Before Disaster Strikes ( Chapter 38 )

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The village was as beautiful as the stories that were told about it. Everyone wore kimonos, and the ground seemed much softer than the soil outside of the village, it's like this village was not even past the Fuedal Era. The two Kages eyed the village warily, as if suspecting an attack at any moment.

"So, what do you think?" Naruto asked as he breathed in deeply.

Gaara took another minute to look around, the look on his face told everyone that he didn't like it at all, "These 'priestesses' are in denial at the wars that are going on around them. There should be a proper leader to bring this village to standards."

"They have leaders, and they're the priestesses," Ura commented, "And I think they're doing a fine job, everyone's happy, no one looks like they're starving, so what's so bad about this village that makes you think it's not up to standards?"

"It's not good enough," Gaara just simply shrugged.

"Well, anyways, we better find those priestesses," Kankurou quickly interuptted Gaara and Ura's small quarell.

Kankurou had noticed Ura's facial expression when Gaara had said those four words again. She was taken aback by his harsh words, that was why Kankurou had to intervine. Gaara glared at Kankurou's intervention, "They can wait, we need to find a place to rest for Ura."

"I said i'm fine Gaara, I don't need to rest," Ura stated again, "I'm not sick, it was something I ate."

"I don't know, you should lie down," Naruto approached Ura, remembering his conversation with Temari, "You look a bit famished too, maybe you need to eat something."

"Yeah, Ura, maybe Gaara's right about finding a place to rest for you. I mean, you look pretty sick to me," Temari added as she looked over at Ura.

Gaara then crossed his arms, "The rest of you go find the priestesses, i'll get Ura to bed."

Everyone obeyed Gaara's suggestion, though Ura was getting a bit agitated at everyone allowing Gaara to think she was really sick. Ura un-reluctantly followed Gaara as they set out into the village, and found one hotel that was willing to take them in for free. Gaara unlocked their room and ushered Ura to to the bed, "Lie down."

"Gaara this is really unneccesary," Ura sat on the bed, "I'm fine, I really am."

"Don't lie to me, I know what you're hiding," Gaara sat next to her, his eyes stern, "I know.."

A cold feeling went through Ura's spine, his sharp eyes were locked onto her own. Her own eyes widened from the fear that knowing what was coming next loomed through her mind, " have to understand my reasoning, I didn't mean-"

"You should've told me," Gaara stated, "Now isn't the time to think about what was done."

"I know, I know... I meant to stop it from happening from the beginning, my job as a kunoichi is more important right now, it shouldn't have happened," Ura stood up, ashamed of what she had done.

"Shouldn't have happened? You don't know how long i've waited for it to even happen," Gaara stood up, whirling Ura around to face him, eye-to-eye.

"So you wanted it to happen all along?" Ura was confused to what Gaara meant.

"I wanted you to get pregnant for a long time, and now that you are, i've never been so happier," Gaara embraced Ura tightly, "I saw all the signs, and I promise to make you both happy."

Ura took a few moments to really reel that all in, then sighed, how was she going to tell him? How was she going to rip his heart out and stomp all over it this time? What else was there to do now? Ura pushed him away softly, "Gaara...i'm not pregnant."

Gaara gave her an even more confused look, "You had morning sickness, you're moody, and it's easy to see you haven't started your time-of-the-month more a few weeks. There's no other explination for you to not be pregnant with my child."

"I'm not pregnant, Gaara," Ura stated more firmly, "Sakura checked a few times, i'm not...i'm not pregnant, alright?"

The air around the couple seemed to fall down to where they could easily cut the tension. Gaara didn't understand when all the signs were clear as a stream, and his wife-to-be was denying every sign he found. His piercing, icy eyes loomed over to her stomach, wrapped tightly in bandages. Ura stood tall, finding the hidden strength to silently face down the Kazekage, "I am disappointed that I do not have your child yet, too, Gaara. I really want to have a huge family with you, but right now isn't the time to have a family when there are two people we need to eliminate."

"You're doing it again," Gaara began to take steps to Ura, "and i'm getting tired of hearing your lies."

"What?" Ura was ultimately dumb-founded to why Gaara was acting so cold towards her.

Then it hit her, but it was too late, Gaara made a Sand Kunai and cut off her bandages, revealing the small little scar the sat right on top of her belly. The tension in the air thickened as Gaara's eyes were wide from the shock of the truth. Ura couldn't move, she was so over-filled with guilt and fear to how broken Gaara must feel. The Kazekage inched away at the horror he saw, a gag feeling was going through his stomach, "You...destroyed my child."

