have orders to not allow you to come back," one of the Sand shinobi stated, "And, as we are told, we must obey the command."

"Let me guess... Gaara told you to do this?" Sasuke sneered.

The Sand shinbois snickered lightly at Sasuke's question, pulling out bombs, kunais, any deadly weapon they had. Sasuke tried to formulate an escape, but there was little, just let his chance to live... The Leaf Jonin looked back at his life, he could've done so much more to make it worthwhile, but pride, revenge, and anger was all he knew when he was just a Genin. When Sasuke was in his thought, the ANBU captain ran at him, and....

**Gaara and Ura**

The Kazekage and his lover were in his master bedroom, in his bed yet again. Ura was in his right arm, her head lay softly on his head, she was tired and content with the love making they had done that morning. Gaara lightly stroked her hair as she slept, his gaze was at the ceiling, wondering if he had made the right choice to mutilate Sasuke. If the Uchiha would live, Gaara would do the next worse thing to Sasuke...have Ura fight the Uchiha... It would be vile and inhumane, but Gaara would do anything to kill Sasuke.

"Gaara, get some sleep, you have a meeting tomorrow with...*yawn*...the Council of Elders..." Ura grumbled sleepishly.

"You should as well, you're the one that has to travel to Leaf at sunrise," Gaara whispered as he pulled her up so her head layed on his shoulder.

Ura began to sleep again, but Gaara didn't mind, when she slept he would be able to think about what he has to do. The Kazekage was a bit nervous about sending Ura to Konoha, Sasuke could've escaped and made his way back to his village. Or Naruto might be worried that Sasuke is dead and will keep Ura captive if he doesn't get Sasuke back. There were so many things why Gaara didn't want Ura to go, but...she's a kunoichi, if she didn't go, her life as a ninja would be meaningless.

Gaara got up from his bed when he knew for sure that Ura was peacefully asleep, he had to know if the Uchiha was dead yet. He went to his office and summoned one of his Jonin, he had to wait before the one Jonin arrived. The Kazekage paced in his office, but when he felt the flicker of chakra outside his mansion, he stopped and unlocked his office door. Baki walked in, though Gaara did not like the Jonin that much, he knew Baki was a reliabled ninja.

"Is the deed done?" Gaara asked, crossing his arms to try and stay calm.

Baki shifted his feet, "They tried thei-"

"Trying is not good enough, is he dead or not?" Gaara's voice became more angrier and sharp.

"He managed to lose us, but from what i've been told, our men had nearly killed Sasuke before he escaped. They are certain he will not make it through the night," Baki explained, "I'm sure he will not give you anymore trouble, Lord Kazekage."

"Tell them they will not return without the Uchiha's head," Gaara stated, "When you return, find a fresh corpse and transform it to the Uchiha, i'll find someone to do the rest."

"Yes, Lord Kazekage..but may I ask, what is your plan?" Baki asked.

Gaara paused for a moment, he had to be very sure that Sasuke would die that night, if he didn't...a war may stir up... The Kazekage sighed for only a second, "The Uchiha's death can make our land and Naruto's land start another war, and we cannot have any of that. All I have to do is make the Uchiha die in his own village so the Hokage will think I had nothing to do with it."

"And what of Ura? She knew the entire time what your scheme was," Baki commented, "Don't you think she'll know?"

"What she does and how she feels is of none of your concern," Gaara answered, "I can make sure she does not suspect anything."

Baki didn't say anything more, from the years of trying to train Gaara, he knew to never question his former pupil. Gaara sent Baki out to finish up his job, but the Kazekage lingered in his office longer, there were too many thoughts on his mind to sleep. This plan had to work, or else he'll lose an ally country, the trust in his people, and his lover. Gaara knew Ura had a bond with the Uchiha, and it sickened him to how connected the Uchiha was to her. The silence was getting on Gaara's nerves, so he summoned one more Jonin, another kunoichi to be exact. She appeared at the doorway, the one kunoichi that had raised him when his father was not there to do it for her...

"Yes, Gaara?" Temari appraoched her brother, "Is there something you want?"

"Sit'll be here for awhile," Gaara sat in his office chair, "You've been in Konoha a lot, so you should know some facts about the Uchiha..."

Temari knew exactly where this was going, and she was sworn to secrecy to Ura to never tell Gaara anything about her personal life before her life with Gaara. The kunoichi was getting nervous, which was dangerous when you were on the hot-spot with Gaara. Gaara eyed Temari carefully, wondering why she was getting so flustered, "What did the Uchiha mean to Ura before me?"

