Hot Night ( Chapter 44 )

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Gaara entered the dark room, the sunset left very little light for him to see, but enough to see the white, silk kimono glimmer only a few feet away from him. Ura stood tall as the sun gave her figure a desirable taste to her hips, her eyes held the secrets of the woman that wanted the man inside them. The kimono hung loosely around her naked body, a body so fragile that every scar she recieved was imbedded onto her pale skin. As Gaara's eyes lingered downward, the crevists of her breasts were seen, their skin firm without fault. His eyes lingered to the soft area where he longed to feel against his own, but when he reached out a little to feel her skin, Ura took a step back.

"I said for you to lie down when I came in," Gaara commented as he pulled his hand back.

"Things...changed," Ura made a jutsu sign of 'trap', then Gaara's wrists were bound with chains to the wall.

The Kazekage gave Ura a look that asked what was going on, what confused him even more was when Ura brought out one hari. His eyes gazed at the sharp implement that softly touched her fingers, how skillful Ura was and that she never cut herself with them anymore, without the bandages. Gaara looked up at Ura, who let the kimono slip off her shoulder a little, "What are your plans?"

Ura slid out of the kimono, the silk dripping to the floor like a feather against Ura's legs. She went to her knees and twirled the hari in her fingers, "I'm going to toy with you tonight, and see what your limit is. Then, i'm going to leave you here while I torcher you all night with cravings a man would die from."

She slid off his robes and pulled down his pants, kissing his chest and sucking lovingly on his nipples as Gaara tried to sustain the groands echoing in his throat. As she sucked on his neck, her hand snaked down to his shaft, rubbing him so gently. Sweat began to form on Gaara's brow as Ura sat on his leg, allowing him to feel her own heat and need that she was also craving. Gaara began to try and move his wrists away from the wall to caress the woman on him, but was disappointed when he was not given that control.

"I don't like this," Gaara managed to say without groaning when Ura tugged on him.

"You don't like not having your control," Ura whispered in his ear as she lightly bit down on his earlobe.

Sweat trickled down Gaara's cheeks as his shaft began to slowly stick upward, which Ura admiringly gazed at. Ura bent down slowly and licked the tip of his shaft, but when she saw he was about to burst, Ura pulled away from him. Gaara began to shake very subtly, trying to contain the excitement that ran throughout his body, but not his mind. As much as he wanted to feel the nirvana that she was trying to give him, it took a lot more to get him to stay in that state of mind. But, somehow, Ura managed to get him there and manage to get him to stay there for at least a few hours. Gaara controlled his breathing as the strong urges began to slowly calm themselves down, until Ura slid up his thigh pressing herself against him in a teasing matter. Ura could see the way Gaara began to blink more and squeeze his eyes shut that she was doing her job to pleasure him out of his mind.

"Lord Kazekage, are you enjoying this?" Ura whispered sweet-ishly near his lips.

Gaara barely nodded his head, not able to make any eye contact, trying hard to not spasm. Ura noticed how Gaara was trying to restrain himself from her, and, in a way that told both of them she will have her way, Ura kissed/licked up his thigh, barely reaching his shaft. Gaara tilted his back, pressing his lips together as a louder groan tried to escape his dying throat. His sweat dripped down his body from the need, he began to struggle to free his hands from the damned chains Ura had put him in. Ura lifted herself, rubbing her body against his own as she kissed his forehead, her breasts against Gaara's face. Gaara licked his breasts, the satisfaction of at least tasting her was giving him the images in his head that strengthened his shaft to it's full glory.

As if entering his mind, Ura pressed her lips against his own, hungrily opening his mouth for him to gain access. A fierce battle of their tactics took place as each other tried to gain force over their mouths. Ura had allowed Gaara to win that last kiss, but now she wanted to be in control, to give them both the pleasure only a woman could give a man. Though she had the thoughts of what if another child came along, what then? Would it really matter when she began to show the signs, the fight with Kabutome and Leila would be over. They weren't going to make love just to make a child, they were going to make love because they were in love and were ready to get married when the time was right.

Ura had won the battle as she pulled on his crimson, red hair back against the wall. Gaara pushed himself off of the wall, wanting to be in control of their movements. He groaned in frustration as Ura pressed her body harder against his own, his shaft felt her womanhood being rubbed against his. Gaara's need was growing too strong for Ura, herself, to control on her own, he wanted to pounce on top of her and just screw her brains out.