"No, it's not like that at all! I wasn't pregnant to begin with Gaara, this was from my battle with Leila!" Ura tried to reason with Gaara as he inched away.

The Kazekage was willing to believe anything now, color came back to his face as he listened to Ura, " didn't murder my child?"

"No, no," Ura approached Gaara with a friendly smile, "I wouldn't do that to you, I would never want to take away what you want."

From the look in Gaara's eyes, Ura could tell how terrified Gaara really was about losing his 'child'. What a price she would pay if Gaara really found out, if she ever wanted to hurt Gaara to cripple him, all she had to do was tell him that she really did kill his first born child. Ura embraced Gaara tightly, soothing his worries with her arms, "We need to get away from all this for a few hours, Gaara, to just be us, a couple, not a kunoichi and a Kage fighting a battle."

"Before that..." Gaara grumbled as he slid his hand down her back, "There is one operation that we need to go through."

Ura looked up at Gaara, his eyes were solemn, but relaxed...meaning he wanted to get busy. The Suna Kunoichi was in no mood to get busy at the moment, so she just sighed and said, "Not right now Gaara, how about we just stroll around this evening, have some supper, then just hang out like a new couple?"

Though it wasn't what Gaara wanted, he just subtly rolled his eyes and shrugged. Ura and Gaara left their room in search of the rest of the group, but they saw Sakura standing outside one of the bigger shrines. When the Leaf Kunoichi spotted the couple, she greeted them with a slight bow, "Naruto is inside talking with the four priestesses, so you should go in, Gaara."

Gaara walked into the shrine, leaving Ura with Sakura. Sakura then gave Ura a stern look, "So...what really happened after Temari and I left you alone in that room? Was it painful? Do you feel any remorse for what you did?"

"Shut up, Sakura," Ura glared at Sakura, "Don't make me do more than just slap you this time."

"Go ahead, that's not as bad as killing your own child," Sakura stated harshly.

Ura pulled out both her umbrellas, readying for a fatal attack, until Sasuke appeared to seperate the kunoichis, "Sakura, Ura, knock it off! We aren't here to make a war."

"Tell that to the abortion-woman, how many more did you plan on killing!?" Sakua pulled out a kunai.

"I wasn't pregnant to begin with, butch!" Ura dropped her umbrellas to pull out two hari, "Besides, what does it matter to you!? You can't even have children!"

"At least I respect Ino enough to tell her when i'm having a baby!" Sakura finally freed herself from Sasuke's grip and got up in Ura's face, "That's more than I can say about you, a low-life tramp that hides things from her own fiance'."

"You're just jealous because I was always better than you! I was the one who was able to do things a lot better than you, I got to have lovers that always kept coming back, and I got to sleep with Sasuke! You were always limited with your taijutsu, you only had one lover, and you didn't get to have Sasuke to yourself! Face it, Sakura, you're jealous because I got to live the life you always wanted!" Ura yelled at Sakura.

Sakura and Sasuke were both taken with shock at Ura's statement to Sakura. Ura brushed off Sasuke's grip, her eyes were filled with resentment towards Sakura. Though they would have neutral moments together, they were forever enemies of the past. Sakura put away her kunai, then glared at Ura with a mass amout of hatred and bitterness, "I may not have had what you had, but I found my true love, and I devoted myself to Ino more so than you have to Gaara. You may have a powerful Kazekage to sleep with, maybe even marry, but you'll never have the bond I share with Ino. Face it, you didn't have to go through rough times to have a strong bond to share with Gaara, and at this point, you won't have it at all with anyone."

Ura put away her own hari, then crossed her arms, "You don't know-"

"I do know, actually, you didn't have to lose your best friend to a maniac, you didn't have to watch your other friend be crushed when his lover died, and you didn't have to go through the pain of the heart break that Sasuke had given me. You were given an invitation to live with a Kazekage, you were given the invitation to be treated like a queen, when people like me had to struggle to find our place in the world when you were given the invitation to your current world. So don't come telling me saying that I don't know whatever, when you're just a selfish bitch, who thinks that just because you did a few bad acts makes you live a hard life. This isn't a soap opera, Ura, and there's not always drama at every turn pike. So just grow up and start acting like you have some god damn sense!" Sakura yelled as she disappeared.

This time Ura was the one who was dumb-founded at Sakura's long statement. Who knew the Leaf Kunoichi was such hard spoken, she had left both Sasuke and Ura in a state where silence loomed over the two of them. Ura regained her composture and looked over at Sasuke, " are you these days?"

