Departion ( Chapter 47 )

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Wearing her white, silk dress, Ura talked with almost everyone at the party. In one of the few corners stood Gaara, watching Ura's movements like a hungry tiger ready to pounce. Yeah, sex before they were married was nice, now they could do it everyday and he could have a good excuse to leave his work. Around midnight, the Hokage and all of Ura's friends had come to congradulate her, so Gaara was trying to dodge any conversation.

"Well there's the grump himself," Naruto found Gaara, he gave him a pat on the back, "It's about time this day finally came, keep her waiting any longer and she would've left you."

Gaara just crossed his arms and didn't take his eyes off of Ura, who was now talking to Lee, "No, she wouldn't."

"Anyways, what are you guys going to do tonight? I'm sure you probably screwed her around the world a few times round before," Naruto sipped some sake, "Or are you two actually sleep in the same bed without fornicating."

The Kazekage then noticed Ura bring some sake to her lips, it was her third shot of sake, but that was just the beginning of another ten or twenty shots. A frustrated sigh escaped his lips, "That's none of your concern, just keep your Uchiha in your bed."

Naruto looked over at Sasuke, but concern then came on to the Hokage's face when he saw Sasuke and Sakura drinking sake together. He had noticed how much Sasuke has been talking with Sakura in private lately, and depressing thoughts entered his mind, "Yeah..i'll see if I can do that."

Gaara noticed the Hokage's saddened eyes, he glanced over to Naruto's lover and could see why Naruto would look so hurt. Though Gaara usually never put himself in a situation that was not his own problem, Ura's friends were now his friends as well. The Kazekage walked calmly over to the Uchiha and Sakura, Gaara then directed his eyes at Sasuke, "Go acompany your Hokage."

"We're in the middle of a con-" Sakura objected, but Ino had taken Sakura's arm and pulled Sakura away from the Uchiha.

Sasuke looked over at Naruto, he saw Naruto's eyes dodge away when Sasuke's eyes met Naruto's. Gaara had an agitated look in his eyes when he looked over at Sasuke, "Don't just stand there, get over there."

As much as Sasuke wanted to punch Gaara in his face, the ranking system had Sasuke in check as he walked back over to where Naruto stood. Gaara unfolded his arms, feeling a bit better that there wasn't any more melancholy at the celebration for his marriage.

"Well there's my Kazekage...are you happy, my love," Ura came up behind Gaara and wrapped her arms around him.

Gaara could smell the strong scent of sake on her breath, he could tell she had at least five more shots of sake in her now. He took off her arms and turned around to see her slightly pinkish face staring right back at her. The sake he would deal with later, maybe when she returns...that's right, she was living him in the morning to go to Konoha..for four years. Gaara wouldn't get to see her face, he wouldn't get to see his child in four years. The test results had came back earlier that day, and Ura was happy to see that she was pregnant, but Gaara was also content that he was getting a family of his own, along with an heir that could probably get to be the Kazekage.

"Go upstairs, you need rest," Gaara ushed Ura to the stairs.

Though she would've been resistant if she had that much sake, but...even throuh her drunkeness, Ura knew that she had to get up early to leave. While Ura made her way up the stairs, Gaara went over to Naruto, who was in a deep discussion with Sasuke. Both men saw Gaara coming and haulted whatever they were talking about, then Naruto asked, "Is there something wrong?"

"When Ura enters Konoha, send word to me," Gaara stated, "And when she gives birth, send word to me as well."

Naruto nodded, "Sure...anything else?"

Gaara glanced over at Sasuke, the said without any emotion on his face, "Keep an eye on your Uchiha."

As Gaara left to go upstairs, Naruto had turned to Sasuke with his eyes wide, Sasuke didn't look at Naruto, just at the floor. Naruto's mouth gaped open, everything was pieced together, the one night when Sasuke didn't show up, when Sasuke would come to bed at midnight, and why Sasuke always talked to all made sense now.

"'s her isn't it?" Naruto tried to remain calm.

Sasuke was the one that wanted why...why was Sasuke fooling around? Naruto took Sasuke's hand and gently led the Uchiha outside, where no one could bother them. The Hokage repeated the question again, this time, Sasuke just turned away from Naruto, not saying a word. Naruto's heart felt like being ripped apart, slowly and painfully as he stared at Sasuke in disbelief. Sasuke turned around to say something, but Naruto rammed his fist straight at Sasuke's mouth, sending the Uchiha backwords a few steps, then landing in the sand.

"It was Sakura the entire time wasn't it?" Naruto loomed over Sasuke as the Uchiha sat up, "The one night when you were gone, you were with her weren't you?"

No answer...

"Weren't you!?" Naruto kicked Sasuke, his strength weakening from saddness, "You were with Sakura..when I was looking all over for you..."
"Fine I was," Sasuke got up and snapped at Naruto, "I was with Sakura all those times when I wasn't with you, alright?"

" cold, heartless, bastard!" Naruto threw weak punches at Sasuke, "Why!? Why when you were the one who kissed me first...? I didn't even want to be with you, but then I wanted to so badly..."


Sakura and Ino stood side-by-side as they approached the two men, Naruto's rage flurished when he caught sight of Sakura, "You..."

"We came out here to thank Sasuke for donating his seed to Sakura, now we can have a child," Ino smiled as she hugged Sakura.

"That's why we were talking so much, I wanted you both to be included in our child's life," Sakura looked over at Naruto, "We wanted to surprise you, but...I guess now was a better time."