Then, before Gaara was about to conjour up his sand, Ura pulled away from him slowly. His eyes slowly opened to see her in front of him, on her knees, the necklace he made her swish between her ripe breasts. Her hands traveled her body dangerously, Gaara's imagination went rabid as she brushed her fingers against her womanhood. Gaara snapped, he controled his sand to wrap around her, dragging her closer to him to where their faces were only millimeters apart.

"No fair," Ura smiled at him as she stared at the beast within his eyes.

Gaara broke the chains with his sand and made the sand drag Ura to the bed. The kunoichi could tell he was going to go rough on her as he snatched the hari out of her hands, bending it easily then through it to the floor as he neared the bed. As Ura breathed heavily, she watched Gaara as he watched her chest move up and down slowly to the rhythm of her breathing. His eyes lingered the body that would belong to him in a matter of months, the hunger within his soul drooled for the taste of Ura's skin. Who knew the once Genin kunoichi was so beautiful, he was puzzled to why he didn't realize her sentual bodice before. Gaara reached out and lightly brushed his finger tips against the valley between her breasts. Just that touch made Ura lift up her upper back, sending chills down her back from her own desires. Ura whimpered slightly, she didn't want to be the one that was controlled, but when Gaara moved his fingers to her nipples she began to enjoy his touch more.

"How does it feel to be beneath me?" Gaara crawled on top of her as the sand slipped away from her body.

Ura opened her eyes, slowly reached up and ran her fingers through his hair, "I like it..."

The soft, light brown eyes told Gaara how infatuated Ura was with him, how she had longed to be with him since their first meeting. Gaara remembered that day fully, how he was going to physically harm her to death, but...his uncle stopped him, it was Ura all the while, always near him, always protecting him from the harm that came his way. Though, before, he was blind to every little act of kindness she threw at him, and so much he wanted to go back and just punch his old self for his ignorance. Gaara felt as Ura wrapped her arms around his neck, she softly whispered to him, "Did I tell you that you are always in my dreams?"

He didn't break the stare as he manuvered his hips against his own, Gaara grabbed her upper arms roughly as he shoved himself forward. Ura snapped her head back, a moan escaping from her soft lips as Gaara pulled out violently, then pushed himself forward again. As Gaara moved faster, he bit down on her collar bone, sucking on her flesh as he continued the fast pace of his hips. His shaft lengthened to it's full potential as it entered into Ura harshly, bruises formed on Ura's arms as she moved her lower back upwards to enhance the nirvana swimming in her. His seed swamped out of him, but Gaara was far from done, though his hips were beginning to grow tired, Gaara kept going, wanting at least one more explotion.

*With that, Ura watched the sun set alone, brushing away the past of her, to become someone stronger, she had to change. No more of being quiet and unspoken, Ura had to be determined to get what she wanted badly. But in order to be strong, she had to train, Ura stood up and went to her training ground, setting up targets for her haris.

Half the night she trained without a break, hitting the entire targets from her umbrellas. At midnight, Ura collapsed to her knees, but she held the sand with her fists, both were bloodied from her hari, pricking them off and placing them on her umbrellas. She looked at the village, and noticed a figure on top of the tallest building, Ura had a small smile knowing it was Gaara. He, too, was looking at the moon, one day....hopefully soon...Gaara would see how much one person cared about him.*

As Ura tilted her head, her eyes squeezed shut tightly, she remembered the ultimate sacrifices for just being a kunoichi, for just wanting to be on the same team as Gaara. Giving up her family, giving up her old personality, giving up everything she once held dear to become a kunoichi for the Sand. Though they were essential for her survival, Ura was now the best Kunoichi of the Sand, the wife-to-be of the Kazekage, she was now Gaara's love. That was why many people admired her, Ura had willingly left everything and everyone behind just to pursue what she really wanted. But...that was why Gaara also wanted Ura to be his wife, she was strong and independent, but was still true to her word, loyal, and knew what was good and what was right.

Ura didn't pay attention when Gaara spilled his seed all into Ura again, but now he was exhausted. The Kazekage rested his aching body onto Ura, not wanting sleep to creep up on him, "Stay...awake..."

"I am...don't worry," Ura panted as she made herself comfortable beneath the sweaty Kazekage.