"It could be better, but i'm not complaining," Sasuke also regained his manly posture, " Sakura correct?"

"Oh, no, she's not. I was sick and Sakura thought I was pregnant, so I guess she thought that I had...well...had an abortion," Ura answered, "But i'm glad i'm not pregnant, it would really mess us all up when we come to the final battle."

"But would you really want to have Gaara's child? What if it ended up like him?" Sasuke stuck his hands in his pockets as he asked his question.

"I guess...well...I would love that child like I would any other child. A child is still a child, no matter what type of kekkei-genkai jutsu it with-holds," Ura shrugged, "Either way, as long as it's Gaara's child, then i'll be happy."

"And what if it's mine or Kankurou's?" Sasuke asked yet another question.

"Believe me, I made sure that event won't happen," Ura had a sweat drop at Sasuke's question, "That would get all three of us castrated or killed."

Sasuke slightly shifted his feet when he heard the word 'castrate', sending a wave of uncomfort through his spine down to his testicles...


The two Kages were busy just staring at the crystal ball before them as the four priestess prayed, which seemed unneccesary when the Kages weren't even there to see their futures. Naruto was getting uneasy from sitting fora long period of time, and Gaara's patience was running on a thin wire. It wasn't until the oldest priestess, of 18 years, looked up at the two Kages, "Please excuse our prayers, this is supposed to enhance our spiritual abilities to your liking."

"Can it be sometime today you four decide to your convienence that we can actually start discussing the reason why we traveled this far?" Gaara crossed his arms in annoyance at the four women that sat before him.

The four priestess sat up, giving a grimaced look towards Gaara's frustration. What looked to be the youngest priestess, of 13 years, then touched the crystal ball, "What is it that you wish to discuss about, Lord Kazekage?"

"'s about this evil, strong guy that's coming to this village to basically slaughter you all to steal your abilities," Naruto wrapped up a few hours of explination into that tiny statement.

All priestesses sat up straight at the bloody thoughts that ran through their minds, and the oldest cleared her throat, "Then this 'man' you speak of is going to have a difficult time to get our abilities. As you may have not noticed, this village is set up with an eternal barrior that disallows anyone with any thoughts of murder. If this man is going to try and kill us, then he won't be able to enter the village."

"And what about a woman who wants to kill her sister that is happening to travel with us?" Naruto asked.

"Same fate," the youngest smiled at the Hokage, "The woman you speak of is perfectly safe in this village."

One of the other priestess then eyed the two Kages, but Gaara could feel someone trying to entire his intellect, as if trying to spy into his thoughts. As he searched each priestess's face, he found the silent two that were trying to probe his mind and Naruto's. His eyes glanced over at Naruto, the Hokage seemed to show the same confused sign, trying to figure out why they were distrusting them. Gaara came to the conclusion that they were betrayed before, and that was why they put up that barrior and probed the minds to whoever new stepped into their village.

"It's no use, entering our minds so expectedly. Our minds have their own jutsu barrior that doesn't allow anyone to come near our intellect without our permission, so you don't have to keep giving me a headache," Gaara glared at the priestesses.

The oldest sighed at the failed attempt, "We apologize, it is our duty to make sure you aren't the man that you're talking about. But, as guardians of this village, it is our duty to suspect everything, and if that means finding out your personal lives, then so be it. Put your guards down or we will strike with brute force."

"Excuse me? I thought priestess found peace and harmony?" Naruto began to get defensive as the moments rolled by.

"We are different priestesses," the youngest took her hand off of the ball, "We do believe in peace and harmony, but with peace and harmony also comes power and no mercy."

"Let us have limited access to your minds so we are in comfort knowing you will not kill anyone here," the oldest tried to find a common measure.

Naruto gently nudged Gaara, then murmured, "C'mon Gaara, I mean it's just a limited amount...besides, what's the worst that could happen?"

"They find something that could destroy them from the inside out," Gaara murmured back.

The Hokage then stood up, "Can I get someone that could pursuade my friend here?"

"Go ahead," the oldest nodded her sighted elegantly.

Naruto strided to the door as Gaara opened his gourd to stop Gaara, but it was too late, Naruto had pulled in...Temari. The Kunoichi was a bit confused why she had to come in, but from Gaara's stubborn look, she saw why Naruto brought her in. She sat next to Gaara and said, "Just do what they want you to do, Gaara, please don't be stubborn now."

"I'm not being stubborn, i'm being defensive," Gaara grumbled angrily.

"Aw c'mon Gaara, don't make me bring Ura in here," Temari growned in annoyance.

