Renewal ( Chapter 51 )

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The Third Year was nearly over, it was only a matter of time when Ura was going to return home with Osamu. Her son's birthday was only three days away, the day before his birthday will be the day when Ura will leave Konoha for the Sunagakure. While Lee visited frequently, along with Temari and Kankurou, Sasuke had come to visit almost daily. Over the few months, after Sasuke had treated Ura to dinner with him, the Uchiha had become a father-figure to Osamu, and a few times Osamu mistook Sasuke for his own father. Ura even noticed the nickname Osamu had given Sasuke, 'Daddy-Uchiha', and she knew that Gaara was not going to like that at all. But Sasuke didn't seem to mind, in fact, he even admired the fact that Osamu saw him as a father, Naruto especially liked the fact that he and Sasuke got to watch Osamu for a few days of the week.

Summer was approaching rapidly, and Ura knew the weather in Suna was going to be treacherous for Osamu to wear the same clothes he wore in Konoha. So, she had planned to find Gaara's old clothes and dress Osamu in Gaara's child clothing. As she finished up her Genin class, she then told her students she wouldn't be returning to the next class because she was heading home.

"No! You can't leave Ura-sensei! We need you here in Konoha," one of her students rose from her chair, "If you leave, who's gonna teach us about our Suna allies?"

"I've taught you everything you need to know, and when you all become Chunin you can visit me, my husband, and my son," Ura smiled as she stood in front of her desk, "I'll visit Konoha sometimes when my son becomes a Genin and comes here for the Chunin Exams, when he's older of course. Maybe one of you will be teaching him when you become a Chunin or a Jonin."

"Ura-sensei! Ura-sensei!" Chio, now a Chunin, burst into the classroom, "I heard you were leaving in two days! You can't be leaving so soon!"

"I am, I have to return home to the Kazekage so he can see his son as well," Ura looked up at Chio, "If I didn't go back home, i'm pretty sure none of you will like it if my husband comes to Konoha himself."

The students began to chatter amungst themselves of that thought, Ura didn't know Gaara was so well-known in this village, "But I assure you, the Kazekage would never bring that trouble upon Konoha, he never would even think of that."

"Is it true that Osamu has Shukaku inside of him?" one of the students raised their hands, "Does that mean he's dangerous?"

Ura didn't take offense to that question, they were curious Genin who don't understand that Shukaku can be controled. The kunoichi took a long breath, "No, my son is not dangerous, the spirit Shukaku is heavily watched by my eyes and by the Kazekage's eyes. You must remember, the Kazekage once had the spirit of Shukaku inside of him as well, but he has been relieved of that burden. So, the Kazekage is going to watch the spirit in Osamu, and will make sure that Osamu doesn't have to go through any troubles with that spirit inside of him."

"But how did it get there, Ura-sensei? Don't you have to place a spirit inside of them?" Chio asked as he sat on the floor, "Or is there a different way?"

"Well, since the Kazekage had Shukaku for such a long time, the spirit demon became a part of his DNA. Since Osamu has almost all of my husband's DNA, it is only natural that Osamu was given a portion of the demon Shukaku," Ura answered as best as she could.

"Please don't go back, Ura-sensei," a few students cried out.

"Ura-sensei, we need you here," Chio stood up again, fixing his glasses, "If you go, then i'm going too!"

Ura laughed a little at how simple-minded Chio was, though he was always such a good student. She smiled brightly at her students, "I'll always remember all of you when I return to my home country an-"

"Tell us when you were a Genin!" Chio interupted her, "C'mon, you've always promised us that you would tell us what you were like!"

The Suna kunoichi sighed, she was never going to leave the classroom alive, but as long as the students were happy then she would stay awhile longer, "Fine, fine... Before I was in the Suna Ninja Academy, I was a working girl for a working family, keeping to myself. When I was told I had the Sharingan, a man named Baki came and told me I was to join the academy. I passed with above average grades, but I trained exsessively, until my parents saw that the life of a ninja was not my life. With that thought, I had abandoned my family and continued to train as hard as I could. One day, Baki came to me and told me I was to join the Suna Team, which was the Kazekage, Gaara, his siblings, Kankurou and Temari.