"Uhm..nothing really," Temari answered, "Ura and Sasuke met at a bar and just began to talk, nothing much..."

Gaara could sense that she was lying, she was holding back information that he wanted to know. Why was Ura so concerned about the Uchiha's life? What did Ura and Sasuke form when she went to Konoha? It had to be more than just a bond... All Gaara wanted to know was if he was sleeping with a whore or not, but if it was just with Sasuke, he could find a way to overlook that. But if it was more than just Sasuke, then he would have to take a long time to over look that one. The Kazekage came to the conclusion that Ura was innocent, though it was a bit awkward that she didn't show the sign of being a virgin when he had made love to her the first time... Gaara shoved that thought away and told himself that it was just a medical condition that probably females go through...

"Is that all you wanted to ask? I have to go rest..." Temari stood up, but Gaara gave her a cold look that made her sit back down.

"If a woman is a virgin, she does bleed right?" Gaara asked.

Temari had a sweat drop, why was he asking her that? Didn't she go through that torture before when he asked about sex a year ago? She gulped down her frustration that was forming about talking about that subject with her little brother, "Well..uh...yes, all women bleed when they lose their virginity."

"Ura did not bleed when I 'did' her a few days ago," Gaara commented.

Now Temari didn't want to hear anymore of this, his sister, she had to answer his questions that he couldn't ask anyone else. She sighed, "Well...then...maybe you didn't penetrate her wall's probably way, way up there..."

"I'm sure I did that," Gaara stated, "Because when I-"

"I have to go now," Temari rushed out of his office.

Gaara didn't understand why Temari just up and left, but he was told time-and-again to not talk about his sex life with either of his siblings. He stood up and went to the window, it was then three o' clock, three hours since the Uchiha should've been dead. This plan had failed...a failure that he might regret if his next plan doesn't work out either. Gaara pushed through the thought about the Uchiha's grave and wondered about the other man that had to be seen...the mystery man.. What was he to do if he finds that the mystery man is another Orochimaru threat? From his experience with Orochimaru and his minions was one he would love to forget.

His thoughts continued until the sun began to rise, and a familiar elegant chakra entered his office. Gaara turned slightly from the window to see Ura all dressed up in her weapons, bandages, and the rest of her uniform. Though he rarely noticed it in the past, Ura was very good-looking, in his opinion...

"Good morning, Gaara," Ura smiled as she waltzed over to Gaara.

"Good morning," Gaara replied.

She grasped at his right arm, looking out at the village with him, "So...i'll be gone for a few days, are you sure you don't want me back tonight?"

"You have a job as a Kunoichi, even I cannot interfier with that," Gaara sighed, "Your job must come first before any relationship."

"But we're not just 'any' relationship... I love you, and I don't wa-"

"My decision is final," Gaara interupted her, "I have my own duties that need to be done as well."

Ura didn't understand why Gaara was so persistant with her leaving, but then again, he was always a very busy Kazekage. She kissed his cheek, then made her way to the door, "Goodbye..."

Gaara didn't reply to her, he didn't like to say 'goobye' it always meant that someone would never see another person again. That was why, even if it discouraged Ura a little bit, at least he would know she was coming back...maybe...

Ura didn't bring her puppet, though she should've, but she was just going to Konoha to find a common theif from her land. It wasn't a big mission, but it gave her something to do instead of being cooped up in that mansion all day long. She began to run through the desert, feeling the warm air swift by her without leaving her with a chill.

It has been a month since she had went to Konoha, but this time she was nervous. Her fight with Sakura was almost fatal if the fight would have continued, but she was a bit happy that she got to see Lee again. For a long time Ura had not written to Lee because of the many things that were going on in her life at the moment, but she couldn't wait to catch up on old times with Lee. Another few hours went by, it was mid-morning when Ura finally made it to Konoha.


Ura was knocked to the ground from a bear hug from Lee, but trailing behind was Sakura and Ino. Ino had Sakura's upper arm so Ino could shove Sakura to Ura, making her help Ura up, "Now say it, Sakura, or you won't have any for another month."

"Sorry..." grumbled Sakura grudingly.

"Apology accept, i'm sorry as well," Ura dusted the dirt off.

Ino crossed her arms, "I'm very sorry for what Sakura did to you, and I hope you can forgive her for her rudeness. I punished her with no sex for a month, so that's why she's a bit angry."