"Who is this...'Ura'?" the youngest asked, "I heard of her before."

"She probably came here on a mission before," Temari looked up at the youngest priestess, "I apologize for my brother's behavior, i'll go grab his fiance' in here, she'll know what to do."

Gaara got an even more annoyed look on his face at the thought of bringing Ura into this. When Temari got back on her feet, Gaara then sighed, allowing the barrior down in certain areas of his mind. Temari felt the tension die as the priestesses probed what was given. Once they were finished, all the priestesses stood in unicen, "Please enjoy your stay in our village, and when this man comes, be prepared to fight."

Gaara and Naruto walked out of the shrine, with Temari following behind, where everyone else was waiting for them. Sakura approached Naruto, "So, what did they say? What's going to happen?"

"We stay here until Kabutome gets here, then we kick his ass, that's what we're going to do," Naruto concluded.

"If you think killing Kabutome is as easy as you per-see it, then you are much mistaken," Gaara shot a stern look at Naruto, "We fought him before, Naruto Uzumaki, and that time he still easily ripped through us."

"Yeah but we're all going to fight together now, then we can surely win," Naruto exclaimed, "And he ripped through me, you had your sand barrior up."

"Alright, enough, since we have nothing else to do today, I say we all have a day off," Lee pronounced.

Kankurou and Temari decided they were going to go shopping for weapons, Sakura and Lee went to go sight-seeing, Naruto and Sasuke went for a short walk, while Gaara and Ura were going on a little date. Ura had made Gaara take off the ceremonial robes into a simple kimono other men were wearing. She had on a small kimono, her fighting uniform, and both went to the riverside area. Gaara was getting uncomfortable in the cool heat, but had willingly stayed because of Ura.

The kunoichi splashed some water on her face, then smiled at Gaara, "The water here is nice and fresh, put some on yourself, you'll feel a lot better."

"No," Gaara just stared at the water.

"Fine, suit yourself," Ura stepped into the water, giving Gaara a sly, teasing look.

As soon as he caught her eye sight, Gaara instinctively knew what she was going to do. With the stealthyness he had in him, Gaara moved out of the way before she sent a ton of water splashing at him. When he was going to get out of the way of another wave of water heading right to him, Ura appeared beside him, holding him down so he couldn't move as they both got soaked with water. Ura laughed as she wiped a few strands of hair out of her face, "Feels nice, huh?"

"Hm..." Gaara grumbled as he dried his sopping wet kimono, even more uncomfortable to begin with.

"C'mon, lets go for a stroll, it'll cool you off and I can enjoy the rare scenery," Ura took Gaara's hand and led him down the stream...

**Naruto and Sasuke**

The spring leaves swayed in the gentle breeze, Naruto looked up at one barren tree that died during the winter months. Sasuke noticed the Hokage's silent agony that was driving his friend insane, the death of his own fiance'. It had been over a little few years ago, Naruto was infatuated with the woman he loved and wanted to marry, it was during spring he proposed. The entire village celebrated for the soon-to-be married couple, even Sasuke cheered for his deaf friend. But...the spring later, Naruto's love died along with his new bride, she was killed by her own family, betraying her name. Sasuke remembered how pissed Naruto was, and how the Hokage had the man murdered before him, but even bloodshed cannot heal heartbreak.

"Naruto..." Sasuke approached the Hokage, placing a remorseful hand on Naruto's shoulder, "Keep moving."

" you think...i'll see her again?" Naruto whispered softly, "I mean...after I you think she'll be waiting for me?"

The Uchiha was never willing to participate in an emotional question, but, in Naruto's case, Sasuke had no other choice but to answer. Sasuke looked up at the tree, also missing the beautiful bride Naruto had cherished and loved as much as Gaara loves and cherishes Ura.

"Of course, dobe, why wouldn't she?" Sasuke gave a brotherly nudge to Naruto, "Hinata was always willing to wait for you before."

That was right, Hinata was the bride that Naruto had fallen in love with after she confessed to him her feelings. But no one will ever forget the gruesome murder Neji caused to Hinata, killing her by slowly ripping her skin off with the Byakugan, until the hours of pain and agony had finally killed her off. Naruto had gotten violently sick when he heard how Neji torchered Hinata until he watched her slowly die, and that was what motivated Naruto so much to kill Neji the same way, but even more slowly.

The sad, but hopeful, look on Naruto's face told Sasuke he envied Gaara, finding the one he truly loved. Naruto then looked at the tree again, "Sometimes...I wonder if she would agree with me on any of the choices I make now... She was always the one that directed me in the right path... In a way, i'm lost without Hinata here besides me..."