As you all know, I trained with two umbrellas and hari, and I became a master with those weapons. While I was here for my Chunin Exams, I had killed many other Genin, but i'm not going to get into that. In the Preliminary Rounds I faced the man that we all know, Neji Hyuuga," a gasp came from every student, since they all knew he was the one who murdered Hinata Hyuuga, "and I won the match, though it took me forever to defeat him. In the final rounds, I was to fight to Sasuke Uchiha," another gasp came from every student, since they all heard about how Sasuke betrayed their country, "and I was heavily injured, but I won either way. That was the year when Sound and my country invaded Konoha, though it was an order that neither I, nor my team, could refuse. Gaara then fought your current Hokage, Naruto, and Naruto had won the battle.

Ever since then, i've been leading my life as a hard-working kunoichi, which then gave me the title as the best kunoichi in Suna."

" did you get to marry the Kazekage?" Chio asked before Ura had the chance to at least attempt to make another attempt to leave.

Ura was getting a little annoyed at her students, but began to rub her temples to calm her down, "Well...Gaara was still the Kazekage, and he had assigned me on the mission that ended my bills and debt to the village. You could say the Kazekage and I had a fond feeling for each other, and so he just popped the question while we were...talking about the mission."


"No more questions, I have to go pack my clothes and Osamu's clothes, if you want to come see me again, head to the Land of Wind, then look for the Kazekage," Ura silenced her students, then Chio approached her with a long box, "Chio...did you get me a gift?"

"Yes, Ura-sensei, every student you had before pitched in and...we bout you this golden locket of a twister because of your best ninjutsu/taijutsu attack," Chio opened the box, then put the necklace on Ura's neck.

"This is very sweet...thank you all," Ura hugged Chio, then disappeared in a fog of smoke so she didn't have to get teary eyed.

Sasuke was watching Osamu as Ura walked in, fiddling with the two necklaces she carried around her neck. As soon as Osamu caught sight of his mother, he ran at her and hugged her legs tightly, "Mama-san, you're home!"

"Good to see you too, Osamu. How are you Sasuke? Was he good today?" Ura picked up Osamu as the Uchiha stood up.

"Yeah, he waas good," Sasuke walked over to her and tossled Osamu's crimson hair.

"Mama-san, can Daddy-Uchiha come with us?" Osamu grinned at his mother, "Please?"

"I'm afraid he can't, Osamu, Daddy-Uchiha has to stay here with the Hokage. Don't you want to see your real daddy?" Ura knew if Osamu made a fuss about not seeing 'Daddy-Uchiha' in front of Gaara, there would be a lot of arguements about how Ura was raising Osamu in Konoha.

"But I want Daddy-Uchiha to come! I don't want to go without him!" Osamu scrambled into Sasuke's arms, gripping his tiny arms around Sasuke's neck.

"I'm sorry, Sasuke, but it's best if you leave now, i'll write to Lee to tell you when you can come up to see Osamu, alright?" Ura asked as she fumbled with Osamu to where he was back in her arms.

"Yeah..." Sasuke mumbled as he left the apartment.

As Osamu began to wail to the fact he wouldn't be seeing his 'Daddy-Uchiha' again for a long time, Ura did the best she could to dress Osamu in the clothes she had sent Temari to get for her. Though they were a bit bigger on Osamu, Gaara's old kid clothes seemed to fit Osamu perfectly. Osamu was then silenced by Ura's stern voice, "If you keep on screaming, then i'll make sure you can't sit on that but for a week!"

Osamu, even at the young age of three, knew his mother meant what she said. Sniffing terribly, Osamu picked up a few toys and began to help his mother out as best as he could. Ura had finally finished up the packing around sunset, now the only thing left to do was to say goodbye to her dearest friend. She walked to the door and opened it, Lee stood outside with a solemn/sad face on, "May I come in?"

Ura opened the door fully, but instead of just walking in, Lee stepped in and embraced Ura softly, but just tight enough. This time, both knew it would be a very, very long time before they would be able to see each other again. Soft tears ran down Ura's eyes, her friendship with Lee had lasted longer than her relationship with Gaara, Lee was like the brother that Kankurou was to her. Lee dug his eyes on her shoulder, the same tears of grief bled on her uniform and bandages. Though his love for Tenten was great, his admiration and sisterly-love for Ura was even greater, all of the respect he held for higher shinobi had also rested upon Ura as one of the best people he has ever come across.