Gaara rested his head above Ura's breasts, but used what strength he had left to lift himself up to where he moved farther up Ura. He rested his head against Ura's head, she tilted her head to face Gaara's face, but pressed her lips against his own. Gaara moved his body off of Ura, then he turned Ura over to where he could deepen their kiss. As Gaara enhanced their kiss with his tongue, Ura irritated Gaara as she pulled away, "Gaara...sorry for stopping this, but...was I good enough for fighting you before? I mean when we were genin?"

The Kazekage groaned in annoyence, but then mumbled, "Yes."

Before Gaara was allowed to have her lips, Ura pulled away, giving him an urgent look, "Seriously, Gaara, all of my life I thought I was never good enough for you to fight with. So here I am, in a bed, in your arms, with so many questions on my mind and-..."

Ura stopped talking when Gaara got off of her, sitting at the edge of the bed rubbing his throbbing head. She sat up with an annoyed look as well, "What? Just because I want to know why the hell i'm good enough now when you found out I was the one that loved you."

"I didn't know you would still be like this, even after we've been lovers for several months now," Gaara groaned as he looked at Ura through the corner of his eyes.

"Like what!?" Ura crawled to his side, taking hold of his arm, "All I wanted to know if I was ever good enough to fight with you."

Gaara pulled away from Ura aggrivatedly, "Of course you were, when you defeated Neji the first time I wanted to fight you. But when you took my battle with the Uchiha during the same exams I wanted your blood as badly as I wanted the Uchiha's blood. You don't know how much I wanted to fight you especially when you protected Lee from me those several times, and the other innocent people even after the exams. There, does that settle your questions?"

Ura flinched at Gaara's icy words, pulling the sheets close to her chest, "I'm...i'm sorry, I didn't mean to lash out like that... Apart of me is still kinda troubled why all of this is happening."

"Then that side of you will have to go away after we get married because I don't want to answer that type of question again," Gaara layed on the bed, ready to sleep.

His kunoichi layed next to him, she wished she could just forget about the anger that she had once held against him for so long, was hard. Ura loved Gaara, that would not change at any time, but when she dove into her memories it was like a flash back of all the animosity she once felt for his ignorance. Slowly, Ura closed her eyes, giving into the darkness and sleep that over came her tired, aching body.


Though it was midnight, Sakura couldn't sleep, the emotions that she held back were finally spewing forth. All the thoughts she locked up had came back in a tidal wave...what was she going to do now? Sakura loved Ino terribly, almost addictedly to the point where she craved the woman with an insane infatuation. Sasuke was starting to enter that part of her mind again, where she longed to be in his arms instead of Ino's.

Sakura ran her fingers sorrowfully through her hair, why now, when things were already complicated, that Sasuke was torturing her all over again? She wanted to cry so badly at the sad fact that she was back in love with Sasuke all over again. Didn't she learn that painful lesson before? Did she not cry for days over his leaving? No, Sakura knew that wasn't enough for her weeping soul the sad truth that she has always been in love with Sasuke from the beginning. Sakura still loved Ino, but deep down, it was Sasuke she had imagined she had slept with for so long.

"Still up?"

Sakura turned to see Sasuke standing at her door way, where she stood looking out the window. A blush showed through her cheeks, but looked away from Sasuke, "Uhm...yeah, I can't sleep tonight... The anticipation to going to Sound is keeping me awake."

"About earlier...when you said you still loved me... Are you positive you actually mean that now?" Sasuke asked with no emotion on his face, "The last time you said that was when I left Konoha for Sound, but you were just a mere Genin then.'re a Jonin Kunoichi."

The kunoichi's eyes lit up in embarressment, she leaned against the wall and said, "Yeah..about that...well... I really mean it, Sasuke, all this time i've been in love with Ino, but further into me...i'm in love with you. But I know you like Naruto now, and i'm with Ino, so it doesn't matter what I feel because we're both committed."

"I know...but why stop?"

Sakura's breath hitched as Sasuke instantly appeared in front of her, her eyes lingered up to his own. He bent down and slowly touched her lips with his own, taking another step to deepen the kiss. Sakura, inside, wanted to stop what she was doing and continue to be faithful to Ino...but...this was her dream for so long, why must she end what she always wanted? They inched themselves to Sakura's bed, during their kiss Sakura forgot to do a jutsu that would prevent herself from getting pregnant, she had let herself become defensless. . .

𝙰𝚌𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗𝚜 𝚂𝚙𝚎𝚊𝚔 𝙻𝚘𝚞𝚍𝚎r. (𝙶𝚊𝚊𝚛𝚊 𝚡 𝚘𝚌)Where stories live. Discover now