"But..I thought..Sasuke was late and... What the hell is going on!?" Naruto's confusion was beginning to take over him as he pointed his index finger at Sakura.

Ino giggled a little, then added, "Well, Sakura told me a few things that made some sense, so that's we came up with. That when Sakura has the baby, you two will be the uncles."

"Just give it a rest dobe," Sasuke took hold of Naruto in his arms, "Face it, you're the only one that I want in my bed."


Gaa ra entered the moonlit room of the master room, though it was a bit dusty from little use of it for a few months, it was still a nice looking room. But what made it feel even nicer was seeing the now half/sober woman that he had just married a few hours ago. Ura turned to her right side when Gaara layed next to her, down-casted eyes shown Gaara how she felt about leaving.

"Is this a secret mission for something?" Ura asked as she dwindled her fingers with Gaara's.

"'re just leaving for four years to teach six generations of Leaf Genin to know that Sand is their ally," Gaara whispered to her, "Then you can return with our child."

" Shukaku's spirit genetic?" Ura didn't want to offend Gaara with her question, "I just want to know know."

"Possibly so, if they recieve more of my genes, then they could be able to manipulate the sand like I can," Gaara was also worried about how his child could be troubled with the same burden Gaara had to deal with most of his childhood.

They layed in their bed in silence, just enjoying their lover's presense was enough to keep their silent conversation going on forever. Ura looked at Gaara as he looked downward at something, another moment she had dreamt about as well, just laying next to him. All her ambitions of being with Gaara had been covered, now the only thing she wanted now was to hold her child with Gaara in her arms. Flashbacks of her life as a Genin passed through her...

*I swear on my life, Gaara...I swear to everyone in the world, that I will never let you be degrated to nothing...One day, I hope you become the Kazekage of the Sunagakure, and prove yourself to everyone...Then...I will do the impossible for you, i'll always be there for you, even if you never love me in return...*

"Gaara...are you happy with me?"

Gaara, at first, didn't understand why she was asking him that, but answered anyways, "Yes."

Ura smiled at Gaara, "My dreams have been answered, and now I can live without looking back with regrets."

*******The Next Day********

The next morning was a cloudy one, Ura had her bags packed and everything, but the silence was deafening. Gaara looked out the window to see Naruto and his shinobi outside waiting for Ura to joing them. From what Gaara had learned, Ura would be living with Lee and Tenten until Naruto found her a place where she could stay for free. Though he knew Ura would be perfectly safe in Konoha, he couldn't get over the fact that she would be gone that long.

"Gaara...I have to get going soon..."

Gaara turned to see Ura standing at the doorway, she was toying with the small gourd around her neck. He approached her, leading the way down with her so he could properly walk her to the border of exit tower to the Sunagakure. Once outside, the group was then joined with Kankurou, Leila, Temari, and Shikamaru. Everyone strode through the high winds, until Gaara saw the dreaded Exit Tower, though it was once a beautiful sight to see, it felt like it was now the Gates to Hell.

At the tower, Ura dropped her stuff and kissed Gaara with such passion, Gaara was even a little surprised by how well she was with their kiss. When she pulled away, Ura had quickly given the others a quick peck on the cheek and hugged them tightly, "Good bye..."

It pained Gaara thuroughly to watch his love walk away, he placed a hand to his heart, the same hurt feeling entered it like his heart did when he was a child. But this time, he knew it was his heart breaking just a little more from watching Ura leave.

"I miss her already," Leila commented with a hurt look on her face, "I hope four years go by fast."

"We better get back, a sand storm is rapidly approaching," Temari and Shikamaru got on her fan and glided back to the Sunagakure, along with Leila.

Kankurou and Gaara remained behind, still wishing it was last night again. To Kankurou, watching Ura leave hurt a lot, who was he going to make perverted jokes to now? A sigh was released from his lips, "Well, looks like it's just you and me again."

In a moment, Gaara had turned away, leaving Kankurou to himself again. Kankurou groaned, "Well...looks like it's just me again."

The puppet-nin made his way back to his home to see Leila right about to go into his brother's mansion, "Hey, you wanna go get some dinner sometime?"

Leila turned and faced Kankurou, she barely even knew him so why was he asking her to join him for dinner. In a confused manor, Leila asked, "We don't know each other, so why would I eat dinner with you when I don't know anything about you?"

Kankurou was then reminded that she had the body of an adult, but mind and soul of a mere child. Though it was a bit different for him, Kankurou could probably handle the slow relationship, where no sleeping until twenty years into a relationship, "That's just how people get to know each other, wanna?"

The look on her face made Kankurou feel uneasy, her tan eyes were hazed with innonence, but the no expression told him she wouldn't give him the time or day. Kankurou waited a few more moments, then added, "Afterwards, we can have some desert and just hang out in the desert, look up at the stars or something..."

Leila didn't make any reaction to his suggestion, then took a deep breath in and out, "Yeah...I'd like that."

Kankurou had a huge grin on his face, then clasped his hands together, "How about tomorrow, i'll pick you up here and take you to the best resturaunt in the desert."

All Leila did was just nod her head with a smile and go back inside, Kankurou knew she would be a hard one to get, but he'll just have to work hard on her.

𝙰𝚌𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗𝚜 𝚂𝚙𝚎𝚊𝚔 𝙻𝚘𝚞𝚍𝚎r. (𝙶𝚊𝚊𝚛𝚊 𝚡 𝚘𝚌)Where stories live. Discover now