The kunoichi returned Lee's strong embrace, it was like the first time Ura had to leave Lee when she was a Genin, how bad she had felt for abandoning him. Their embrace continued for a long time, Lee then slightly held her arms as he faced her, "I will visit you for a weekend once a month, that is all I can promise."

"Oh Lee...if I had truly moved on from Gaara and moved here...I would've fallen in love with you," Ura smiled as she tried to wipe her tears away, "Thank you for being there for me, and not hammering me about what the things I did wrong."

"I believe I would have fallen for you as well, and I am greatful I met you so long ago," Lee smiled at her, "Please, if anything happens to you or Osamu, you know you can always stay with me and Tenten as long as you want."

"Mama-san...what's Daddy-Lee doing here?" Osamu walked out of his room.

Lee looked over at Osamu, then walked over to his god-son, "You be good to your mother, she is a strong woman that loves you very much, and has been waiting so long to have you."

Osamu nodded his head, then Lee patted his head as he turned to Ura, "If you want me to help him with his taijutsu, send him to me."

"I will Lee, well...we better get to bed, I want to head off in the morning. Temari is picking us up and is gliding us back to Suna," Ura had a saddened look, "I know it's too soon to go home, but... I really miss Gaara, and I know he's dying to see his son."

"I can understand his impatience, have a safe trip back home, Ura," Lee hugged Ura one last time, "And stay out of trouble, I think you will be having an early retirement."

"Well...I don't think so, being a kunoichi is what I chose to be until I die... I'll stop doing missions for a few years so Osamu can train to be a good ninja, but i'm not going to stop," Ura looked over at Osamu, who began to manipulate the sand again, "Besides, Gaara is going to help Osamu with his sand techniques, and i'm no help there."

Lee placed a hand on her shoulder, "I only wish the best of luck to you, Ura, so...I do not want to say goodbye, but...what else is there to say?"

Ura didn't know what to say either, so she looked up at him with one of her defiant smiles, "How about...'until next time'?"

The shinobi returned her triumphant smile with one of Gai-sensei's 'nice guy' pose, "Of course! Until next time, my friend, then we will go for some sake to talk about our children."

They shared one last hug, then Lee left for the night, leaving only Osamu and his mother in the living room. Ura clamped her hands together, "Alright, Osamu, it's time for bed. What book do you want me to read tonight?"

Osamu scrambled to his bed and into the covers, "Tell me what Daddy is like again, Mama-san."

Ura put on Osamu's night-light and sat at the side of his bed, "Well...your father is a very..stern man that is not used to having children around his home, so it will be awhile before he is used to us being home again. But, the reason to why I love your father is his sense of protection, your father will go beyond the normal bounds just to make sure you will be happy. If there is anyone that is picking on you or makes you feel bad about yourself, you just tell your father and he will make sure you're happy again. But, Osamu, a few days after we return to our real home, you will be joining the ninja academy."

"Ninja academy? Why, Mama-san?" Osamu's eyes were huge at his fate.

"Because everyone else in our family has become a ninja, and, who knows, you may become the next Kazekage," Ura kissed her son's forehead, "Now go to sleep, we will need to leave early to beat the sun when we enter the desert."

"Ok, Mama-san," Osamu closed his eyes as he turned to his side.

Ura quietly left the room and went to her own room, making sure she had everything to leave in the morning. She looked in her mirror that reflected her entire body, was she getting too old to wear such a provocative uniform? Yes, it was easy to run and fight in, but she was going to be raising Osamu for awhile, well until he becomes a Genin then she can continue her kunoichi path. She placed her hands on her waist, was that an inch of fat laying on her thighs for not training as hard as she used to? No, Ura couldn't be getting that much weight, but it didn't matter, youth goes away with time so it was only natural that she would thicken out just a little. Plus, she looked kind of cute with a little meat on her bones.