"Are you alright though Ura? I mean..from what Ino told me, you were pretty beat up when Sakura was finished with you," Lee gave Ura a concerned look.

"I'm fine, I haven't been better," Ura smiled at them, "But I came back to do a mission, and in a few days I have to go back with a convict."

"Beatcha to it," Ino smiled, "Sakura and I were on a date last night and we saw a shifty looking man. We approached him and saw the sign of your country on a tattoo of his, so we instantly killed him for traveling without a licence."

"'re a bit behind, Ino.. People can pass through with a certificate from now you just murdered him," Ura gave her a weird look.

" won't tell anyone right?" Ino had a scared look in her eyes, "I...I didn't know..."

"Don't worry, he's wanted for death anyways," Ura shrugged playfully, "Well since my job is done, how about we get a bite to eat?"

"I can't, Naruto has a mission for me, but i'm free tomorrow, see you then," Lee dashed off.

"I have to go check on how the Academy students are doing, i'm going to one of their classes to talk about what a Jonin does," Sakura walked off.

Ura smiled at Ino, and Ino took Ura's arm, "I'll be glad to take you out for brunch."

Ino and Ura went to a local resturant that Ura hadn't been to, and Ino willingly offered to pay. The two kunoichis began to talk about how they grew up, what their own Nindos were, and what they wanted then but didn't want now. Ura then asked, "So...did Sakura tell you why she and I fought?"

The blonde kunoichi had a saddened look on her face, " was about Sasuke again... I'm afraid that I do not hold all of her heart like I thought I did..."

"I'm sorry Ino, but Sakura does love you and wouldn't want anyone else but you," Ura took Ino's hand and gave it a friendly squeeze, "Healing is different for everyone, some people it takes longer, some people it doesn't. It all depends on how they deal with heart break."

"But i'm trying to be everything she wants and what she needs, but...i'm not doing enough," Ino sighed, "Sometimes...I think..i'm not goo-"

"You are though," Ura quickly interupted Ino, "You are good enough for Sakura, and if she doesn't see that you love her with everything you have, then she's not good enough for you."

Ino looked at Ura with her baby blue eyes, so filled with friendship and care, but the one she loved did not see that. Ura could understand with Ino about being left out of the mind of the one they loved, how alone and worthless they felt. The Sand Kunoichi said to Ino, "Give Sakura time, Ino, she will wake up one day and see how much she has with you, and she'll be so happy with her choice of a love with you."

The blonde kunoichi laughed a little bit, she looked up at the ceiling, "I am... I just hope she turns that way so we can decide who is going to deliver a baby."

"A baby? Are you two really planning on having a kid!?" Ura was shocked.

Ino nodded, "Yep...we both want a girl so she can be a tough fighter, but if we have a boy, we'll be happy with that too. Aren't you planning on marrying that Kazekage sometime soon?"

"We just got together, so marriage is not in our conversation yet," Ura had a sweat drop, waving her hands in front of her chest, "We're just lovers now, and nothing else. Besides, we're not ready for a kid yet, all we want right now is peace in the household."

"I, you haven't told Gaara yet about your rendezvous with Kankurou or Sasuke have you?" Ino smirked, "Hiding your past from him isn't a good thing, from what i've heard about him in this village is that he will find out."

"That is what i'm trying to avoid, Gaara, right now, thought I was pure when he first 'did' me. If I keep it that way, then I have nothing to worry about," Ura explained.

Ino sighed, along with roll her eyes, "And I thought you were a smart kunoichi......"

"What's that supposed to mean?" Ura commented with an annoyed look.

"No one can hide from their past, Ura, no one, absolutely no one! Every one of our past will catch up with us sooner or later," Ino explained, "History is a silly little thing that has a reputation of repeating itself and coming at you when you least expect it. Gaara will someday find out, even if it's when you two are old and hairy, he will learn that you were not pure."

"That's why you aren't going to say a word about it!" Ura stated angrily.

"Yeah, Gaara and I are going to have tea tomorrow so we can catch up on old times... I have never even spoke to him before, so you don't need to worry about me saying anything," Ino gave Ura a 'you're a complete idiot' look, then added, "I'd take a good look at all of my friends and allies if I were you."

𝙰𝚌𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗𝚜 𝚂𝚙𝚎𝚊𝚔 𝙻𝚘𝚞𝚍𝚎r. (𝙶𝚊𝚊𝚛𝚊 𝚡 𝚘𝚌)Where stories live. Discover now