Sasuke was at a loss to do anything to comfort his friend, but his pride was kicking in too harshly for him to even lay a finger on Naruto. But watching his friend slowly kill himself over Hinata's death made Sasuke want to do something to help Naruto. The Uchiha took Naruto's wrist, pulling the Hokage away from the tree, "You shouldn't be staring at the ugly tree, now move."

Naruto looked over at Sasuke as the Uchiha dragged him along, Hinata had always said if something were to ever happen to her, to find someone that would take care of him. A small smile came onto Naruto's face, though he didn't like Sasuke that way, he knew that his closest friend would always be there for him like a caring partner.

**Lee and Sakura**

The market area was jam packed with people selling and buying items. Lee and Sakura managed to find a small ally way where they could just hang out for an hour or two, then head back to wherever. Sakura leaned against the side of the ally and dwindled with a lock of her hair, "So...whatcha thinking about, Lee? Anyone special?"

"No, I cannot say I am," Lee sighed, "But I must know why you were so eager to duel with Ura when Naruto and Gaara were in that meeting."

"Hey, she started it," Sakura shrugged coolishly(if that's even a word ne more).

"I thought you and Ura were finally becoming friends," Lee commented, "And from what I have been told, it was you who started the fight."

"So what? It's not like it's a big deal, Ura and I just don't get along, what can I say?" Sakura began to get a little aggrivated at Lee.

"She is not our enemy, Sakura," Lee had a kind face on, "Yes, Ura can be tempermental at times, especially when she is hammered, and she can be a big bitch at times. But so can you, the thing is...both you and Ura are exactly the same. Like you waited for Sasuke, Ura waited for Gaara. When you grew away from Sasuke, Ura grew away from Gaara. The time you found love, Ura also found love. Both you and Ura found strength and courage while testing to be a Chunin in the exams. If you really analyze everything, Sakura, you will see that you two could be sisters."

Sakura had a solemn look as she began to realize that Lee was actually right, she and Ura were alike in many ways. They were both well-known kunoichis, different abilities, but both determined to be the best in some way. Each had a goal when they were Genin, and both gaining that goal as Jonin. They even fought side-by-side when Kankurou was facing another puppetteer. Sakura didn't really think about how they were similar before, both going through the same, yet different, situations.

In a few moments, Sakura's bitter resentment was reflourished by respect, Ura had also felt tremendous heart break when Gaara had ignored her like Sasuke ignored Sakura. They were no different, then why did they argue a lot? It was because their personalities were both headstrong, unwilling to back down by any means.

"Why did you not see that before, Sakura?" Lee asked, knowing full well what the answer was.

"I...I guess I didn't see it your way," Sakura shrugged again, "My eyes weren't able to see that..."

"She will soon realize that same thing and respect you as well, do not worry, Sakura," Lee smiled his bright smile.

**Kankurou and Temari**

Temari was polishing her fan as Kankurou fiddled with his puppets, the new chakra string was exactly what they needed to perform a better battle. The siblings remained in silence as the minutes ticked by, both were ready for whatever came there way.

" you think Ura is ready know...kill Leila?" Kankurou asked Temari as he faced his sister.

Temari stared hard at her fan, she was contemplating that same question. Knowing Ura, the kunoichi would only be strong until the very end, when she had to give the final blow, "I don't know, there are so many things I still don't know about Ura to give a precise answer."

"Will she be able to at least come close to it?" Kankurou finished up with his puppets to really go in depth.

"From what the last battle, Ura was scarred up from head-to-toe, more than likely Leila will put up more of a fight this time. And this time..Kabutome will be fighting along side of Leila, but will want to kill Gaara and Naruto first. If Ura saw Gaara in danger, or vice versa...the outcome is unknown to me," Temari explained.

Kankurou looked where he saw Gaara and Ura talking and walking by the river, " you think...she'll survive?"

Temari also joined his brother's stare, the happiness that bloomed between the Kazekage and the faithful Suna Kunoichi, all that could be shattered in one false move. Though Temari had found a love of her own, her love with Shikamaru was subtle, quiet, and beautiful. But watching the love that was shared by her younger brother and his fiance', no words could be described in any language. Temari's eyes were saddened, "I..I wish I could stop them both from being so reckless."

𝙰𝚌𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗𝚜 𝚂𝚙𝚎𝚊𝚔 𝙻𝚘𝚞𝚍𝚎r. (𝙶𝚊𝚊𝚛𝚊 𝚡 𝚘𝚌)Where stories live. Discover now