The kunoichi layed on her bed, it would be her last night sleep in Konoha, for a very long, long, long, long time. She knew Gaara wouldn't let her leave the village again for that period of time again, or at least she had a feeling that was how it was going to be. A sigh left her lips, how was Osamu going to react to see his father was nothing like Naruto, Lee, or Sasuke? Yeah, he's used to Kankurou and Shikamaru, but Osamu didn't fully grasp what Gaara's personality was like... Then there was the deal with Osamu's admiration for Sasuke...Ura remembered that night when her senses were slipped up. How could she let that happen all over again? Yes, she did think of Gaara while Sasuke screwed her harshly, wasn't the same, Gaara was much shyer and waited for her reaction before plunging into a new position or did something different than what he normally did.

*What is it going to be like when we return to our homeland? Will it just be Gaara? Or will the others be there? I wonder if Temari is pregnant yet... Kankurou didn't tell me if he was going to get married with Leila yet... Well, spiritually she's still a child and shouldn't be even thinking about marriage yet with Kankurou at all,* Ura contimplated in her mind.

Then, the searing pain went into her collar bone, she arched her back as the firery wave ceased down to a feeling of hunger...a more abnormal hunger, not for food. That was becoming normal, that the mark would become bigger or the wave of pain swept through her. Ura touched the sensitive area on her collar bone, instead of a jolt of agony, the way her fingers pressed against her skin aphrodisiac. Her womanhood burned with lust as she rubbed gently against the mark on her collar bone. The desire to be touched by Gaara...the have his power.

Ura's eyes burst open as a dangerous throat loomed through her mind, such a trecherous idea. She rubbed her temples as the darkness engulfed her mind, leaving her in a peaceful sleep...

***A Few Hours Later***

A gust of wind awoke Ura, the sign that her escort had arrived in Konoha safely. Ura dragged herself out of the bed, and got the huge bag of houseware stuff she had bought over her shoulder. With one glance back at the room, she went to her son's room to carry him as he slept peacefully in the night. The picture frames off all of her dear friends in Konoha stabbed her back as she carried her son, her bag of houseware mixed with her umbrellas on her back with her hari bag, plus her son's clothes and all of his toys. Ura exited the house, making very sure that her son was not going to wake up from her jerking movements.

Temari spotted Ura as the kunoichi neared the exit gates, opening her fan quietly to not stir the sleeping child. Ura gave a sad smile at Temari that told the woman how she was glad to go home, but would miss her life in Konoha. Temari knew how Ura felt, the life she had in Suna was much different than the life in Konoha. Once Ura was securely in with Osamu, along with their material goods, Temari used her chakra to lift the fan off the ground, and glide in the air to Suna.

"Is Gaara up?" Ura whispered ever so slightly to Temari.

"Yes, but there is one thing that you need to know," Temari looked behind her, returning the whisper, "Some of the civilians are disliking Gaara's rule over the village, and they have added you onto the list. I would keep an eye on your son, just to make sure he doesn't get to be the center of the civilian's anguish."

"How bad has it gotten?" Ura was worried about Osamu's safety now.

"Not too bad, but...just make sure he's with other kids that are his playmates," Temari ended the conversation.

The sun began to rise in the desert, which means they had a few more hours before the sun would become a threat to all of them. Ura placed her son's head on the top of her breasts, to shade the sun-rayes away from his face, his skin isn't ready to be used to the desert heat yet. In the distance, Ura saw the faint figures of her home village, then...a smile reached her lips. Gaara stood at the tower where they had parted, his face emotionless, arms crossed at his chest, but just seeing him made Ura feel like she needed to come home.

Temari sped the fan a little more, then glided to the ground, Ura dropped her bags and leaped to the ground with her sons sleeping peacefully in her arms. Gaara's eyes locked onto Ura's eyes, the connection that they shared replenished with the rush of love and care Ura always had for Gaara. As Temari walked over to Ura, bags at her feet, Ura handed her sleeping child to Temari. Once Temari had a good grip on Osamu, Ura walked over to Gaara, who did the same. The two met at a medium, where they were face-to-face, Gaara leaned forward and rested his chin against her shoulder, holding her upper arms. Ura held his own upper arms as she softly kissed the flesh next to her mouth, reassuring them both that they were together again.

After a few moments of feeling each other against them, Gaara got back in a straight position and looked over at his son in his sister's arms. Gaara left Ura's side and went over to Osamu, Temari extended the child to Gaara, the Kazekage looked at the child that looked exactly like him. He held his son in a cradled position so Osamu could rest peacefully, Gaara gazed softly, in a stern way, at the sleeping child in his arms. This was his chance to make-up for the loss of his own childhood, as long as Osamu was happy and didn't end up anyway that Gaara ended up, then...the Kazekage could die a peaceful death. Ura walked over to Gaara, "This is Osamu...our son."

Gaara pressed his thumb pad gently onto Osamu's forehead, slowly rubbing the soft skin beneath his finger. The Kazekage turned and left in silence, Ura remained behind, thanking Temari for getting up so early to bring her back to Suna. Temari only smiled and handed the baggage over to Ura one at a time, "Gaara seems really happy that you brought Osamu home."

"I saw that...I hope Osamu gets used to Gaara as his one-and-only father figure now, he was used to seeing different father-figures daily," Ura had an exhasperated sigh, "The last thing Gaara and I need is a discussion about how I raised Osamu alone in Konoha."

Ura then made her way to her old home, how aged the mansion looked than it did when she was just a Genin. Now, the hardened sand looked cracked and marred from heavy sand storms that raged through the village mercilessly. She stepped into the mansion, sliding the door shut as Ura could faintly hear the footsteps of Gaara in the upstairs corridors. Ura went to where she heard the footsteps, then a flash of ceremonial robes wrapped around a corner, and disappeared into a room. Outside the different room, Ura listened to Gaara whisper to Osamu...

"I promise to not let you grow up to be known as a monster."

His wife peeked into the room ever so slightly just to be amazed that Gaara had made sure the room was decorated in the way Ura had written to Leila. The floor had a rub almost the size of the room that was a burgandy red with an elaborate sign of Suna in the middle. On the walls were pictures of the Suna Ninja Academy, along with various playgrounds in the village, and one picture of an isolated oasis that was rumored to have gone dry. Both circular windows were glassed and had burgandy curtains made of velvet to darken or lighten the room when pulled open or closed shut. The distinct brown of the sod that made the mansion stood out the burgandy to give Osamu a warm feeling. Several bookcases that were filled bottom to top of myths, legends, old stories, and recent stories, anything that Gaara could find. And the bed...pearl white satin sheets kept Osamu cool in the desert heat, and the burgandy cover allowed Osamu some comfortable warmth to help him sleep during the night. The bed was to the side of one of the windows, and on the windowsill, facing the bed pillow of white satin, were pictures of both Gaara and Ura when they were only Genin.

Ura walked into the room in awe, she didn't know that Gaara had went all out to make sure all of this came up. Gaara had layed Osamu down in the bed and pulled the sheets to his son's shoulders, then turned to Ura, "I followed what you wanted in his room."

"I didn't would do all of that," Ura whispered as she and Gaara left the room in silence, "Now all I have to do is put a few more pictures from Konoha in his room for comfort."

"That won't be necessary," Gaara commented as he lifted his right hand slightly to wave off that notion, "He's in Suna now, not Konoha."

"The change will scare him, Gaara, three-year-old boys are not known for their love for change. Osamu will want to see the friends he made with other children, and the others that watched him for me when I was working on that mission for you during the day," Ura explained, "It wouldn't surprise if he woke up in a fit of anger."

"Then allow him to have that fit, he's not in Konoha anymore. I have a few days off of my work, so I will spend time with my son so he will not need to look at pictures for remembrance," Gaara pointed out as they entered their own room, "For now, get in the bed."

"It's a bit early don't you think? We will have to get up in a few hours," Ura commented as she crawled into the soft bed she had missed so much before.

"I don't care," Gaara got in the bed and manuvered himself to where he was directly above Ura, "I haven't seen you in three years."

Ura had a relieved look on her face as she reached up and touched Gaara's cheek, how soft it felt against her palm, "It has been a long time since I have felt you inside me... I missed you, alot."

Gaara hushed her with his lips, snaking his tongue passed her lips to fight the familiar war of power, but this time Ura was more willing to win for dominance...


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